Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Your guess is as good as mine. I’m also confused as to why I died in a 10 year-old raid. :’)

Strangely I cannot do Legion raids which is the point of these threads :slight_smile:

WoW stopped being all about hardcore years ago. There is a healthy casual community that enjoys the game’s modern and old school content.

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I love how much traction this thread has gotten, hopefully a blue can see this and forward it to Ion

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WoW was never about hardcore play. It’s always been heavily geared for casual and solo play. Anyone who believes otherwise is sadly mistaken.


No. He’s pulling it out of his a** just like everything else.


Yeah, I do. I’ve been here since vanilla, and I’ve been a programmer for almost as long. There is simply no way that old content is going to be more, or even as, important than content introduced in the expansion they just released (and, you know, charged us for).

Blizzard is always going to prioritize content that the majority of the people are spending time in. Most people are working on progressing in the new expansion, and especially with the changes to loot from BfA, it’s going to be a while before people get to the point where they don’t have much to do every day in game.

And something that you apparently haven’t considered is that Blizzard can see things like how many people are doing any particular content. Just getting people to run those raids to generate logs is going to help Blizzard see that there are people who actually care about this stuff, if no one is willing to do that, it can’t be that important to them.

You can try to tell all of us that we’re wrong but you’re the one who will suffer for it. If there is a problem with old raid scaling, I want it fixed too, I’m on your side. I get that it sucks, I don’t disagree that it should’ve worked in the first place and that it’d be great if Blizzard would just go look themselves but if that’s the approach we take, there’s a good chance we won’t see it addressed until at least 9.1.

I ran that last night on my ilvl 93 level 50 hunter. I noticed that fight was a lot harder than previously.

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I think Ion is already in this thread :rofl:


I saw one of your comments below wondering why people are “Hating” on you and went back to read most of the conversation history. Not only you have been condescending, you are being a jerk passive aggressively by acting like you are being nice and acting dumb/innocent.

MANY people reported scaling issues with old world the first day beta was open and people started testing the stat squish, many people said it was going to be fixed when we reach 60 and ignored.
During SL open beta, people went back to test again and reported how awful the scaling was both inside and outside the raids for BFA and in the raids for Legion content and it was IGNORED AGAIN.

It went live this way although beta forum/bug report posts with hundreds and hundreds of comments. Now you want people to go back in, test each encounter find an archive with older stats to compare and report to blizzard? Do you want us to wipe their asses as well? It is already a joke that this billion dollar company released an unfinished/unpolished expansion with all the red flags people raised and you claim that they don’t have the resources to fix an issue many people are concerned about for “other priorities”.

Just to remind you, these are the players that you are talking to. They report the problems, the developers investigate and fix them.


There’s a really simple solution to this problem: unsub. And fill out the survey (if it still exists) as to why you unsubbed. Make an “unsub” post on the forums that you’re unsubbing because of the tuning that is obviously borked. Talk in gen and trade chat on your servers and bring it to others attention. As more people quit and let Blizz know why, this will eventually get looked at and fixed. Because at the end of the day Blizz cares about one thing and one thing only: money. Once you start messing with that they’ll respond.

Thank you for speaking up about this! The fight was much harder. It took me about 10-12 hits to kill Al’akir whilst my level 50 was able to kill him in about 4 or 5.

Please re-read my comment. I said all about hardcore play. I played back in Vanilla and BC where you had to be hardcore to get anywhere. I am a casual player now.

That’s what he always does. That’s why hardly anyone can stand him.


This needs to be the only post on this thread, very accurate statement.

Couldn’t agree more. You know what casual players also do? They sit back and chill and wait for stuff to get fixed based on priorities after a major expansion. They know that some things will take a back seat to issues that are more relevant to new content. You know why??? Because they are casual and don’t need things to be done now now now.

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Sure can’t seem to out dps those bosses and some are doing massive damage spells that can basically 2 shot you. But people have put in tickets and bug reports but it’s okay as ION says.


You need to go away and stop typing to me.

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Yeah I know, because it is just talking about sales of a 15year old game with people going through a pandemic and suddenly have extra time and go “Hey lets see what the ol stomping ground is like now a days?”

Even back then, I wouldn’t say you had to be Hardcore. The game was still very playable as a dirty casual. I mean, it’s all relative. It’s definitely less now than it was, but even back then…compared to actual super grind MMOs. WoW’s always been very accessible in comparison.