Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

He has already admitted it’s working as intended. being at level 60 I feel even weaker than my level 50 characters even at 173 I feel weak as hell on my hunter.

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I know. I’m a monster.

They messed up with the lvl squish, and will never admit it. His cynical response just show this.

As a side note, DONT FEED THE TROLL, let this dumb priest talking alone.

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The one time I wish downvotes were still a thing.

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ran out of likes so you get :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

Maybe go do TO4W and find out? The tuning for all of them is completely bizarre.

He certainly has been quiet and absent from this thread since you posted that.

I unsubbed two weeks ago and today, after reading Ion’s interview, I deleted my WoW program directory.

I have been farming mythic Hellfire Citadel for months now on multiple toons. I have a level 56 warlock who now has to work to kill things. I didn’t even try Archinmonde as I new I wasn’t doing enough DPS to avoid his instakill phase.

I leveled this toon over the space of almost 10 years and Blizzard robbed me of the power I had accumulated.

Fix the old content scaling and I will come back. I don’t care about SL endgame, Torghast, or any of that. I want to play my way, the same way I have been playing for years.


The lore in this game is a joke

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I solo’ed a raid from 6 years ago np. I’m sure I’d have np soloing one from 10…

Just wait some of those old raids are so bad.

He comes and goes in these threads. Sometimes we agree. Sometimes we don’t. Still, he seems to bounce whenever the mood turns to against him or if he’s been called out on something he doesn’t want to respond to.

Don’t feed him, he’s just trolling on every thread that show dislike for anything bad happening on the game.

To be fair, realms did just come up. forums no longer have my undivided attention either lol

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I feel the same way about this as I did when they took away flying in WoD. End result was me quitting WoD and not subbing for 3-4 years.

I’m not sure why they are so stubborn about the ilvl scaling thing. It hasn’t worked well since they implemented it during Legion.


heads up, if you need a full raid to run those old raids. you probably arent going to see it. because why go raid something for ilvl gear that worse then questing greens and that has mechanics that can one shot and wipe the whole raid?

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That should be painfully obvious, people don’t even do old current content raids anymore like BoD when Ny’alotha was current

Expecting to find an abundant amount (because people do them on a few alts) of raids for Legion raids is an unreasonable expectation


They hold timewalking raids in this game.

If you’re in command(the lead developer) you get the blame, that’s how it works. If, at the current max level, one can not solo a raid from two expacs ago without breaking a sweat, then something is broken and needs fixing ASAP. Certain raid mechanics are exceptions of course, but all in all, raids from two or more expacs ago should be as easy as tying my shoe.

Semper Fi! :us: