Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

A couple VS the majority who shot you trolls down.

I’m simply just addressing your earlier point, there’s clearly people who don’t feel the same way as the OP and I think it’s ok to have different opinions. What’s the issue?

If this isn’t fixed by the time I hit level cap and get some okay gear I’ll probably just unsubscribe until I hear it’s fixed. Old content is the main reason I purchased this account and got into game again. Keeping my fingers crossed that It’ll get lined out.


It’s no longer about the game but the money and player metrics.

I wonder why all the old wow developers and the others from OW and hearthstone went to the new company. Maybe just maybe they saw the direction the company is headed and wanted no part of that.

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How come when you disagree, it’s stating an opinion, but when others do it, it’s hate trolling?

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Correct. Just a guy who really loves the game, and doesn’t let others tell him how to feel about it.

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ppl want esports and harder games bro and companies are now seeing that

casuals? they will run off the minute they get bored or something gets too hard for them. and thats what this is about ion is doing something good for once and making this into a more hardcore game and it needs that. mmos and gaming in general needs to go back to making it fun for the hardcore as again we are teh content creators and people pushing the games.

we live in the days of social media look at how powerful a tool like reddit is. and most of reddit is wanting things to be more hardcore and less fortnitey.

I appreciate your opinion

Company White Knight or he someone from the company who keeps trying to claim everything is fine.

Dark souls and WoW are a lot a like. Before I started playing WoW, I was an avid DS fan (still am). Why are they a like? Both games are single player content with optional group content and pvp mixed in. WoW is so much bigger and diverse.

If I am forced into doing group content just to play the game, that will be end of it for me. But I am not. Character progression is tied to group content, but no one is forcing me to do it.

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Agreed, as much as i want people to be able to farm old stuff solo, prioritizing what needs to be done first and what can wait until things calm down is always going to go to new content vs old. I work in a heavy programming and code environment, and when we push something live, it gets priority (unless it breaks something that is mission critical AND is legacy). Otherwise, the bugs get put into a priority list and get fixed in severity order.

yup sure what ever you say. I call BS on you cause you have shown in your various post I have seen you in you refuse to listen or acknowledge any issues players bring up honestly. If your what considered a MVP then the standards are in the toilet and they let anyone become one.

First time I have had to put a MVP on ignore.


Got it. Sorry you feel that way!

I would certainly agree that I do not “acknowledge” most issues, because I do not believe they are issues.

That does not mean I am incapable of having my own thoughts though.

I… have doubt with your whole premise. I think there are fans for that kind of thing, but I don’t think casual fans are going anywhere. I think that might just be a pipe dream of yours specifically.

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Where do you propose that the information gets shared? What you’re asking in terms of data is reasonable, but your assumption that someone will actually look at it lacks any evidence. I’m sure MVPs are great people, but ultimately they’re basically just another random player on the forum. If the company wants my input and help doing their busywork, then they need to tell the community how to provide it.

In reality, this is what will happen: logs and experiences will be shared (as they have been in this thread and others), but nobody from the company will actually engage with these players.

Well said. I agree with the whole statement.

I agree with you. But his comment shows there’s a disconnect between him and the many layers between him and us. Either player feedback is getting lost along the way or he doesn’t believe there’s anything wrong with the current state.

This feedback on old content in the beta has been there for months. It’s easy to find. There are multiple threads in the beta forums.

No one’s asking Ion to know every little detail about the game inside and out, but as the major figurehead for the dev team, he should at least be aware that there is something wrong at the moment with legacy content.

Saying that better gear at 60 will fix this shows a lack of understanding on the nature of the issue.


There are a lot of really bad takes in this thread. 10 year old content should be facerollingly, I might have just created a new word, easy. It’s 10 f’n years old.

The exact comment I’d expect from a hate troll :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree he doesn’t like it when called out but everyone is evil and wrong.