Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

Why don’t you post something productive? Maybe a tip for people having issues soloing? Instead you just come in here saying “this is good for the game, Blizz knows it you just don’t yet”, get off your high horse. So far, the only things you have posted are illogical and meant to incite argument.


Eh, not in my opinion no. Grow to tolerate or accept, sure, but I still don’t think this is a positive change and I don’t think many people will ever be on board with it.


2 other MMORPG’s that I’ve played (FF14 and GW2) have scaling. GW2 will scale your character level down to the zone’s level. FF14 will scale your level down to the the Duty (FF14’s version of a World Quest) level and dungeon level (if you join through Group Finder).

How is WoW’s version of scaling any different?

I’m not sure why you feel like you can tell me what to post, I don’t mind that you have a different opinion than me but i’m not going to tell you to what to do. We need to be more respectful of each other’s opinions in order to have a healthy dialogue.

N’zoth? Mythic Kil’jaeden is on par with Sire Denathrius


I actually tried, whilst grinding my teeth because I hate it so much, to pug that dungeon at the end of the KT quest line for over an hour the other day, to no avail.

Doing old dungeons and raids is great content for solo players, because it allows us to both clean up old quests we’ve put off and to see the storylines of these places. Doing them solo allows us to go at our own pace, to investigate and explore, and to enjoy content we were never able to d before. It’s something to do when we don’t have much else to do during the current expansion.

To take that ability away, to take that massive amount of content away, really feels like a major slap-down.


his reasoning is from him being a new player. he said this in another thread he wants to experience the difficulty as they were then


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Because in WoW those old raids aren’t scaled to current max level, unless they are a time walking raid.

At least for FF, it’s all optional. You can go into a dungeon solo/overpowered just fine.

Also, comparing a duty to a dungeon is…not accurate.


and its likely got very little to do with Ion (sales figures…)

The largest contibutors to SL sales: the state of the world and covid…

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In this topic, i said the only way to do that, is to scale the raids to your current level (like time walking raids), so you get the actual experience of what it was then, and they disagreed with that also. So they don’t want new players to get the actual experience of the raid, lore, and art style (like a time walking raid), but they also don’t want veteran players to be able to go back and farm mounts, mogs, toys and pets. According to them, this is a good solution that doesn’t solve the new players experience, nor does it solve the veterans experience of farming old content for what they want.


you tell people what to do in most threads…

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How great of a number of new players do you think exists that are gonna try to form raid groups to go back and do old content vs. the number of older players who have been solo farming content for various reasons?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the latter far exceeds the former.

Also, if in that mind of yours you think what you say is true, then explain how or why no longer being able to go backwards and just obliterate everything stops at level 60, but you’re still capable of doing it at level 50?

If your statement held any water then no one at any level would have an easier time going back and soloing old content.

I’m also pretty sure most new players want to get max level quickly to join their fellow peers in doing current content.

I didn’t buy Shadowlands so I could re-experience content from the days of yore.
I’ve already done most of it when it was current content, okay? Now, I just want to be able to go back and solo stuff for mounts/pets/transmog like I’ve been doing for many years now.

If you think new players should be able to go back and do content to experience it as it was, then give them a switch to turn up the difficulty like with the way that hard modes worked back in WotLK


As I and others have said, The guy is a troll and nothing more. Look up his post history. He is a troll or a blizz shill, either way just best to ignore his dumb comments and move on.


I think the problem with current WoW is the lack of server identity an community, LFG/CRZ doesn’t make it any better so I think by alienating new players even more with a “Switch”, you’ll run into a lot of unhappy new players.

Ion’s suggestion is to keep things the way they are because it makes the most logical sense, players who play WoW will purchase latest content and hit cap and they can then go and create groups either amongst themselves or old veterans who would like to run the content and this will bring more people together in the community. I’m not seeing how this is a bad change at all.

Exactly, not running them now but that precisely what I do between content patches.

anyone who keeps touting this “durrr borrowed power has always been a thing. remember tier set bonuses? durrr” argument needs to pay a little more attention.

yes, set bonuses were power progression. no, you didn’t outright lose all of it because a new expansion or raid came out. they carried over and aided you in clearing the new content.

nowadays with azerite, corruptions and covenants…and we’ve already seen it with azerite and corruptions…these bonuses will outright disappear in new content and you will become weak. it’s not like your azerite gear kept you going for the majority, if not all of the leveling experience and then you found things that are stronger. no, not at all like a real rpg. nope. what happened was you went to a new area and suddenly your awesome gear was garbage (as a sidenote, this is precisely why people loved the old cube world and hate the new one) there’s a lore explanation but its flimsy at best. why does it only apply to hoa? why is it still suddenly weak against azeroth-dwelling foes?

because of bad scaling. borrowed power and scaling are bad.

And no one plays those games, So your point? There is a reason no one plays those games. And yes before some tool tells me people do play, I know they do. But the 10 people don’t really matter/count sorry. Not when comparing this MMO to those.

Every MMORPG you level, get stronger and stronger gear so you feel like you are moving forward. Why take all that away? What is/will be the point of gear or leveling if it don’t actually make you stronger?

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Agreed, And he even reported my post… I have him on ignore, I suggest everyone else do the same. He is either a troll or a shill. Either way he is brain dead.

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imagine not thinking something is wrong with the current scaling, transmog and mount farm has been the backbone of WoW for YEARS, some people just can’t do mythic for the transmog and literally wait for one whole expansion to farm it, why they are not allowing it? it’s ridiculous