Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Tell your boss that if he can’t do his job there are plenty of people that will do it better for less money, simply because we loved what the game was and want to see it be great again. Instead we got this warmed over puddle of diarrhea.

I’ll do his job for free just to get the game working correctly (that thing they kept pushing the release back for hahahahaha) but I want him fired for being incompetent.

Let him know when you bring him his coffee tomorrow.


Oh I remember that lol, I would always try to load beth up with dots before I went down

that was an awful fight before they fixed that, your timing had to be ridiculously spot on.

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I’m out of likes so I’ll just thank you like this. :heart:


I wonder how my boy Razorgore is nowadays (the eggs guy at BWL).

Maybe he will die even faster to small trash lmao


I’m so tired of this person (I’m assuming) sticking up for what has to be either his boss or lover when it is clear as day that Ion got promoted way over his level of competence.

The sad thing is we all want the same thing, a game that is fun to play for all of us, and Blizzard COULD do that, but they refuse, because apparently they hate money. It drives me absolutely batty, all they had to do was LISTEN TO THE BETA TESTERS, that’s why people do it. I stopped after Legion because, like always, they didn’t listen to ONE thing any tester complained about outside of easy to fix incredibly minor issues that could be auto reported.

It’s just a sad state of affairs for a company that has such a wonderful IP to just keep trashing it expac after expac.


I agree. Ion has been a bane on this game and keeps somehow making things worse and worse. His arrogance won’t let him admit he’s wrong and all he does is just double down.


Plus his constant lies about giving us what we want only to meet us halfway or do a poor fix on broken system he keeps approving just further proves he honestly has no passion for the game and is still stuck on his mobile style grind silliness.


He lives up to his “elitist jerk” guild name. He shouldn’t have been in a leading position.

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It never really existed in the way you think it should.
X crit rating is X % crit at level 50, that rating scaling cannot stay consistent because during levelling and further end game your ratings have increased dramatically.

So you would now be 2X crit rating which should be 2X % crit at level 60 right?
But most people were at ratings that provided 30-40% if not more by the end of expansion, so that would be 60-80% crit at expansion release.

Clearly that wouldn’t work because it doesn’t allow further progression. Then what happens next expansion? You have 120% crit and then it should be 240% crit next expansion max level?
It just doesn’t work that way.

That is why rating scaling is in place. Higher levels require higher rating for the same %, that way it provides a character reset for end game of each new expansion release.
It is actually the entire purpose of the levelling system in WoW.

What you said is all correct, I think, I’m really really high, but it doesn’t address the actual problem and the stupid easy solution to it. DESCALE INSTANCES. Or if they don’t like that idea, add a player buff for the zone, or a debuff for the bosses.

So you are both right, you just are talking pure strength while s/he is speaking relative strength against specific enemies which can be fixed SUPER easy if they just cared enough too.

yes but that shouldn’t account for having that much trouble soloing old raids.

Ion’s response to me sounds like they have no idea how to fix scaling in old content so they’re just gonna pretend it’s on purpose.
No way is it actually intentional, Blizz can make some questionable decisions but that would be completely nonsensical.


Ion makes me miss Ghostcrawler.


A handful of them are vile and nasty. Those comments come out of years of frustration over being ignored. The vast majority of comments are simply stating preferences that have been communicated and ignored for years.


There is supposed to be a system in place that basically adds zeros if you outlevel the content significantly. I imagine since they reduced the gap between expansion breakpoints they didn’t account well for the fact those differences are smaller.

They won’t though…
To think they EVER will is stupid af…
open your group finder and lemme know how many “new players” are grouping for old content to “experience” the lore …good lord dude stop sniffing your own farts…
Legacy raid grouping was only ever for one expac back as the legacy buff didn’t apply.
Just because you’re new and everything is so shiny for you doesn’t mean its ok to eff it up for everyone who pays to farm legacy raids.
It is a thing…ALOT of folks do it…they want to do it solo as they have been…its relaxing and stress free break from busting your head against rng in current grind.
keep swingin off them danglers though…maybe they’ll give you green text lol


Having seen you in multiple threads now, simping for Ion and Co., I have to ask - are you trying to farm enough brownie points that someone decides your text should be green? It’s literally the only thing that makes sense after reading all of the apologist drivel you keep dropping into the forum.


It is frustration, and although I don’t know the man, he obviously has something against solo players…has had for years now.


Why is there even scaling in old content? When you hit level 60, scaling for previous expansions should turn off, period. It’s that simple. We were fine for years and years without scaling. I get that they want to allow raiders to be lazy when leveling alts, so they decided to make everything one-size-fits all so you can level anywhere at any time. Once leveling is done, however, the nonsense can end. Why do the previous expansions’ mobs need to scale to provide a challenge to level 60 players?