Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

it’s Ion speak and his open disdain for everyone who doesn’t worship his footsteps.


Yes. New players are exempt from old content. They can go play Classic and they can tune classic exactly like they tunes each xpac when it came out. WTF? New players who start playing in shadowlands can deal with the squish.

Lots of things for the devs to do atm without having to worry about appeasing the hardcore “i want to one shot 8 yr old things” audience.

I think you are reading TOO much between the lines.
That to mean, reads like he is misunderstanding the issue.

He THINKS thats what players are upset about, but it isn’t right?

Players are actually stronger than they were by now, and they are still experiencing extreme issues, right?

Simple solution, make it so there is a choice. You chose if you are going through the dungeons, raids, etc. as if you are at their level (could set that up on Chromie) or you go straight to them without using Chromie and play as a max level character. I really don’t think locking players out of farming transmogs, pets, mounts, and so forth is in the best interest for the health of the game.

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Yeah, posting false statements as if they are facts, then backtracking and saying they are “opinions” when someone calls you out on it. Should I google the definition of a joke for you?


I’m not speaking strictly Vanilla content, but the lore and art for MoP for example is gorgeous and a lot of new players will miss that.

THIS! This needs to be stickied onto GD.

lol what is hardcore about doing old raids? it’s one of the most casual things to do in the game.

lol…yet they pretty much sold us on this sort of thing when they pushed the old content and leveling changes, lol.



Old raiding is the definition of casual…

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They sell that every squish lol, at least now they see the consequence of not delivering

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Huh? Yes, I am serious.
Your character is no longer weaker than it was, right?

Mine certainly isn’t.

And you are still having issues in old raids now, after your character is stronger, right?

So clearly, what he said there is a misunderstanding, or at worst some kind of lie.

i have enough experience with ion to know i don’t trust him. AT ALL. you may have unwavering faith in him but mine was all burnt through in wod when he lied about not ruining ubrs when they redid it for wod. they said they would leave it alone and that we would still be able to run the old version in wod and they ended up removing it completely. i have NEVER trusted him since. also the way he spoke is what is traditional lawyer/corporate/human resource type phrasing. it what is used when you want to massage a unpopular or unwanted message.

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good that content should be hard

the best stuff in the game should always come from working with others even if it’s from old content. really if it was up to me i’d have those old raids and the like in timewalking mode full time that way we have more hard content to do at end game in a group setting.

Wrong go try some of the old raids as a 60 they are a slug festival. I feel way weaker now than I did in BFA. OH did you forget AoE cap that is in effect as well?

Sure content I could solo is no longer a option.


They should not have to worry about the “i want to one shot 8 yr old things” audience, this sort of thing should already be baked in because of how leveling works. When you out level content it should be soloable.


Yes. They can play through it in classic. When it comes out. Blizz can make classic emerge on the same timeline and the new players can freaking experience it like it was for us - mostly terrible at the beginning of each xpac, then we grew into it and worked our asses off.

Make a special instance for it. They can add another NPC for classic raids next to the LFR/Normal people and people can talk to them and experience raids in their original iteration.

I’ll tell you what, if you can guarantee that someone at Blizzard will actually look at the work, then I’ll run the content and provide logs. What I am NOT doing is simply doing the work without knowing that someone will actually look at it. There is zero engagement from actual Blizzard employees with the community outside of the high-end raiding, PVP, streaming, etc. players. As the years go on, they are less and less communicative. Should I post it on the forums? Ehh, they don’t engage here. Twitter? Same deal, they just use it to broadcast information. What you are proposing is busy work for the purpose of busy work. Players in this very thread have run the content and can’t get any engagement from the company.

As a side-note rant, I’m sure they’ll have plenty of bandwidth available to actively monitor the Mythic race in real-time and make adjustments on the fly for those players.