Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

ITT Metrohaha continues to be a poo stain and Tupac adds more posts to his count for some reason.

From what i’ve read it’s just best to ignore both of these edgelords.


IT certainly doesn’t but player outcry will have an influence on whether it does or doesn’t, as this and other threads are attempting to do.

They aren’t going to do that because they have bigger things to be worried about.

Do you really not understand this, or is this just trolling or something?

Realms coming up has been changed from 11am PST to 1pm PST so I have 2 more hours of free time to sit here :slight_smile:

Dude I am trying to help you and others get this problem solved.
Are you serious right now?
Do you want this fixed or not?

You still aren’t a Blizzrad employee, do you still not understand this or are you trolling or something?

Not only the fact this is the way things have always been, what you are suggesting is also against the entire premise for RPGs… I raid +15 lvls below me and half a decade old should not be a challenge.

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Me being a blizzard employee or not has no relevance whatsoever to this discussion.

Why are you doing this man?
I honestly want to help people solve this.

This is very upsetting to me honestly.

Sometimes I honestly wonder why there’s so many hate trolls on this forum.

Just look at these responses to a simple discussion they don’t agree with. :man_facepalming:

If thier goal is to make older content relevant they have to update rewards. You cant increase the difficulty of the old stuff we were soloing, tell us “the community wanted it relevant again” and not update the rewards.
We solo it for old rewards and mounts. If we have to group up it shouldn’t give outdated rewards.

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It would be nice to be able to do Legion raids and below without feeling very weak and limited. It took about 10 - 12 hits for me to kill Al’akir in Normal mode. Even Cataclysm & WotLK raids are showing signs of the strange, wonky scaling that’s been implemented. I think a lot of people just want to feel decently strong and not weak doing content that is 10+ years old.

Don’t listen to the forum trolls, they just want to waste our time.

Sounds like they want to waste their own time too.
Really bothers me, because I want to see something like this addressed and I was shocked to see Ion misunderstood the issue last evening.

Because you don’t get to say what is or isn’t important.

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I have a hunch that they are saving a “fix” for further down the line during a content drought so it looks like there is more to do. They kinda did the same thing waiting until the end of BFA to activate legacy loot mode for Legion content. Its annoying and not how an MMO should work.

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Dude please for the love of god stop with this personal nonsense.
I am not telling you what you think is and isn’t important.

I am just saying, its clear Blizzard is not taking this serious, based on the comments last night and their inaction.

Why are you fighting with me on this?

Do you actually disagree, and think they ARE taking this serious?

The only people in here wasting time are the the people speaking as if they are Blizzard employees saying what people care about isn’t important

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Luckily no one is doing that.

You’re doing that

Oof. Good luck, you’re going to need it.