Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

They keep changing stuff behind the scenes without any hotfix notes. It seems things change almost daily now, it’s so weird. 1-hour maintenance again tomorrow, which means more changes have been made and are waiting to go live. Oh well, I don’t care about the hotfix notes as long as they fix it.

Honestly, I don’t expect it to be completely fixed until 9.0.5 or 9.1. 6.1 was when they finally ironed out all the first stat squish issues. At least that patch did something, since it didn’t add any content.

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Not from what I’ve seen. Rares in BFA content are still showing 300k+ HP and taking forever to kill. More HP than SL rares at 60.


I agree with this suggestion… but I reported it multiple times during beta as being a problem. It was never addressed.

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If he actually said this, then that’s a clear indication to me that this will be my last WoW expansion.

External power that resets every expansion is getting old. My character is barely my character anymore. When SL ends, I’ll lose my covenant abilities and go “well I’m done with this now.”



or it’s just rolling restarts.

Ion and JAB and Blizz are such sheet heels at this point


Same feeling here, from all the broken stuff and things I dislike this one takes the cake, make no sense whatsoever to make old content actually harder if you level up to 60 than it was during max level BFA…

That way of thinking worries me about the future of wow if ION keeps in charge.

I am already sick of all this redundant implementation of systems over systems that get thrown away each xpac, I think they should focus on class/spec design make it fun and add fun content not a chore list to grind ourselves to death…

At this point I am waiting for ghostcrwalers new MMO, I am crossing my fingers its going to be good, so I can part away from wow and get my MMO fix elsewhere, even with the plethora of things I dislike wow is still the only mmo I like that’s currently out there which is sad wish there’s a true competitor so that devs had to actually innovate and not only recycle stuff.

Also big kudos to art and music teams, those guys carry the franchise at this point.


No. Just no. Make Chromie Time Throne of Thunder an option if that’s what you want. I AM TRYING TO FINISH SETS. I shouldn’t have to form a ten man pug for a raid from two expansions ago,


Just enable the legacy buff, Blizzard.


They seem to be stubborn on this one! I’m guessing they are fixing bugs from CN and mythics/etc. Hoping they do some hot fix that wasn’t in the patch notes…

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I don’t understand the ideology that legacy content has to take so much time. So what if we one shot Arthas? I have 5 or 6 other legacy raids to clear, the majority of my time is spent actually traversing the length of the raid, and that’s something no numbers will ever change. Sure, BfA shouldn’t exactly be a cake walk at this point in time, but anything 2+ expansions ago should never be an area of concern.

Additionally, I don’t know if the item level HP scaling is taking things into concern when dealing with player characters with an ilvl higher than the maximum possible for BfA content, but that’s where it should cap. There is no logical reason BfA outdoor mobs should have more health than any Shadowlands mobs, rares included. 300k health for a BfA rare, vs 150k for a Shadowlands rare? That’s just illogical.

I know current content is important in terms of tuning, bug fixing, etc, but I really wish Blizz would hire 1 person whose sole job is to go through and correct issues with old world content. Bugs that arise from new systems, encounters that often break after years of changing code, etc. Hell, Razorscale still can’t properly fly in Ulduar, he still just walks on air…


“Blizzard Polish” right?

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It’s the same as anything else in this game now, the longer they make this stuff take, the longer we’re subbed and playing. The sooner we finish things, the sooner we get bored and quit.

Well it works both ways, constantly failing to get what we want can make us quit too. For example, even if or when Mythic Antorus becomes soloable, I know it will be a headache for two reasons - relics taking up loot spots, and no tier tokens.


Yeah and there’s a less than 0 chance that they’ll change any of that, I’m sure.

Did Mechagon Scavengers always have 16.6k health or is this new today?


its obsolete content…

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And the sooner we can’t run content we should be able to, the sooner we quit.


Preaching to the choir. I already quit.


I agree. That was a pretty lame bit of excuse making for what clearly is a broken part of the game right now. I’m confident that just like Torghast (which he defended to death until Blizz nerfed it) this will be hotfixed as well.