Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Don’t. I’m keeping a couple level 50s around until they thoroughly fix everything. Keep a few level 50 or 51 alts to do old content.


I get that people have been doing it for a long time, but that’s not an excuse to not try innovating and trying new gameplay ideas like Ion has suggested in the interview. Again, I see where you’re coming from but I just think Ion isn’t wrong in this.

I just can’t with you. As of now you are on ignore, hope you enjoy trolling someone else.


Can you elaborate on how making it the same difficulty it was 10 years ago is “innovating”?


Players have gotten so used to having this content be easy, but if you look back lore wise some of these raids have incredibly lore heavy bosses who shouldn’t be a walk in the park to beat at least from a story perspective. If I was a new player, I would not respect or understand the lore simply by doing old raids and one shotting everything but with Ion’s idea, I think he’s trying to innovate the way we look at old raids and make it so that our player level is at the same pace as the lore level of these bosses.

I think overall, this is a great change in terms of how players interact with the story of the game.

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I can see where you’re coming from, but in the past, that’s never been the case. Before the level squish, dying in a Cataclysm raid was unheard of at max. I just think that I should be able to have smooth mount & transmog runs. I feel very weak at level 60 and getting smoked by Conclave of Wind just rubs salt in the wound. It’s old/legacy content for a reason, it’s supposed to be easier to do. Not harder.


You are blatantly ignoring that there is already an answer to that, running the the content at it’s current level. If I wanted Molten Core to be hard, I will run it at level 30, but if I just want to run through and farm rep, I should be able to do that more easily as I get to a higher level.


He is just trolling. Look up is post history. Lots of troll posts. He basically agrees with all blizz does and doesn’t understand why people say or question.


I feel like Ion is the worst thing to happen to this game. All the nonsense junk that this game produced he seems to be behind…


For the hell of it, i attacked a BFA rare, it had around 250k health. I’m level 60 ilvl 187. Took me about 5 minutes to kill the thing. It was taking no more damage than a level 60 mob.

WTH is wrong with Ion and Blizzard.


Ion you are completely wrong on this, it’s not an unfortunate thing about leveling up, it’s an unfortunate thing about having an incompetent development team that doesn’t understand how character progression is an integral part of an RPG.


You do realize that Ion isnt the one making all the decisions right ? You cant blame him for every mistake that is made in this game. He probably has nothing to do with the scaling lol, he is just answering the questions , even if his response is absolutely ridiculous he probably has nothing to do with the scaling concept in this game.

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I’m not ignoring it, and neither is Ion. I think what’s being said is that current content cap is Level 60 and it’s encouraged for players to purchase Shadowlands and hit that cap, so at Level 60 they are using that as a basis for experiencing old content and lore as a means of extra exploration and challenge. Again, not everyone has completed all of the content and not everyone will be at raid level to experience it. So this is the compromise.

The number of people who have never experienced those mechanics and want to run it is FAR fewer than the number of people who run old content regularly for mounts and transmogs. The chances are the people who have never seen those mechanics will run it once and then be done with it, whereas the people who run the old content with regularity are the ones getting F’d here.

Regardless of the product you’re selling, in this case a monthly sub to WoW, you dont try to appeal to the lower percentage of customers while pissing off the larger customer base. It’s just foolish.


That’s why I said, “I feel like”. Opinions! Crazy concepts, right?!?!?

Doing a raid I did 10 years ago when it was current is now made new again by mistake? Wow thanks!


Yea your Opinion , which tells me that you are under the assumption that he is to blame because you specifically pointed him out lol. Cmon man.

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Not my fault that every time something bad is pointed out in this game, his name just magically appears along side it. This topic even has his name it in…


How do you equate “make it more friendly for new players” and suddenly can’t solo stuff like we did for years?


He is the Lead guy right? Then no matter what, he is to blame.