Old Elite mogs and old gladiator mounts

Hello PvP enjoyers, I wanna talk about something whats on my mind since I started doing pvp, why are old PvP rewards unobtainable.

Now pls put away the pitchforks and the scyhtes, let me explain. Wow PvPers are a dying breed of humans and it is a shame since it is gigafun once you understand how it works. Im fairly new to PvP but since m+ was so stale/bad this tier I had to do something so I started PvP after getting CE. Arenas are straight up one of the best thing in this game and it is a shame that there are so few people doing it. I feel like there are not a lot of people trying out PvP and it is a huge problem.

Now there is one goal, pulling in as much players as you can so they might stick around like I did. How can you do that? Make a few old mogs and glad mounts available. If you look at PvE you can get T3 set or CE mounts with some gold and luck, but you wont get the achivement. This is a fine system in my opinion, now imagine if you had a system in pvp where you could have aquaired the old mogs and mounts for grinding PvP ofc you couldnt do it under certain rating and you needed X number of matches to start the grind.

Now I think we can agree PvP needs players, qtimes are insane long and the mode is kinda dying. Now I dont mind If this doesent happen since it was talked about in 2017 and PvP players were really loud that they doesent want these rewards be available for new comers. I think blizzard should start doing something to make pvp more alive.

What are your toughts?


Nah, not everyone needs to have everything. The fact they’re unobtainable is what makes people want them. There are other ways to increase participation but adding old elite sets would be a temporary bump at best until people get their sets then don’t queue again. Not worth it imo.

Also T3 mogs were never meant to be removed in the first place iirc, it happened when they moved Naxx from Eastern Kingdoms to Northrend. Not really comparable honestly. I dunno, there’s a lot of problems with pvp atm but I don’t think re-adding and devaluing old rewards is the right play.


Not everyone would have the achi so there is that. I would be a temporarly bump up but people would stick around if they got into it. Not everyone but this would be a “big” increasing in player nimbers. You can farm mythic mogs and mounts and people are going back to farm those.

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Don’t care for the prestige, I already have a couple elite mogs; as far as I am concerned, if you do the work, you should get the reward end of.


99.99% of all things in WoW can be earned by pressing moonfire 1 time. let’s also stop asking blizzard to give us old stuff back and hold them to a better standard for new stuff.

1 new set with a couple color options for a 6 month patch is unacceptable for an mmorpg and i’m really surprised we give the art team any kind of credit for being so lazy.


I think the art team did a crazy good job with the new patch. But being able to get old stuff would make people do the content more.

On the other hand you are right 6 months is a long as time, but eith old sets you would be able to farm something or just have more rewards for playing.


Theyre still available. Play classic

We all know classic kinda doesent count. But Im not really concerned getting them I can live without them for sure, but pvp rewards are trash rhey should make them obtainable to they funnel some PvEers in pvp and some % will stick with pvp.

On the other hand its kinda stupid that you cant have the if you earn the rating in the current season.


There’s little reason to not add them back as long as the measure of difficulty to obtain them remains relatively similar.

2200 + 50 wins = 1 old elite set per unique class per season.

Make it only obtainable in 3v3, call it a night.


Ye, this would be cool. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Yeah, cool till the outcry happens for this feature to be added to shuffle.

Seems like bait. Let’s see how it plays out.

Yeah, yeah, the shuffle pits have been demanding a glad mount for like 3 years they’ll manage.


This sounds pretty good to me. Maybe blizz could cook up some soloq option to q into it too and have a soloq rating. I heard Venruki talk about this and sounded pretty good.

Nah, it’s already too much that they give all the generic rewards.


The LFG system needs some rework for sure. I think you should be able to soloq not many people want to organize a 3 man group to push.

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More people would wanna if soloq wasn’t literally all the rewards with a fifth the effort.

But ye LFG could use some updates.

But soloq is so much more available for everyone. You have to think about where you put your effort, I wanna put my effort into learning the game playing as good as I can If I need to put effort into the logistics of 2 other player when and how they can play its a pretty bad barrier.

If the LFG is better this cancels out the problem and soloq doesent really need to exist. But I think its more work to make a good LFG than soloq.

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had 2700 rets horsing across the entire arena to quarter hoj like 2 days ago

It’s the entire reason solo queue is popular.

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