I’m not going to spend all my free time farming dailies, weeklies, raids and then invest many more hours to group up with people to farm old content. Most people do not want to spend their whole day just playing WoW. Just let me relax while farming old content for transmog and mounts. This is a game. Why is everything becoming a chore?!
Again to my point earlier, new players do not have this knowledge. Ion is speaking from a perspective of allowing new players the same experience you had when you first saw all these raids for the first time, and I think the changes might upset folks but they’ll learn to live with it.
Lord have mercy. You think the people who enjoy solo’ing old content all come to the forums? We just all come here to express our disdain with the current situation? Us old-content farmers have some sort of union going and agreed to congregate on the forums all at once?
Look at this post, this is literally just that. And I respect your opinion and everyone else’s about legacy content, but I just do not agree with the sentiments and that’s ok. Ion’s perspective of favoring new players and valuing the art and lore of this game is far more important than player’s ability to farm places for mounts and fashion reasons. One benefits the entire community, the other is more selfish and doesn’t benefit the next generation of gamers in WoW.
I think that you and Ion are vastly overestimating the draw that this would have to new players, or the population size of these theoretical new players.
You may be right, but I’m still hoping it gets changed. It’s not enough to make me quit, but I’ll voice my feedback when given the opportunity.
gues what I did when I was a new player and saw the old raids? I went there max level and soloed it, and I guarantee most of the people playing this game right now did the same
This is an opinion, stop stating things as if they are a fact. By the way, since it is an opinion, you seem to be the only one that has it. If you like the way the tuning is then fine, go form raids for old content. This thread is meant to bring light to a problem in the game. You are not helping the problem, so why continue to post in the thread and get people upset?
I never once said that what I said was a fact, ever. I have always said that this is just my input, and that i’m not here to convince anyone of anything.
Either you don’t understand how grammar works or you don’t understand what a fact is. You stated something objectively when you should have stated in subjectively, go back to school and stop trolling forums.
Can people not be allowed to have different opinions anymore? Seems like folks that irrationally hate Ion or Blizzard just want to create an echo chamber of hate. How is that in anyway healthy for the community?
Well, ion is a hardcore raider from the beginning of WoW.
Sadly they seem catering even more to mythic/raiders than WoD. We all saw how the exodus of casuals in that expansion. Most casuals want some progression and most people like loot in todays games. Old mmoers probably love less loot but not most modern casuals.
Dont see this expansion faring too well for casuals who like progression but dont do hardcore mythics/raids. But thats ions entire gameplay, doesnt even do transmog
I used to be able to one shot the raid bosses in ICC, not anymore. It took 5-6 shots to bring them down once they added the item level scaling. But now with SL it takes 10-15 hits to bring them down. A level 50+ SHOULD one shot them. It’s like this now in all the old raids and from Legion on they’re not even solo’able anymore.
Newsflash. People that come here to express their anger and contempt towards something means that they like the game and want to see it change. People are showing up daily on these threads airing very real grievances with a lot of support to them, but you without fail show up to ‘well akchually’ each and every one like Blizzard’s yes man. If Blizzard isn’t held accountable then nothing will change for the better.
No, Beth’tilac should under no circumstances kill you. Not even if you taunt her, then get up, leave your house and go grocery shopping, get in a car accident go into a coma for 15 years you should still be alive by the time you make it back to wow.