Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

That’s what I said but without as many words? Of course Ion is to blame.

I have pointed this out half a dozen times and according to them, they aren’t a solution to new players experiencing the content, lore and art of old expansions. Nor is getting to max level, gearing up and facerolling them. :man_shrugging:t2:

Ion isn’t the only one behind decisions, there’s a group of devs who actively look for player feedback to make these changes. In my opinion, these are great changes for the future of WoW.

so developers work as a team right? wouldn’t they have to agree on a course of action first as a team before implementing changes? that would mean ion isn’t the only one to blame it’s the entire team. since they in some part all agree with the idea.

You yell your opinions we yell our opinions and see where the cards fall :slight_smile:

Personally, I think your team is outnumbered but I’m of course biased

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If this isn’t fixed soon I’m out. No bs.


Like I said previously, GD is only a fraction of the audience. Ion and the dev team have been listening actively and it’s shown in their progression of Shadowlands so far, the majority of the community might not feel the same way as GD posters.

Yeah but there’s thousands of upvotes on posts like this


hundreds of upvotes for pro ‘fix scaling’ comments

There’s threads on mmo-champ, people in collector oriented discords have (of course) expressed their dislike, everywhere I look it seems the majority of people disagree with Ion. There’s of course people like you in all of those places too saying it’s cool but I honestly think you guys are outnumbered.

Do you think that is an inaccurate assessment?

Can you find me a thread anywhere online where the majority of people are saying “scaling is fine”?


I do. Players don’t always know what they want, we don’t even have half the metrics or information that Blizzard as a company does and I believe it’s better to leave it to the professionals instead of the players to decide where the game goes. Ultimately, it’s their game and their rules.

During wod any level 100 could solo cata raids. Early in Legion Ion said they were developing a system whereby old content could be all tuned simultaneously. By the end of Legion even the best-geared level 100 could no longer solo Firelands.

Antorus was made harder throughout BfA. I ran it a lot and saw these changes.

In the BfA Beta forums people would ask, “Will I be able to continue to solo old raids as I do now?” The response from “players” that some suggested were employees was that we would be able to solo old content again exactly as we do now, when our main reaches max level and gets heroic raid gear. Which is in no way how players actually farm that content. They want to do it on their alts without having to level them all up to max and turning them into key pushers and heroic raiders. They want to farm old content as they always have previously.

Yet we still see the same response to that question now.

They don’t want people doing old content. They want them all doing their chores to improve participation numbers in Shadowlands content.

So in other words, you don’t know what you want, so we shouldn’t listen to you.


My guess is that it’s a fairly accurate sampling - the participants here seem to cover the spectrum. Not sure what the big deal is, there’s a mess up with scaling and the level squish rendering legacy content undoable for some. They don’t need to produce logs and spreadsheets to support this - they just need to raise attention to it. I could clear this cataclysm raid with ease yesterday and today I can’t. That’s all they need to do - we’re not paid employees of Blizzard, we are the payors in this little mix.

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And yet here you are posting as if you know what is best for ALL OF US.
If my ignore weren’t broken you’d be on it.

I sincerely hope Blizzard is paying you for your garbage takes.


lol you’re gonna get flak saying this. I am very well aware of what I want when it comes to clearing old content.

We don’t but all the places I’ve mentioned will influence Blizz’s actions which is why threads like this spawn


Way too close to “You think you want it, but you don’t” line that they use to always give.


I feel like that’s a foolish decision. I don’t not do SL content because old content exists, I do old content because I prefer to do that. If I couldn’t do old content then I wouldn’t do any content :man_shrugging:

Yeah that’s what I thought too :rofl:

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I am not obligated to do anything. Just giving my honest opinions and thoughts.

I agree though. He certainly misunderstands something.

But but, they have all the metrics!

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No point in debating with that person. They are a known troll of the forums and all their responses is trolling.

I’m not sure why people keep thinking that GD or Reddit even is a good platform for Blizzard to make any changes in the game.

Think about it, when BfA was around people HATED the loot, Visions, PvP and there were constantly 1k+ liked/upvoted posts everywhere and guess what? They listened, they changed the loot system, they got rid of Visions, they fixed the PvP and now the same 1k+ liked/upvoted posts appear demanding things to go back to where they were, how everything is broken/etc.

We’re 3 weeks into a new expansion, and I believe things will get better over time if we trust Ion and the devs. Sorry if my optimism doesn’t fit everyone’s hate train against the company.

I had a question about something and the CS person told me I should mention it here because this is where the devs prefer to get their feedback. I can screenshot it for you if you like.

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