Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

This expansion so far is rewarding people for grouping up instead of solo’ing, I think the idea that players should just be able to solo old content is something of the past. Again, just my opinion but I think Ion’s proposed scaling makes sense because new players can get a chance to experience all the old lore/raid/art alongside the old players and it can create for a far more cohesive community experience compared to having a non mandatory option like time walking.

Buddy, you really don’t listen to anyone, do you. I’m tired of your incessant pandering.


honestly, its best just to place him on forum ignore. trolls feed off responses.


He’s a troll. Just ignore him.


Content scaling isn’t the primary issue honestly. The issue is item level gear scaling. THAT is what makes you weaker when you should be stronger. Getting better gear should make you tougher and more powerful but with everything scaling to the gear also it completely negates your progress. That scaling being wonky actually makes you get weaker as you get better gear. That’s messed up and shouldn’t exist.

They have the old content scaling with all gear, even Shadowlands gear which is a huge part of the problem with running old content. Blizz seems hell bent on keeping us from progressing which is the opposite of what a MMO should be doing.

My main game is ESO. That game scales across the board, all content, everywhere. But it works. Why? They have two systems in place for you to get stronger and tougher. First there is NO gear scaling and most gear has special abilities, like set pieces in WoW but better. Second, they have the Champion Point system that you unlock and earn along once you hit max level which gives passives you choose that make you stronger and tougher. Quite frankly the dev team at WoW could learn from ESO’s system.

Apparently anyone that disagrees with your echo chamber of hate is a troll.

Saying hateful things like this is NOT conducive to a healthy discussion nor would it make anyone in charge of the changes people are asking for want to reach out speak with the community. Maybe when folks are more open to hearing the other side, there can be a compromise.

how does one implement forum ignore?


Click on their profile picture to go to “view activity”, in the top right hand corner there will be a box that says “Normal”, click it and you can mute (no notifications of replies) or ignore (hides their posts and comments entirely).


I’m gonna bet it’s more or less something messed up there. It really can’t be intentional, unless their planing to make every expansion relevant again, offering more themes/flavors of endgame content in terms of expansions.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s just me, but the last time i’ve replied to him, he was sitting like 500 or 600 posts. Now he’s near 1000.

I’m looking at the post history and it keeps on going. 1 hour, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, … and so on unbroken up until 15, then it’s 20, 21, 22, 23… it just keeps going. Even i don’t post that frequently.

Ralphenford D. Butheyington Son’s amount of posts he make a day is now a joke compared to this guy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That takes effort.

There isn’t a box anywhere that I see that says “normal” and nothing at all in the top right. Not sure why it’s not there but I’m on his profile and nada. Checked yours and nada also.

Oh, post history, I see it now. NM


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[quote=“Fobnop-turalyon, post:713, topic:777441, full:true”]
Content scaling isn’t the primary issue honestly. The issue is item level gear scaling. THAT is what makes you weaker when you should be stronger. Getting better gear should make you tougher and more powerful but with everything scaling to the gear also it completely negates your progress. That scaling being wonky actually makes you get weaker as you get better gear. That’s messed up and shouldn’t exist.

They have the old content scaling with all gear, even Shadowlands gear which is a huge part of the problem with running old content. Blizz seems hell bent on keeping us from progressing which is the opposite of what a MMO should be doing.[/quote]

I haven’t bought Shadowlands and am therefore running around at Level 50 with about item level 100. When level 60s come back for Assaults or Mechagon rares, for some reason my tanks are generating more threat than 60 tanks (the 60 Prot Pally with wings on was my favorite) and my DPS are doing more DPS than a level 60 (assuming threat generation for DPS is truly based on total damage output). In no way should that be possible unless the 60 is auto-attacking, which they are not. If iLevel scaling is truly allowing this to happen by massively overcompensating for level scaling that is seriously messed up and needs to be fixed.


It is.

I refuse to believe that he has ever even installed the game let alone has an account. Otherwise he would have to be embarrassed to have his name on this steaming pile of crap.

I would be willing to put money that a 10yr vet of the game with an above 110 IQ could do his job EASILY, while drunk.

Hell, get at me Ion. I’ll show you how to do your job since you missed the OTJ training.

I havent been to FL in a long time, but what would happen is that if u didnt manage to hit Beth after she went down phase at 0% hp, you’d be stuck with the stun , unless u had a pet or u had a dot and she rolled over and died.

how do you ignore someone?

Click on their name… view activity. Where it says normal you can choose to mute or ignore.