Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

I’m not even sure if you can solo M Ant at all at this stage. M ToS is definitely not soloable for many classes, although maybe a healing spec can power through it.

I get nuked on my 189 warrior.


This right here


Mythic Antorus has been a problem all of BFA yes, filled with some amazing tier sets. It has certainly made those sets somewhat legendary I feel, like the priest and paladin set, or even the rogue set, love em.

But guys, isn’t it FUN to get ten people together who argue and bicker over loot to do content that’s three to four expansions old?

Yeah no, I’m pretty convinced that there’s not anyone left in the development team that even plays video games, much less this game.



Some are not seeing why we are fighting for our solo rights.

Grouping has issues. Either in TW or 10 people just meet at the stone.

The truly dedicated mog hunters see wowhead. We see say 20 BOE greens in there besides the boss purples. Its on the trash.

We want these too. That means no skipping. When we leave that raid/dungeon the only living things will be the microbes feasting on the corpses we left.

Group runs skip. They will hug walls to avoid killing even 3 mobs deemed ineffiecient and useless.

To some…they are not useless. They are 3 more chances at wowhead’s guessed 4% drop to get that green lol.

Why we fight for the solo power. We mog hunters can have an OCD need to kill even that small pocket of mobs in some far corner that was put there for no reason besides to make the place look busy.

I get skippers hate killing everything. And in SL content I deal with that. 4 people are skipping…make me number 5. Legacy raid is where I do what I want.

ANd legion being my least touched besides mythic dungeon and up to heroic raid tries in BFA was planned to be the fun mog stomping ground in SL.


Scaling at work here… so I have no super geared toons from BFA cos I dont raid or do mythic plus. I have alts that are fresh 50s (so their ilvl is around 58) and I have other alts with ilvls from 80-90. When farming the same content (Nighthold LFR) they do more than double the damage. Pew pew pew

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Going back to BFA, and fighting a GRAY level 50 on a level 60 (regardless of Ilvl) and having to put in just as much effort to kill that mob as i would a level 62 in shadowlands, is a huge pile of bullcrap. If this is working as intended according to ION, then I think this game is no longer working as intended for me.


Old content is very annoying. I was running the black temple and the mobs in there can stun you forever. You also have a large agro range now so you simply cannot avoid certain mobs. Makes running this much more annoying and you have to be a bit careful.

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He is a troll.


This basically pretty much :triumph:

I was able to down him…after about 4 mins…On a 191 DH…that has 95% parses…I would hate to see how long it takes for most people…


When WOW actually had millions of players. Blizzard couldn’t stop bragging about it. There is a reason they dont do it anymore. Something are just quite obvious.


I regret leveling from 50 -60 . I was more powerful at 50 and 1shot old world content than with my new SL gear.

I guess the devs who wanted to rein in on our fun have won. Good job, I quit.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the devs invalidated all those solo strategies on purpose. They’re probably going to try and go for as long as possible without fixing scaling issues and loot drops of old content, like they often do.


A blue response or possible even some indication Ions realized he screwed up hard would be lovely.

Unfortunately I don’t expect much from acti-blizz anymore except rising subscription costs, long maintenance, 16 day ticket responses, and grindy content designed to make you take as long as possible to do virtually anything.


This. Allllll of this.


This makes me want to resub just so I can quit again.


The problem is that this issue was brought up a lot. I know it was my first concern when the squish and new systems were announced.

The most common response was at 60 it won’t be a problem.

To compound it, this is the same problem every time they squish something and they don’t anticipate it or if they do, they don’t bother to look at it until enough people pitch a fit.


I was wondering about this. Would saving our azerite gear be worthwhile for doing old content?


Cool, a non-elite 50 with more health than a 189 fury
