Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Part of me is disappointed by the fact that every dungeon will continue to be a struggle now matter how high our level gets. Having said that, it is understandable, since they are attempting to ensure that a player can create an alt and choose any expansion or zone in the game to level it. Therefore, it would be extremely difficult to run with this concept while still attempting to ‘scale’ content for higher level players.

Chrome Time is its own separate phase with its own separate scaling. It’s entirely possible for scaling to be turned off for non-chromie time and leave it on for chromie time - scaling is already working differently between both modes.


Its unacceptable.


The difficulty is raids. I am having no difficulty routinely soloing Legion or earlier dungeons on level 50 characters in mediocre BfA gear.

I don’t think it’s ever been an issue that came up because they didn’t anticipate it. I think every time this has become an issue it was intentional.


That’s never going to happen. A lot of people will never admit when their wrong because of pride.


I generally believe that as well. A small part of me wants to remain hopeful that is was just an oversight.

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I learned that, especially for the first boss of Antorus, his abilities are doing the same amount of damage they’ve always done. I am getting more misses, blocks, parries, etc, so I think that level advantage is working. But bosses don’t miss on most ability use, so something like the Antorus raid’s first boss has his 5x bomb ability doing 2,700 damage.

The dogs as well, they were doing a good 1-2k damage DoT or something to me regularly.

At the end of wod, before scaling was a thing, any level 100 could solo firelands. This is my baseline because it is a raid I soloed many times on many characters, so I was able to watch this change. At that time the previous expansion’s raids might still have needed a group on harder difficulties, while earlier expansions’ raid content would pretty much fall over dead.

Any scaling that does not recreate this is a deliberate change. Not an oversight.


Fair enough.

I really hope they remedy the situation soon. Soloing old content has been my end game for longer than I can remember.


It’s a lot of people’s end game. And some of those players have zero interest in spamming keys or raiding on all their alts in order to farm old content.


Technically, enemies should all have comparable power, regardless of the expansion.

This is possibly what Blizzard is aiming for, with our character levels simply to unlock new content and forward the story.

The way old content worked before was fine.

I think the whole WoW design team needs to be replaced or at least augmented with different views because they are way out of alignment with the core-player base.


Then why can I go into Vanilla, TBC etc. raids and wipe them out solo if the intention is to have people form groups to experience the content as it originally was designed?
And you can’t experience it that way anyway, because of how class abilities and talents have changed over the years.

And, being able to solo old content doesn’t make you miss out on lore . You will still see the story.

So how is this being pushed forward when you can still solo past expansions raids?
You will miss out on the lore of some raids because you can solo it instead of forming a raid?
Your logic fails there.


Old raids should require raid teams to complete.

The days of solo players farming old expansions for loot should be coming to an end.

Blizzard saw how interested people are in old content, with the success of Classic.

Rather than keep releasing Classic updates, they could just make it so all raids in the game require raid groups. I believe they are working on this with all the scaling of power.

Love how this is the THIRD thread on this topic to reach over 1,000 posts. Does this not seem like a relevant topic to Blizzard even though thousands of players are posting, logging, screenshooting, and reporting the bugs? Can we please get a blue in here as I see them posting in random topics that are completely irrelevant to gameplay :unamused:


This right here is whats getting me. Its the same problem that destiny 2 has. When ever a new exp comes out, or the power level in destiny 2 rises (This is their version of ilvl) When im getting gear, i dont feel like im getting stronger. It feels like my character is getting less crappy, not better.

Wow has had this problem now ever since the artifact system was put into place, and i fear that it will happen again with covenant abilities. Like i REALLY enjoy the abilities i have, and its really kinda sad to think that these cool powers that my character worked to get, most likely, are just going to be taken away from me at some point.

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Why? Vague design philosophies? Because, if they have made a changed their game-design philosophy such that everything from this point forward and retroactively requires a group then let them state this so I can cancel my sub now.

Last time they squished things they promised that if you could do old-world content before the squish then the experience would not change - promising both speed and difficulty would remain practically unchanged. This time, through the error of omission, deceived people into believing things would remain stable. Of course people have a right to be upset.


I agree with Blimpo, if blizz wants to do that change please inform us and we can quit sooner.

I like the feeling of power over lower level mobs. Its really annoying that I have to even stand and fight with a mob which is 4 years ago and 15-20 levels lower. But hey if thats what blizz wants, so be it and I can move on and leave.


One argument I keep seeing over and over on this is that “It’s a good thing for players who never experienced the old content when it was current to be able to do it as intended under the new scaling system.” What this argument ignores, in my opinion, is that there aren’t enough players interested in running old content “as originally intended” to be able to form large enough groups for it. Remember, you’re now weaker against the content at level 60 with top end gear. You’d have to have the same 5 to 40 players you would have needed if you did it at level. Groups like that are next to non-existent for old content. And you can’t even use dungeon or raid finder for it. And there’s no reward whatsover from doing it other than a transmog or a mount chance, or unlocking an allied race, which most of the players already have. (I don’t have allied races, like Kul Tiran, and now I probably never will.)


It’s simple. If Blizzard is going to scale the difficulty of old raids and dungeons to the current level, then the rewards should be scaled as well. I wouldn’t mind a set of level 60 Wildheart …

If they did that, the old content would actually be relevant to max level characters, and you might be able to get a raid together for old content.