Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Probably because if you’re like me, you wouldn’t have bought Shadowlands. The only reason I bought it was because I thought it meant I’d be able to solo Legion and BfA content I’ve never done the same way I’ve always been able to solo old content when a new expansion releases. By keeping the new legacy scaling a secret (in some cases outright lying about it), they fooled suckers like me into buying Shadowlands. Now I deeply regret my purchase, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I might as well have lit that $50 on fire with a lighter.


Add me to the list Todangelus. Suckered to pay 40$, wish I had known. I would have stayed at the powerful lvl 50 than the mediocre 60.


They know a lot of people run old content in their down time from the main content. This is intentional and really stupid. They will save their “fix” for this for when they are having a bad quarter and patch it to bring subs back up and act like its a feature that we can once again solo old content. I cant stand the way these devs treat their own customers. Disgusting.


You want to kill the game? This is how you kill the game. If they do that there will be about 20,000 people left and it will go the way of Wildstar. If they don’t fix this, Shadowlands will be utterly barren of players within a few months, it’ll make WOD look like it didn’t have a dropoff.

Because while WOD itself had no content past levelling other than raids…you COULD still farm old content and level alts.


I have had good luck getting custom groups for old content. Even back in wrath when there was no tool for it we would get groups for old raids to get the achievs. It was actually kind of challenging and fun. I hope the new scaling makes this sort of thing possible but I’m not holding my breath.

This is an opinion of yours. There is nothing “technical” about it.

If what you want is to force all the people who like to do old content to collect things out of the game, you’re doing it right.


found a level 50 non rare really lost kitten npc in suramar and was like uhm what??? why are mobs level scaling past 45 in legion?


Because its broken and they refuse to fix it.


if they are going with this direction im done with the game.


I think it’s just incompetence really…this is just patch 6.0v2. It was several months before the level squish problems were fixed then.


Agreed. It would be sad, but I would get over it. I was very disappointed when City of Heroes ended and I logged off of my character for the last time, but I got over it. What I wont do is continue to pay for a sub in a game that does not value its players.


who is going to form raid teams for content that doesnt even drop current level gear, or are you now suggesting that 10 man kara should be dropping SL normal raid ilvl gear?

It doesnt, it wont, it like all outdated content is staying max lvl-irrelevant and forcing it to be group content means it might as well just be deleted with the entrance blocked off as no one will EVER run it again.


Nah, Ion baldfaced lied to us here and I hate people who choose to lie to me.


They purposefully misinformed the player base to ensure we’d buy SL. If they had said, point blank, we don’t intend on keeping up with legacy content buffs and soloing old content - I would not of opened my wallet.


And here’s your proof @ 1:20 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88DarTV5fEs


Love the minority chiming in they like a challenge. It’s called timewalking…

Most people knew when they stole 70 levels from us nothing good could come from it. They just screwed it up worse than we ever could have imagined.

Would have been great to have a proper beta test with people that do all types of content (ie old raid mog farming) not just end game raider.


No, this is NOT on the beta testers, this is entirely on the developers. Broken crap like legion scaling was brought up during alpha/beta. For example, here’s a twitter post of someone complaining about it back in August and Ion responded saying we should still be able to solo at 50 what we could at 120 (which obviously is a lie)



I was that person. I reported it multiple times during beta.


there’s that lawyer speak for you.

“should be”, not “will be able to”

should be. yes, we should be able to since we are more powerful. can we not? no, because of these vague “combat ratings” ion is suddenly making up. an unfortunate side effect to having a professional liar as a lead dev.


Has anyone tried to solo something like normal Uldir at 60?