10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

There was some kind of client patch this evening. I doubt it had anything to do with scaling though. Nothing in the hotfix notes about what it was about.

It was worse in beta as the lower ilevel gear also had higher stamina values too.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Don’t forget that timewalking raids were dropping too much loot, so that got fixed asap.


I hate this. I used to farm old M in BfA from Legion as ret, dead easy when I hit 110. Now? I have to go prot, pull carefully, and still take forever to kill things. It’s not fun. I KNEW this BS would happen when they announced the level squish. If they can f up stat squishes, there was no way in HELL they’d manage a proper level squish, and they proved it.


It looks like the block rating on shields was NOT squished with the item level. The artifact weapon shields have around 450 block. An ilvl 66 shield I got from a Honorbound chest has 440. Looks really odd next to the double digit other stats.

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I’ve tried to solo mythic Antorus on my Ilvl 185 shadow priest. After taking ages to kill the first boss, I got stuck on the hounds.( The ticking dot damage was too much for me during the fear.) I then went back and equipped my heart of Azeroth, and a cheap pvp trinket to get out of the fear and was able to clear hounds and portal keeper. I hit a wall on Enonar, the adds just won’t die fast enough for me, and tried to skip to High Command. Hit another wall because of the dot that increases physical damage. After all this and feeling frustrated, I decided to try putting in a ticket just for giggles to see what they would say…

Why can’t I solo old content from two expansions ago? (specifically legion raids) Our characters should be steam rolling this stuff by now?! I’ve been playing this game for 16 years and never have I leveled in power and gotten weaker. what’s up with this?

GM Xaleraphon here, I can see that you seem to be having an issue with old raids.

Sorry for the delay in answering your ticket but we do have a rather large queue at the moment, what with the amount of people contacting us recently.

I am sorry to hear that this had happened to you as its never a nice situation to be in when you arent able to solo some of the old raids.

With this, its not really something that we can give you an answer on as any changes due to the scaling when the max level was reduced may have caused some issues with some of the older raids. I know it is still possible to solo a lot of them from Legion etc but some can be tricky.

If you have any direct feedback on this, you can submit a suggestion in-game using the suggestion system. All you need to do is open the help window, and click on suggestion and place it in there. The feedback will then go straight to the developers.

Thanks for contacting us and hopefully you can still have a nice day!


Yeah, this is pretty silly. Blizzard fix the old raids. i do not understand why this has not been done.


Ion will say they fixed the old raids by nerfing TW raid loot drops. :joy:


How can they fix anything that is “working at intended”?

If anything gets done, they’ll stay as quiet as possible about it. Meanwhile, disabling pet battles in Castle Nathria was more important.


One of the things I’ve done is to go back and fight an elite for a group WQ (Twisted Child of Rezan in Zuldazar) to see how my characters have been in advancing in power. It’s a level 52 elite with 174,002 hp at the top end of the scaling curve.

On my BM hunter at level 50 and ilevel 122, it took 62 seconds to kill giving an average DPS of roughly 2806.

At level 60 and ilevel 160 (basically dungeon level), it took me 57 seconds to kill giving an average DPS of roughly 3074.

10 character levels and nearly 40 ilevels and my DPS against a (now) grey mob has increased by less than 10%.


See…I’m ok with that in Shadowlands content because they wanted to ease up on the exponential power creep the game has had for so long.

But that means that older expansions cannot just be left as is. We need some kind of multiplier in BFA. Not quite as strong as the “legacy buff” but we definitely need some kind of multiplier…say 5x the dps, 1/5 the incoming dmg, since Ion SAID we should be as strong as a 5-person group in the previous expansion.


Fastest previous kill was 20.5 seconds for LFR Goroth, today it was 14.7 and I did no gearing this week. That’s what, a 30% improvement?

Going to try M…

Something’s changed significantly. I just beat him as fury on mythic. I haven’t been able to come close to that before. Yes I did pull out all the stops - it wasn’t trivial, and it took 105 seconds, but I’m wearing the same “old world” gear set that I have been the past few weeks and I managed. His dot still hurts but…something changed. Not to the point where it used to be “2 xpacs=go faceroll it all” but…something.

That’s great…but anecdotal reports aren’t going to get me to stay. There has to be communication from them that they have changed/fixed something. The DOT situation (where the legacy buff doesn’t affect it) has to be fixed as well, that is a MAJOR issue.


Yup, and no matter what the reason is I can do it as fury now, it doesn’t change the hosed health scaling at all.

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I’m still all aquiver from being able to feed my pet Shadowlands meat!


BFA was so terrible that it drained our characters and the entire world of power.

Didn’t this exact thing happen in Legion or BFA (I forget which), and they jumped right away to fix it? God, I hate Ion.


Please support the bug report - Blizz wanted bug reports on the bug report forum now, so they got one (this is targeted towards raid boss health)



/shrug it’s just the nature of the game.

Everytime a new expansion comes out, things get reset and you start from 0 again at max level. Levels are no longer a meaningful measurement of power because they can’t be - blizz realized that at the end of wrath, when classes were starting to mature, then really realized it at the end of MOP, when class abilities were just OP. There’s just a limit to how much stuff you can heap on without it becoming an unmanageable mess.

So, levels have become not a reflection of character power, but a way to offer a framework for progressing through a story, and the ‘power boost’ from an expansion comes from stuff like artifacts and soulbinds, which go away after the expansion. And honestly? This is fine.

When you’re talking about the current expansion content, you’re not wrong. But removing the ability to solo old content is NOT fine, it will kill the game. If this stands, then in a few months, BFA will look like a huge success compared to SL.

If they want the game to survive, they need to do whatever is necessary to keep us significantly more powerful in old content by levelling. Whether it’s legacy buffs, or multipliers, or whatever. We should NEVER EVER get weaker in old content by levelling, that’s just mind bogglingly stupid.