Old Content Scaling and Ion's response in QA

This precisely and nothing else. EVERYTHING in this game is a thoughtless, heartless, greedy time gate now. There is no actual game play, only impediment.


for sure timewalk it for people who want that, but dont have that being the only option. I’ve done many solo old content runs for transmog and mounts over the years. I dont want to throw away that gameplay because its gameplay i have played in the past and am not against (i still lack many mounts).

Simply just removing the ability for players to just go in and smash the content solo for a 1% mount drop is weird and confusing. Who benefits from such a change? No one. Old contennt raid groups are practically non existant, and now soloing is also practically non existant. So all those raids might as well be deleted, its just sizeable 3d model assets that must be downloaded by anyone installing the game for utterly no benefit or reason


So, I have a theory. I’m pretty sure Activision cut their development resources. We all know they have data for every aspect of the game, including who is running new content like dungeons and raids. I have a theory that not as many people ran end game content in BfA and Ion was told, get more people involved in the end game, or we will cut more from your development budget.

So, they come up with the Torghast treadmill to keep people “engaged” while simultaneously knee-capping our ability to run the old stuff that we are interested in.

Just a theory.


This is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever. You are hurting people who want to transmog there gear very very badly.

Old content should be soloable as it always has been. It is content of yesterday not of today. Why should people be dying to mobs of 3-4 expansions ago?

And why should it take 30 minutes to kill one trash mob?

This is insanity. Classic/Vanilla wow is put together better then this and has more integrity. Least it doesn’t take a half hour to down a trash mob. Nor protected by a scaling barrier making it into top rate bullet sponge.

I guess it won’t take long before classic wow gets messed up too. So I guess i’m done with this game for good.

You really think putting every mob behind some scale shield turn every mob in the game into bullet sponges is fun? Well I think you need to re read the definition of the word fun. I question your knowledge on the word fun if you think wacking bullet sponges is fun.

You might as well equip all your level 1 starting gear and go wack on a training dummy all day and for the rest of wow for the fun it is to have this Scaling shield protecting mobs.

Where is the progression that your character is getting stronger or is it in reverse you get weaker as you level and get weaker yet as you equip higher gear?

Why bother leveling then and why bother doing content just stay level 1 and wonder around aimlessly oh joy.

I cannot believe this madness.




One simple word “Ion”, he could literally care less.


Blizzard, PLEASE FIX the legacy scaling problem caused by the LEVEL SQUISH that YOU had stated would NOT affect us. The biggest reason I sub with you is for me to enjoy the mounts, mogs, pets and toys that I get from those raids and dungeons (which I enjoy solo). I am sick of Torghast and the Maw, I want to do the old content (ESPECIALLY LEGION RAIDS) However YOU have broken the legacy part of the game, why are you slow to fix this??? Please fix this issue, I will not continue to pay for WoW if I am forced away from the content I am paying for. PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE.


OMG YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN!!! I feel the same exact way! I am so pissed at Bliz right now. At the end of BFA I was soloing Legion Raids at level 50 on my pally. Now my pally is 60 with item level 197 and kept dying on Legion Raids. I got so pissed, I logged out, and have not logged back in. I HATE pugging because of toxic people. They said that the level squish would NOT change the way we do old Legacy Raids. They were WRONG, they broke that part of the game, and they have NOT FIXED it. Thinking about closing my accounts, as this was the BIGGEST part of the game I was paying for (old mounts, toys, pets and mogs) I refuse to waste my life in Torghast and the Maw. I am beyond PISSED.


YEP, I am one of the ones who will Un-sub my 4 accounts if they do not fix this.


My six month sub ends in 5 days, going by Ion’s post that we will be strong enough by end of this expansion to solo past content guess ill be back in the final patch? Longest break I have ever taken has been a couple months but this time feels like it may be different.


I feel the same, I have 4 subs, I set it up like that so I could do old raids with my own little group of 4. I had gotten sick of the toxic pugs but loved doing old group content. I set up my little group with all 4 armor types (I can use almost all armor types for transmog) I could also collect my mounts, pets, and toys. I tank, heal and dps old raids. I have been paying about $60. per month to do this. I was never one of those people who abused multi-boxing, I kept to myself, did not pvp with boxing and only gathered what I needed for my own stuff. It finally gave me my own little quiet corner of wow, no stress, drama, or frustration that came with running pugs, leading guilds or raids or even raiding current content at all. I left all of that behind and changed the way I play wow. In todays world (Covid & Government) this was my quiet escape. Now this has been taken away too. I am pissed, and very sad, I am not the only one who enjoys old content for mounts, mogs, pets and toys. Since this is the direction they want to go (breaking the ability to solo old raids) then there is no reason for me to stay, I don’t know if I will ever come back now, TRUST is a big deal for me. I trusted Bliz.


You sound almost exactly like me - except I only have a group of 3. Run old content for mounts & toys. Was a great escape.

Only thing I am grateful for is that I did not buy SL. I’m capped at 50, but my main has so far been able to run Legion mythic dungeons (no problems at all) and normal raids. Haven’t tried heroic raids yet, I’ll be curious to see how far I can get solo with a level 50.


good thing i level capped myself soon as someone bought shadowlands for me. makes me feel bad though. like someone was nice enough to buy me something but i have to restrict myself access from it to play the game properly.

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This stuff should all be posted in the thread in bug reports. Keep this thread bumped with new information. I know it probably won’t help, but at least they won’t be able to claim “noone is reporting any problems” because they’re ignoring GD.



Daily bump and reminder that Ion lied to us and trashed our favorite activity for no reason other than to try to soak that sweet time played metric for investors. Hint: it’s having the opposite effect :slight_smile: If it’s “working as intended” then some devs need to get hit by a bus.


Just tried to solo mythic nighthold on my DKs offspec, 2H frost, ilvl 200. Still not strong enough to kill mythic guldan / demon within in that spec - with koltira’s legendary at 210 ilvl. Rest of the raid is fairly smooth, as it should be given it is LEGACY CONTENT.

Can only do it in unholy (same ilvl with appropriate legendaries/conduits/talents), but even then it’s a tight finish. Scaling is still busted, and it’s an absolute joke. FIX THIS.


Try it with Frost dual-wield and use the auto-attack shield talent passive. Should make Nighthold a breeze.

We know its not “working as intended” because it was defined as intended to work like it always had in the past. “The squish is just a number and anything you can solo at 120 you will be able to solo at 60”.


Ty, I’ll give it a go. Still, seriously annoying that all specs can’t just breeze through it, scaling still all over the place :angry:


Yeah, it kind of is. Some fights I wasn’t able to do as Frost or Unholy, I just didn’t have the personal item level for it on Mythic. I had to ask a friend to come and help me to make up the 20-30% difference for boss HP. But that shield talent makes an immense difference in all of the Mythic raids I do solo.