Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Come on. Everything is supposed to be harder and take longer and require other players. This is the lesson they took from the success of classic. Yup. That’s what they think people love about old WoW.

Many are from what I have seen in the last few days and some are long time players.

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I’m sure, but what I am hearing is genuine. Its not about the words he chose, but about the way he delivers them.

That is either skilled deception, or amazing acting, if its not real.

I personally believe his current employment is as a viral marketer… His entire existence is to gaslight real players.

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Not everything is for everyone, there’s a lot of people who prefer the new direction Ion and the devs are taking WoW.

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I’ve never seen Ion be anything close to genuine.


Don’t worry guys you will be about as strong as you were at level 50 by maybe the end of the 2nd raid tier. If you really want to feel bad about being level 60 go into a normal dungeon with someone who is level 50 and decently geared. Game is a JOKE.

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Just adding my support to this thread because I used to love doing old raids. It’s weird to me that he made it sound like it’s always been this way when that’s blatantly not true. I wish he would at least give an actual reason. Shadowlands has been great for the most part but this is something I’d love to see fixed


Someone get this guy a microphone, because he’s got jokes.

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then why is blizzard really pushing hardcore raiding again? why is blizzard pushing mythic+ tournaments? why is the best pvp out there 3v3 arena’s? i’ll tell you why blizzard understands that the hardcore is what makes a game now

look at one of the best selling single player rpgs of all time dark souls. and note ppl love that line of games it does better then all of the elder $rolls and failout titles. i wonder why? oh yeah it’s hard and ppl love that.

Well yeah, they always do. Because that’s the most relevant content, that’s what most people are paying attention to, that’s what has the greatest chance of attracting new players and retaining current ones. Doesn’t mean old content isn’t important, it’s just not a priority.

Blizzard has historically responded really well to actual data. One of the main reasons that Blizzard is so “bad” with engagement is because of this community’s tendency to attack based on feelings and opinions. Ion himself has said that he would be interested in seeing specific examples, and we have an MVP here that obviously cares about this and knows how to communicate with the developers.

If you want this fixed and you honestly want to have a dialogue with Blizzard, show them you’re someone they can actually engage with by providing the information they requested. I can’t make you any guarantees, I can only tell you what has worked before.

I want it fixed as well idk what you’re talking about.

All I’m saying is you don’t know what is or isn’t important to Blizzard

I agree with you, but the fact the Ion is basically saying it is working leaves us to believe that they will not address it. That is the issue. I don’t mind waiting if we can at least get some acknowledgement that it’s an issue. Based on this thread it is obviously a bigger deal to some than to others.

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Yes, it is very accurate. Even more so if you didn’t only post that first sentence out of context to the rest of what I said.

But I stand by the whole statement:

straw man statement once again I don’t see many agreeing but disagreeing maybe you need to up your reading comprehension skills. Raid loot nerf didn’t seem to hear raiders wanting this. Dungeon loot nerf didn’t hear dungeon people wanting this.

Raid or PvP Mentality not many wanted this either. But you keep thinking many wanted this the numbers are dropping your not seeing it yet but as more become disillusioned with the new direction many will take notice.

I have. I know everyone hates him by default, but I do not believe he is some high level conniving deception figurehead.

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yeah and your not a blizzard White Knight either…

eSports mentality

WoW =/= Dark Souls. As someone who’s played/beaten every From Software game… We don’t play WoW for it to be Dark Souls. That’s what Dark Souls is for.

Completely different sub-genres and play styles.

There were a couple who agreed in this thread alone but were shot down by hate trolls.

And I’m telling you you’re wrong. Blizzard is not a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma, they’re a software development company. That they’re more worried about content released not even a month ago than content released several years ago is not some groundbreaking revelation, it’s basic common sense.