I think it’s Ion or one of those Deves who wants to think he did great but actually is terrible. Not sure which yet. Or third case it’s one of those White knights.
I told you. I don’t fight on the internet =P. Forums are about sharing ideas not stifling them.
Are people still responding to the obvious troll as if they were being at all sincere?
Yes, your point being: this allows new players more accessibility to older content. I would like to hear from a new player that you got this information from? Why would making raids harder (but not increasing their rewards) make ANYONE want to go do them? Again, you are failing in your Blizz white knighting position by going back on your own points. Get it together Ion!
I still can’t believe people are crying about this nonissue.
Again we can agree to disagree here but I think the idea is great, even if it’s not well received at first I’m sure as time goes on people will learn to accept it just like everything else.
100% agreed! Although some find having an opposite opinion as being a troll
isn’t his why we have time-walking? Time walking is the perfect solution, because players that want to experience old content, get the full experience as they are scaled to the level of the content. They get to see all the old content as it was intended. Not a half @#$% attempt like what Ion wants. This lets current players farm old content for missing items they want, and allows new players to get the true experience of the old content for lore and art styles.
There’s only two encounters in total where’s “acceptable” to die in Cata: Spine of Deathwing and Beth’tilac (if ur not even trying to dps lol)
Eh, I’m usually inclined to think that way, but this could be one like flying. It could be intricate enough to actually motivate enough feedback to be heard. I guess time will tell.
I am, cautiously, hopeful that this will change in the future though.
Are you speaking on Ions behalf?
If not this is poor logic as the art and lore was appreciated at the time it was current.
Ever since EQ, over-gearing an old dungeon so you could wreck it solo has been a thing in MMO’s.
This is an abrupt change sprung on the players with no forewarning.
But is learning to like something bad a “good” mentality? I’ve learned to live with a lot of bad things, but I’d still enjoy it more if it was improved and made more people happy than numb with apathy about a perceived bad decision.
Oh god, Spine :’) So definitely not Conclave of Wind lmao
The raids are not harder, they are simply at current content player level. And previously, no one ever ran old content for iLevel upgrades anyways so I don’t understand why they would with Ion’s change in mind. This is to promote new players to experience the deep lore and raid designs of WoW, and I think it’s a good change.
Anyone else remember before the first item squish when soloing old raids was for the challenge of it? 20 minute Kael fights lol.
No, it’s more the fact that you post on an anonymous alt. Then you find every thread in GD where someone voices a valid complaint and you go defend Blizzard. Jeez, I wonder why people think you’re a troll?
I don’t think your comment or your view is out of line or crazy. I disagree with it, but I can respect it. It was a big part of what I enjoyed when playing the game, and now I’m going to have to adjust.
Perfectly said.
How is agreeing with Blizzard defending them? Are we only allowed to feel one way towards a company and that’s it? I feel like people are trying to create a echo chamber of hate when it’s not contusive to healthy conversation. You should be able to hear both the good and the bad.
Thank you for being mature with your response! Yes, it will take time for adjustment but I feel like people will grow to like the changes.