Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Guys just vote with your wallets. That’s the only language companies understand.


I had a weird experience yesterday…

I decided to do Argus to unlock void elves and the light draeni… My character is a recent 50, and i froze exp earning to get through this stuff.

Argus was a cake walk… trash was 1-3 shots at most, and elites and rares not much more.
Then I went to the void elf unlock quest and again a cake walk all this time I am still a lvl 50 with an ilvl around 56ish…
But… i now went to the do the quest line to unlock the draenei and the mobs have 13k hp and i am doing less than 700 dps i’d expect… I managed, the mobs were barely scratching me but it took time to kill them now.

All of this as a guardian druid…


What kind of game designers think making gameplay a chore is good for retention? Not everyone is a Blizzard addict that will take it up the behind. There are a lot more choices out there. I have taken months away from WoW and even years since 2004 and I will do it again if the game is not fun.


To be fair, they do have millions of players who continue to play it and love it, so I guess they’re doing it right to some extent. lol

Personally I prefer the way SE does it, where they make some fun content each patch and encourage people to take breaks in between. I feel like that would keep people coming back more over time since you wouldn’t be getting burned out.

You’d die at level 60 when Cata was released so why should it be different now?

I skipped a lot of expansions and raids over the years because of life events and when I could play and couldn’t. I went back regularly when I could solo those things in order to see the lore and art style and experience the content myself and on my own time. Making this change is going to make me less likely to experience that content not more.

There is a reason no one wants to do timewalking. It’s because no one wants to go back and do old raids in a way other than as a museum piece or to get transmog or mounts. Players who want to group up in a raid and do challenging content are going to do it in the current tier. It’s the same reason very few people run the older raid tier in a current xpac.

So all blizzard has done here is take content that people pretty regularly ran solo and turned it into content no one will run at all.


“Millions” is optimistic, it dropped significantly sub-million in BFA. Shadowlands did bring some back…but if these issues aren’t fixed it’s going to drop even faster than BFA did.


Nobody has any actual, trustworthy sources for this anymore. If it doesn’t come directly from Blizzard at this point, it’s not worth using in an argument. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the point of my comment anyway.

I want to feel like I progress Blizzard. Please stop feeding us crap and take care of things.


It’s not obsolete content if there’s still stuff in it I don’t have.


dont bother this dude just dry humps ion, nothing more, nothing less


Here is another gripe about this: content creators have made thousands of videos explaining how to solo certain encounters. With this scaling change, the Strats people were using to solo hard mythic encounters in BFA are now unusable. I personally have never made guides, but I would be quite upset if I had made guides about how to solo mythic raids and now they are no longer soloable. Some of these videos have hundreds of thousands of views, do they need to remake strats and videos because Blizz messed up tuning?


Litterally old legions raids was the only reason I resubbed.

When the subs drop off and people quit, list Ion being an idiot and ruining old raid farming as your reason. I doubt they read them but if 1000s do then it hits them in the pocket book.

They should have had things as 1 shots and then slowly increased vs over scaling and screwing people over.


I am also farming Throne of Four Winds right now for the mount. It has become exponentially more difficult even for my Lv50 toons since SL dropped.


I waited two years for Legion raids to become “legacy loot” available so I could go into Antorus LFR on my mage and get one transmog item that eluded me.

If they planned to let that system die, why the hell didn’t they TELL US AGES AGO?


This is why we have Timewalking. You can’t experience the intended challenge of these encounters as a solo player. The fights don’t work as intended.

The repeat value of old content is in farming it for rare mounts etc and there is a large community of these people. Making an old fight unnecessarily difficult after years of being able to farm it easily is upsetting for a lot of people.

This is a long established convention that has been disrupted not by design but by an unintended side effect of the level squish that Ion can’t be bothered to have his people fix.


Here’s some lvl 50 panda assault mobs “working as intended” from the perspective of a 189 60.



I haven’t tried Antorus LFR, but Nighthold and Tomb seem doable (though I haven’t done every single boss in Tomb) at 50.

Try mythic ToS and let us know how the Goroth goes.

I’m farming Nighthold LFR on level 50 toons right now and its a grim preview of how slow farming mog in mythic antorus will be (eventually one day). 2 weeks, 2 toons, full clears, not a single item dropping for the class (which is priest).