Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Weren’t you just saying last night that everything about SL is working as intended >.>

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Thank God you’re not a developer. No one wants old content to be hard. You know what people do want? They want to be able to solo content that is years old, that’s what. They want to farm for transmog appearances, not spend hours trying to form a group to enter a raid that was current content over 4 years ago.


Good thing it’s not up to you.

Yeah hate this to if I could refund the purchase I wouldn’t bother anymore, I maxed out 18 characters and now just feel weak as heck. Grinded did everything and your just knocked back down time and again. Not sure how long I can get back up.

How dare you be quicker than me :stuck_out_tongue:


I like how people were saying that everyone wants to be able to do old content easily, and now people are showing support of the opposite and now these are the responses.

Trolls gonna troll :roll_eyes:

i honestly think that aoe cap is bugged because some of my aoe abilities don’t seem to have caps and yet others clearly have them.

Oh they released sub numbers?


Cool, fair enough. If you have bias out of the gate, not much point in continuing the discussion.

I believe he would have to be an amazing actor to deliver these answers on the spot, or sloot is a huge liar when he said he was able to ask him any question he wanted with no screening in that hour.

This wouldn’t bother me as much if old content raids would scale down to single and duo, but they don’t.

Oh no If you say anything bad on Reddit or Twitter they ban you from contacting them. they have there own forum but never use it and only go by reddit or those special people who suck up.

I remember the shadow priest Developer saying on twitter you don’t like it remove the game and Un sub cry babies.

Not to mention when you run the class you need the mogs for it keeps falling on other classes, more time suckage lol. My lock is forever looking for one piece as I’m always looting plate and mail.

People like to do things like old content on THEIR OWN TIME. We shouldn’t have to suddenly group up for content that has been soloable for years now!

It IS what the players enjoy doing. I for one enjoy doing older content and I do that more than anything else. When I came back to BfA I didn’t set foot into any raid, not even on LFR. I solo’d a dungeon or two or had a friend join me (because of mechanics preventing a solo. i.e. mind control forcing a reset)

I do casual content like pet battles and collecting because that’s what’s fun for me. I know I am not the only one who plays WoW in this fashion.

If Blizzard suddenly wants the player base to be semi-hardcore/hardcore , well then expect WoW to go the way of WildStar.

If you suck all the fun out of a game, people aren’t going to want to stick around. I guess that’s what it’s gonna take for Blizzard to adjust their attitude when people stop being willing to pay for it, huh.

Just like in the past, huh? They never learn.


There’s nothing trollish about what I said. Care to provide your definition of trolling?

Also, I’m not too fond of your toxic name calling, is that how you treat people with different opinions?


I solo’ed Mythic Black Foundary Just fine the other day. A WOD raid and I’m ilvl 150.

Why are you dying to a 10 year old raid again?

he was a lawyer once. it wouldn’t be hard at all. it’s one of the things you learn as a lawyer is how to speak in vague unclearly defined statements.


this is a mmo it should be about hardcore players if you want casual content play a single player game. the idea of ‘solo’ stuff needs to go

i remember when i played ff11 and how great that was after the first few levels you had to find a group to do stuff with. i met so many people

Huh? Wrong about what lol?
You seem to be misunderstanding something.
This isn’t about feelings.

Do you have more or less health now than you did in prepatch?
Do you deal more damage now or did you deal more in prepatch?

You can still do this, i’m not understanding how any of Ion’s changes to Legacy will prevent this from happening.

I appreciate the constructive feedback which is much more helpful than other people in this thread. Sadly I have taken videos, screenshots, posted in the bug report forums, filed bug reports in game, and even opened a ticket with all the evidence I have of old raid mechanics 1 shotting me, but I got the “working as intended” response. Sigh.