Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Not appling the legacy buff to capped toons is almost as ignorant as Ilvl scaling.


It looks like there’s no more easy content. Everyone gotta work for the stuffs… /s

How is a Cataclysm raid welfare content when it’s 10 years old?


New players don’t have the experience of going back and solo’ing raids like veteran players, so they have no point of reference. What Ion is doing is respecting the lore of the game and allowing the new players to not only finish Shadowland tier content, but if they wanted to they can group and tackle some of the Old Gods or Titans and this would bring back a lot of interest in the community in terms of overall player interaction with this aspect of the game.

Really? Do you know this for sure? Can you find me a source where they are intentionally “trying to appeal to new subscribers” by making old content unfarmable? Your love for Blizzard has apparently blinded you from reality my friend. I’ve seen you holding this company on your back in GD for weeks now. GG mate.


Can you explain how making something harder makes it more friendly to new players?


They can’t, they love to troll and support Blizzard as blindly as possible, lol.


Going backwards is the opposite of innovating. Ion does things like this because he has no idea how to innovate. Instead he reuses old concepts and time gating.


New players have no concept of old content being easy or hard, they simply just see it as content. Veteran players might understand the idea of one shotting old raids for transmogs and mounts, but new players are still fascinated with the concept of the art style and lore behind these old time raids and in order to not lose that magic the content is at same player level as the current content so it adds more variety if they choose to explore that side of the game.

The level of mental gymnastics is impressive…


Hmmm you must have been a leading developer for that game Wildstar. How did that go for ya ? AH…exactly. Please stop , you are making a fool of yourself.


Wish I would’ve seen this before posting in the other thread, but yes: can confirm that level 50 characters can more easily solo older raids at the moment.

It cannot be intentional.


You’re correct. Post fixed.

That interview stumped me a little… not the stuff I knew was normally answered but the other bits where he just kept dismissing stuff and saying things were fine.

I guess this is what happens when you promote someone with zero experience in running a game as lead. Awesome… :confounded:


Wait, are you saying that new players are not mentally capable of knowing easy from hard? That is very rude of you.

You know that guy that every company hires to basically come out and speak to the community on behalf of the company whether its good or bad ? …Ion is that guy for blizzard.

Not wise to entertain their posts. You’ll just go in circles w/ them.


This is not at all what I said, I simply stated that new players don’t have the same knowledge as old players in terms of old raids and lore and Ion is simply trying to extend the shelf life of old content by making the raids the difficulty as current content. I don’t see this as being a bad thing, if anything the more content a new player has, the more likely they are to get interested in the game’s lore and design.

He is also Lead Game Designer.

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I just want to be able to do old raids and not feel weak/like a scrub for doing them. If a level 50 has an easier time than a level 60, there’s an issue. The more levels you gain = the stronger you get. Not weaker. My level 50 has an easier time plowing through everything … It should be the other way around.