Who wants to learn a new fight/find a group for it when it drops gear 30 level below yours? All of your points in this thread are not helpful in the slightest and you obviously just want to stir the pot and white knight for Blizz. Go back to school man.
Remember everyone, Ion said if you could easily solo something at 120, you can do it at 50…or 60.
The idea of Borrowed Power isn’t really an issue. I just don’t think classes need to have such a heavy reliance on them, nor should they be changed to have to work with the system.
I cant abide by this logic. No one is queuing to run old content.
Also, Blizzards new player leveling scenario and option to skip entire zones is proof they are not promoting old content.
It should if that’s where the money is. If Blizz chooses to cater to the few over the many, they will hemorrhage subs a la WoD. We all know how that worked out.
But you said they made the changes FOR the new player experience. If most new players are just hopping on and hitting 60 like you just said, then there no need to make changes. If they did it so new players could experience old content and make it have longer legs, then what i suggested is the way to do it (or just leave it as it was and let time walking do it). What they did makes sense for anyone.
This new change is going away from folks who are loot minded, this isn’t about loot rather it’s about preserving the lore and work the art team has put in over the years. As at stands now, people don’t run old raids for iLevel upgrades either so i’m not sure how this is relevant to the new system that Ion is propsing.
I am annoyed that this seems to be the case. Legacy runs should not be challenging at all. That’s not why people run them at max level.
Borrowed power wont reach the crazy heights that it did in BFA ever again, I’d wager.
You know what, people paid for that right to burn through legacy content. As far as I know they paid in money or tokens and importantly their time - gearing up their characters and so on. An old raid should be a breeze. This same sort of thing happened before (I think it was legion) where people were dying in cata raids - it’s a numbers problem - in other words it is a bliz problem not a player problem. You’d think they’d have this figured out by now.
Are you making sh*t up? Where is this nonsense coming from?
LMAO the mental gymnastics taking place to justify this nonsense. No one asked for older content to be harder, no one.
It’s not doing that though. As you said the majority of new players hit 60 and do new content. What they are proposing doesn’t solve anything. People aren’t going to run old raids for lore and art. They run them for mounts, mogs and collection items they missed from that expansion.
That’s what I keep thinking. He must be Russian with these epic mental gymnastics skills. sadly if this stays many will bail out and rather fast. Me being included.
I consider myself fairly reasonable. I don’t fight on forums and the like… but no. I do not understand Ion’s stance on legacy content. It’s not “fun” to relive the difficulty of old content. And by that I mean for MOST.
I have a very hard time believing people are raiding or grouping for old content. I have a hard time believing a large chunk of the community would enjoy doing so to “relive” the old feeling. I think this is a classic example of digging in ones heels and ignoring the outcry to fry bigger fish. If resources are limited for current content… fine. That’s how things shake out for now… but “working as intended” is worrying because no one (by that I mean most) don’t want it.
they need to fix this already.
People pay to play WoW, I think personally the dev team and Ion are handling the game perfectly fine and the new changes to Legacy content is just another improvement. Players seem to think they’re entitled to a tailor made service by playing this game, but the game is allowed to grow and evolve and I for one think the game is only improving over previous iterations of BfA.
it’s not changes to legacy content. it’s overlooking the legacy content.
normally they would fix it up like they have done so every expansion before.
you are an 8k achievement andy
Welcome to Jumanji!
“And how can strength be a weakness? Somebody explain to me how strength can be a weakness!” - Moose Finbar
They aren’t running it now for that reason because it doesn’t incentivize it, but I think these new scaling changes will promote this aspect of running old content.