It’s good for support to help with quick questions and tickets but i’m speaking in terms of development for the actual game.
“Our Dev crew does make changes based on player feedback”
Sounds like this is the place to put feedback
Do you think that’s wrong?
I’ve stated many times that they carefully look at all the player’s feedback, hence why WoW is in the best state it’s been in since Wrath. I just don’t think they get anything meaningful from all the crying and whining in these forums is all.
That’s bs. I took the biggest break from this game and when I came back in 2016, I went around and did content and raids. Did the story, earned Loremaster. And a lot of that was before ilvl scaling was a thing. And definitely before they’ve messed everything up with the squish.
We have the buddy leveling system now too.
Blizzard has never done anything on feedback alone. They’ve had their own philosophies they’ve stuck with until it was certain that it didn’t work. No one asked for mission tables for instance. That’s something they’ve done now for several expacs.
The problems aren’t the community issue. And the solution isn’t always what you prefer.
They do have all the metrics. But they aren’t sharing their goals with us, or what would constitute “success” for different content.
If they make changes to some content that will result in people doing it less, it’s reasonable to assume that they think this will “encourage” them to do the targeted content more.
I was just answering why players believe this is the place to post. Blizz themselves say if you want your feedback heard to post here so that’s what players do
I personally don’t think this is one of those things where it’s not an easy choice to make where the community is pretty obviously split like when it comes to Pathfinder. All the evidence I’ve seen, which I admit isn’t ALL of the evidence Blizz has, says that the majority of the forum community disagrees with Blizz’s stance on scaling. Does that mean the majority of the entire playerbase disagrees, not at all, no one can make that leap. But like you said Blizz is going to take whatever information they have and the feedback that they get here and make a decision.
Of course you aren’t going to agree with everything everyone says here on the forums but that doesn’t mean that it’s not meaningful, I think all the feedback is meaningful as long as it’s not dumb like “scaling sucks because Ion is a poo head”.
Exactly, that’s why I think giving Ion and the dev team time to figure stuff out is the right move.
Of course, they can take all the time they need. In the meantime we’ll be here generating feedback
they had multiple month in the Beta and kept pushing it off
it’s now effected lives mount and transmog farming, which again people CANNOT find groups for because its old content
Many more “hardcore” MMOS have crashed and burned than casual ones, that’s for sure. Vanguard comes to mind, and WoW was so successful at start because EQ was so casual unfriendly.
History repeating itself in the form of a long, slow motion trainwreck is never pretty, and the famous last words, to mix a metaphor, of “this time it will be different” seldom pans out.
This is what Ion is attempting to fix with the scaling increase, more new players who’ve never done those raids will be teaming up older players who know the raids to create more of a cohesive community experience.
Thats the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard
except that changes the way loot works, which means people get less
if you go in solo you get more loot, if you group you get less
So why group? also he’s never said that’s what he’s doing.
you’re projecting and/or gaslighting
Not everyone has completed all the content, there’s loads of lore and great art design that goes to the wayside when people farm mounts and xmogs. With the new scaling, brand new players can go back and explore all the content along with the old players who would like to do it for xmogs and mounts. This solves both issues.
To be fair, I’ve been hearing this since Ghostcrawler’s time. Ion is just the mouthpiece. He’s not a mastermind. The WoW devs are destroying the game as a team. I don’t think it’s fair to pin all the blame on one guy like that. He’s certainly a part of the problem, but I doubt that taking him out of the equation would magically rebalance it. Ghostcrawler’s departure certainly didn’t do anything to improve the game. If anything, they’ve doubled and tripled down on everything that made Cataclysm bad.
No, that’s not it at all.
The game developer’s tone deafness on this issue is astounding. It’s not something they “fixed the first week”. People still today cannot solo raids from TEN YEARS AGO. And that is not fun.
Polly Anna all day if you want. But it doesn’t help anything. You actually work against yourself. You obviously want the company to succeed, well - help them to succeed - this is a clear issue that needs fixing (and I suspect will be fixed) and it keeps a segment of the player base content and paying their subscriptions. They quietly go about their business as usual. If you actually wanted to help - then you’d see the bigger picture - not genuflect.
LOL!!! That is funny!
This is very true, changes usually come with changes in revenue.