Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA


This ISN’T the way it’s always been. It’s only been like this since WoD rolled out the game’s first stat squish.

It’s also not at all at odds with being an RPG. I never said old content should be harder, or even hard, I simply said I don’t mind having to actually pay attention while doing old raids. That’s a big difference. And besides that, you’re talking about doing content that is old, yes, but it’s content that was designed for 20 freaking people. Being able to solo that AT ALL just goes to show how huge a leap in power we’ve made over the years. If we were talking about content that you were already doing solo back when it was current, you’d have a point.

I mean what do you guys expect from him? The guy is a literal idiot.


Shucks, you got me.
Lets stay focused on the topic at hand, and how to fix it now, shall we?

Our time? That’s a strange thing to say. who are you that you are so important?

People have run the content and provided specific numbers. In fact, someone last night was posting in real time as they were running old content with comparisons to their previous experiences in Legion. Wowhead’s article dedicated to his appearance on the stream also includes comments with specific numbers. What do you want people to do with those numbers if nobody is actually listening? It’s a waste of time to continue doing so because there’s no venue for voicing feedback unless you’re in a top guild, a top PvPer, streamer, or own a large site. How and where do you suggest these folks submit information? There is very little indication that Blizzard cares about your opinion unless you fall into one of those categories.


I have a number of hunter so I tend to be quite accurate, don’t let the warrior avatar fool you :smiley:

Not my choice of how to fix it, buff player damage, decrease boss damage, whatever they want

In a single thread with all the evidence compiled.
Can you post me where to find these previous discussions? I can help with that compiling.

Again, incredibly toxic community response here.

Plenty of people have talked about the scaling issues in legacy content for a good while now, and nothing is really getting done about it. How do you propose that we talk about this so that it can get fixed?

what they should do is what ever raid you go into it should treat you like you’re a 130 because if there was no level squish that would be the new level and revert the legacy raids back to their old numbers…or something along those lines…because dying from content that’s either 2 or more expansions ago is pretty ridiculous.

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As soon as realms come up I’ll go, get stomped AGAIN, log it and report it lol

By not talking. Post facts, in a single thread with logs and comparisons in and out.

This was done in BFA, and within 24 hours Ion responded directly.

THIS is how you get this problem fixed, and its super easy to do.

He even asked for it, without realizing it! He said “I would be interested in seeing specific examples.”

Show him!
Show him the error in the math that is present and they will know how to fix it.

Great, compare it to as many raids as possible.

Erect a shrine to Ion and pray to it nightly.

No. Lei Shen is from 2013. No one at max level should be dying to OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD bosses. I don’t even understand why they’re doing this. People like me who farm old raids, play a LOT because there’s a lot of old raids. And isn’t that what they want us to do? Play for a long time to meet their metric or whatever?

If I only do shadowlands content, I’d play maybe an hour every day. But with farming I play for six to eight hours from tuesday to friday,.

Hopefully this “comparison” you speak of isn’t a preSL log of doing the content as I didn’t realize I was supposed to log transmog runs for record keeping purposes

Someone else will have to provide that :rofl:

Yes, review Humanbreak’s posts from last night. They did great work both running the content and documenting their experience, including time comparisons to their kills from BFA. I’m sure there are other examples earlier in those threads as well, they just come to mind since I saw them last night.




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Ideally that would be present, but its not needed.
The key insight was with Ulduar last expansion.
There was something numerically wrong with that raid specifically, and the posters proved that by posting dozens of logs in and out of Ulduar, and comparing Ulduar to other wrath raids.

It wasn’t a bug with all wrath raids, which was the issue.
I worry that might be an issue here too, some how.
Especially considering flexible scaling and difficulty.