Just a reminder, Tupacshekar said in another post that he works full time and has 3 kids, yet here he is, posting on the forums 24/7. Complete troll indeed. Don’t believe a word he says.
I wouldn’t mind some hidden auras that make it so last expansion’s raids can’t really touch you, but take a little bit of time to get killed, and the ones from 2 expansions ago also take a massive amount of extra damage from you, so they also die more quickly.
I absolutely agree that Legion should be in the “bosses die within several seconds” range, and anything before Legion should be in the one-shot range. If scaling can’t accomplish that naturally, artificially should be fine too.
And this is where we can agree to disagree, I believe that the priority of the game should not be based on veteran players wanting to acquire all the mounts and fashion options rather I think the most healthy option for the game is to allow new players to become the priority in terms of delivering a complete WoW experience to them including all the old raids, lore and challenges that comes with that content.
Didn’t during beta, people were complaining and telling the dev team about certain issues and stuff they didn’t think were good system wise. And the team just told the players that they don’t know what they are talking about?
We pay their salary and they tell us to go fly a kite lol
I am still waiting for you to show me where Ion says that this change has anything to do with new players.
They want to dictate how people play the game they pay for. It’s a losing formula, as they should know from back in WoD when they tried to pull a fast one by announcing the removal of flight via a third-party interview. Sadly, it seems they haven’t learned their lesson.
OT: You are the cutest warlock I’ve ever seen! Your mog is seriously perfect.
Look at this guys posting habbits ^ He hasn’t stopped posting every hour of the day for 3 days. This guy smells like a bot.
I don’t agree with Ion at all with his stance on this. It makes no sense being 10 levels higher but being weaker in older content.
And I respect your opinion.
Timewalking provides a lot of what you’re looking for, that allows new players to experience older content that is still a challenge.
If anything it should be added as a “choose raid difficulty” option, so anyone and everyone can do old raids and experience a challenge. Maybe reward achievements specific to timewalking completion, and after completing all the old raids in timewalking you get a mount. That drives existing players to actually want to do them again, and new players would get to more easily search for groups to do older content and experience the completion of stories they’ve missed.
Transmog runs aren’t some new thing they’ve added and taken away as a mistake. They’ve made hundreds of balancing fixes to older raids to support transmog runs. They’ve added NPCs to let you queue up for older LFR raids.
Again, I understand your opinion. And I think there really should be a way to experience older, challenging content outside of waiting for timewalking to come up on the rotation every few months.
I 100% agree.
If older content is current difficulty, then drops should be as well. Well, there not. Interesting how that works.
You’re right, we all would be in a better timeline where the game was produced by a better dev team…
Wow Ion must be working overtime on his alts to answer all these forum posts.
Oh wait he hates alts but the white knighting for the developers is pathetic and disgusting.
Again I provided proof of how this current dev team fixed a lot of issues in this thread, why is there so much animosity for these group of devs who are working during a pandemic no less to provide content for us.
This is quite possibly one of the single worst takes on this issue I have ever seen, heard, or read.
How did you manage to type that out without straight up fainting from laughter? Your skill in trolling in commendable.
I just wanna be able to not die on Conclave of Wind as a level 60 tho
ion is poisonous to game development. had they stuck someone actually qualified and not a business lawyer, we wouldn’t have anti-game issues like this.
also, stop talking to tupac.
You mean like a lot of people including me? Hell, I work in retail, which is way worse then what these guys have to work through.
I respectfully disagree, just because it doesn’t fit the narrative of hating Ion or the Dev team doesn’t make my statement false.
Ion wants you flasking for Hogger.