Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

I literally only bought this garbage xpac to solo legion raids…


THIS 1000000000000000000000000000000000000%

Party sync exists and can be used to allow those still wanting to play old content in a challenging format. With that in mind, the inverted power curve seems very jarring to the concept of RPGs. (I don’t think MMO is a specific enough genre, but historically, RPGs thrived on character power progression.) This unlimited scaling is lore breaking because it defeats the basic premise of the heroes journey, which is a trope in stories and narrative-based gameplay.

We are acknowledged in-game as the victors over many world-ending threats.

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Hard disagree, in this post alone I agreed with many people and I have not once been toxic to anyone except those who are to me and even to those people, I simply report and move on and never show that energy back. I’m sorry that people want to create an echo chamber of hate, but not everyone shares these views and ideals.

That is not what I heard. What makes you think that?

You literally just said;

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Yes, this is called an opinion.

You certainly presented it as though it were a fact.


When they actually list the active SUB numbers then I will believe it. BUT the company stopped doing that a long time ago now they can spit any spew they want.

Opinions are like back sides everyone has one and they all stink.

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Well that’s just not true. True, none of us outside of Blizzard get to decide what their priorities are in development, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t understand what they are. Even people with basic software development experience are going to have a pretty decent guess.

Yeah, except they have more important things to do right now. Shadowlands has just been launched and is about to begin the third week, maintenance has once again not only been full duration but it was also extended, they’re trying to work out class balance in PvE and PvP, mythic Castle Nathria is about to open which means the World First race is beginning and that always requires developer attention (especially for the final bosses).

Their plate is full enough that going and testing old dungeons/raids and checking their math just isn’t going to be anyone’s top priority at Blizzard right now.

The good news is that we don’t need them to do it themselves to get it fixed. Metro is on your side here and has repeatedly told you your best chance at getting this addressed sooner rather than later:

Go run those raids, log everything and post them here. Post specific examples so that the rest of us can go run those same raids (and specific bosses if necessary) and collect logs that we can add to yours. If we collect the data for them, we reduce the amount of work it’ll take to get a fix, which means the fix comes that much faster.

And yes, I know you already linked some, but we’ll probably need more. I admit that it’d be nice if we didn’t need to do this, but pretending like the devs don’t have a lot on their plate right now isn’t going to get us anywhere.

It’s not my fault that people take what I say to be fact, people interpret things how they choose to.

It is the main thing to do for Transmog collectors and RPers. Saying no one is being held up is nonsense. A lot of people I know were looking forward to being able to farm the transmogs that they couldn’t group for before. Many don’t like grouping for transmog farming either. These people are indeed a good part of the WoW paychecks.

There was a bug in the first week of Shadowlands where the scaling benefit against Legion content went down as you leveled. That should be working as intended. Players who compared themselves at the end of the last expansion and the beginning of this expansion and find that it’s talking longer is an unfortunate thing about leveling up in WoW and the way combat ratings work.

here you go. all you need to do is read between the lines. it’s what called doublespeak.

I dont run Legion raids with a level 60 character for the challenge. It would be asinine for it to even be challenging given Im supposed to greatly outlevel the content.
Im there to farm…pets…mogs…mats.
It shouldnt be challenging in the least for a character who is well past that contents level range.
They made it sound as if we’d be level 50 to 60 and old content, when not using chromie time, would scale to 35, making it all very easy to kill so we could FARM the content, not spend an hour trying to fight it, lol.

Im having fun with the game, but am totally disillusioned by what they gave us compared to what they originally made it SOUND like.

He works for them.

How’s those 3 kids and 2 jobs going for you? Oh right, they don’t exist. How about you post on your main…oh I forgot, your guild “forbids it”. You are the Mitch McConnell of GD, congratulations my friend. Your post history is built upon a foundation of lies, and no one is buying into it.

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Stating that we have more subs now than at WotLK is not an opinion. It is (Inaccurate) fact.


And for the record, varying opinion, politely discussed, is perfectly fine to me. I don’t mind your opinions. It’s worth checking out, to me, even if it doesn’t vibe with me in the end.

I never tried selling anything to anyone or convincing anyone of anything, i’m simply speaking my mind the same as you are.

You can guess but you don’t know