I respectfully disagree, people might’ve fogotten this but Mists of Pandaria as an example had an incredible art style and palette that new players will miss out on. So do the Legion raids, and the BfA ones. A lot of lore is also tied to them, and players complain how everything seems “on the rails” story wise, so for a new player this would be a great way for them to see all the hard work the art team has put into the game over the years.
People complain about borrow power but borrowed power has always been part of gearing in WoW.
Set bonus’s are borrowed power that only last a raid tier.
The “working as intended” is ActiBlizz’s goal of forcing players to spend more time in the game doing the things they want to do. They don’t want to invest the kind of development resources it takes to create new things that players want to do without forcing them to do it, so they just make the stuff players want to do take longer.
You can see this in nearly every aspect of Shadowlands. Fewer rewards, longer wait times, and less content outside of the “main line” content. Torghast is the ultimate example of this. An endless stream of empty content that doesn’t require much in the way of design because everything in Torghast is based around RNG.
I played through several expansions at once and the progression from “create content” to “pad content” really stood out. Playing through the entire story in BfA in the ‘other’ faction and then starting into SL made it stand out even more.
It’s incredibly daft.
What kind of game has you level up and be weaker? it’s ridiculous.
The scaling tech can be interesting but it’s clear blizzard is misusing it.
Before scaling things were much different on this area.
This is a concept that is lost on many people unfortunately, they’d rather blame the system than understanding how it’s evolved and changed.
Yes you can, hes in charge.
This is true, but I feel like gear set powers are not on the same lvl as what is currently being done. Like your class isn’t being redesigned with these raid sets in mind.
It is pretty prevalent and obvious in SL even in the smallest ways.
Can’t mount on large sections of the city or covenant areas, need a long travel time to covenants without dedicated portals or hearthstones, removal of flight whistle, etc… everything just takes way longer.
Youre on a tiny island all by yourself on this one. Players have long the option to enter old raids and solo them with ease.
No announcement was made by Blizzard that they were making changes to this.
You know people like to do mog’ and mount runs. They want the achievements and want to see the raid.
So again, make them scale to level and make them relevant for all. A lot of people skipped expansions, so if you want people to experience it like when it was new content, then this is what you need to do. Anything else just lazy. It also lets players pick content they want to do.
In their defense, the borrowed power has become much more of a percentage of the players total damage and efficacy. Much more.
Killing Nerzul is a WOD mythic 0 dungeon took 6 spells to kill. This is seriously messed up. He should be literally one shot.
I think he just does what he’s told. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that would give any kind of meaningful pushback to bad ideas from higher up.
Dude, I love MoP too, but no one cares as much about old raid lore as much as you’re implying. And if they do, they can do it at the intended level. The overwhelming majority of old content runners just want our mogs, pets, and mounts. That is what keeps many of us subbed, myself included. We should be able to faceroll outdated content at level 60, full stop.
I don’t see a reason to do this, I feel like personally by making it difficult at the current level and gear cap they have already accomplished what you’re talking about. Most new players will be buying current content and will be level 60, so it makes more sense that they intentionally designed it the way they did.
From 50-59 while leveling my guardian druid, I could pull 8 trash NPCs easy in open world. When I dinged 60 3 NPCs killed me.
Something’s not quite right.
Don’t try the abomination on Professor Putricide with more than 1 person. Especially while working on Unholy Infusion.
Abomination’s aura will WRECK you. 4k per tick. lmao
I was 60 with ilvl 180 at the time.
I seem to recall they were assuring us that we could go back and destroy the older content. Clearly, that has not happened, regardless of their reasoning.
And this is what makes Ion’s change so innovative in my opinion, he’s simply saying that the tradition of veteran players going for mogs and pets and mounts should not take priority over new players who might’ve never gotten a chance to experience any of that content.
People keep saying to keep it at level, but the whole purpose is for players to catch up to the newest expansion and level cap while simultaneously increasing the shelf life of old content and lore as a means of extra content for folks who’ve never seen it.
I agree with you although I’m with Bliz on borrowed power.
The concept is that the classes have a set of abilities and then throughout various expansions players acquire ‘traits’ that let them alter their abilities in different ways that allow for different builds within the same spec and even talent tree.
It works to keep things fresh.