Old content must be kept relevant

Edit: Accidentally posted this in GD, moved it to Community Council. I suppose it’s a nice way to open up discussion. (Old content must be kept relevant) Head over there to upvote if you agree :]

I touched upon this in my other posts, but I believe this topic deserves it’s own big post. (Following quotes are taken from my previous posts from here).

“Imagine if you could fight Heroic Ragnaros again without having to specifically create a level appropriate character. Imagine if fighting Ragnaros that way would give more loot than clearing it as we do right now. Imagine all the content that people could experience. The completionism grind.”

“The other one that is also somewhat of a hot topic is Legion Timewalking. Sure, it’s fun. But you do it once, and you don’t do it again, since who cares when it doesn’t give you any M+ rating (even if in a separate bracket), and the fact that it’s going to be gone rather soon. The thing is, these dungeons would be amazing to play (including the BfA ones), but there is no reward associated with it at all. No rating to get, no cool gear to repurpose (wouldn’t it be kinda cool to do level appropriate M+, ya know, making sure old content stays relevant?).”

The fact that WoW has 17 years of development behind it, and we’re stuck playing one patch that was released in July of this year, is pure insanity. The game may as well be called WoW: Sanctum of Domination, the only thing in this game being included is 9.1, and it wouldn’t be any different (it’d be even better cause the file size of WoW is getting MASSIVE).

Here’s an idea - let timewalking be active at any point. In fact, let it be an activateable dungeon and raid difficulty for any old content (not just a select few), letting you scale down to the appropriate level (with Shadowlands stuff being disabled - legendaries, covenants etc), with legacy loot being active + further boosting legacy loot to give you 1-2 more items per boss, to incentivize farming Transmogs and, for those who choose to do XPoff, soften the massive RNG curve.

On top of this, add a “Random Timewalking” dungeon queue, where you can que into leveler dungeons, with the end reward being some relevant currency (such as Justice / Valor, coming off of my PvE gear progression shouldn’t be 100% RNG - and PvP should be 100% deterministic - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com))

I know a lot of players that started playing in BfA and have absolutely no clue of old content, which is just sad. Imagine not being able to experience fantastic raids such as Firelands, Ulduar, AQ40, Tomb of Sargeras, etc…

On top of this, I think it’d be appropriate to have the occasional Timewalking M+ season. Pick an expansion, enable M+, and let people go ham. Give them rating separately, and offer cosmetic rewards such as a re-design of the T2.5 sets and the 4 raid scarabs.

Also, it’d be a treat if the Azerite gear would just work regardless of HoA level, and re-enable Legacy set bonuses, but put a level cap on them so you can’t take them into Shadowlands content.

I understand that this is a lot of work, but you already put a lot of work into those, just to discard them. Sooooo…

This is not even mentioning low level PvP, which I already elaborated on here. The complete neglect of casual and leveler PvP - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


reuse all the old content.

Why waste all of wows past!

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I realize I accidentally posted to GD. Moving this to CC.

I agree :100:

also - posting in a community council thread

No for 2 reasons:

  1. Re-balancing new gear and 17 years worth of old instances (and possibly things like new classes) scaling every expansion/patch sounds like a lot of busy work, and is something Blizz has proven to not exactly excel at (to be kind).

B) Spreading the remaining small player base across 17 years of content is textbook “spreading it too thin”.

3: Keeping 17 years worth of dungeon, raid, and boss mechanics, strats, & routes fresh in memory sounds like a headache.


5 - a couple pieces of extra loot spread across 5-20+ other players over a longer run time doesn’t sound like an advantage to having a smaller amount 100% to myself in a significantly shorter amount of time without any of the other downsides that come with dealing with a group

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Thanks for accidentally posting this in GD. I pretty much agree with you all around, but personally I’d be happy with…

  • fix itemization professions for leveling characters. Crafting a set of gear at level 20 (or an enchant or potion) only to learn you can’t use it for another 20 levels is just stupid.

  • make chromie time available at max level with raid reward level set below normal current raid and scaling down from there - so people don’t think they need to farm old gear for current content.

For me it doesn’t need to be “relevant” as much I’d enjoy it more if it wasn’t broken as is

I’d also like to be able to do it without rerolling or shutting xp off. Let me go back on the toons I actually want to play.

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If they made all those raids and dungeons relevant, they would have to make it easily puggable to avoid a balancing nightmare. They can’t even balance the Mage Tower or the Brawler’s Guild.

Agree as long as it doesn’t affect the ability to solo :+1:

Doesn’t sound like op is advocating for it to rewarding anything like current content, so tight balance doesn’t really seem like an issue at all.

… There is no world where having more content for everyone is a bad thing.

Then dont keep it fresh in memory. its not like you have to do any of it.

Exactly this. If me and some friends wanna go back and re-experience a dungeon from the past, we should be able to do it, even if it doesn’t drop gear.

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The problem, I fear, is that it would also kill timewalking in the process as well.
When something is available all the time, people tend to already do it, finish it, and they want to focus on current content only. What ends up happening is old, experienced players move on, and returning/new players will struggle to find groups. Seasonality keeps the content fresh for people, it gives incentive to return, and it lets new players pair with experienced players so they can transfer knowledge of fights. I would rather we figure out a way to make seasonal events (be they the weekly events or otherwise) be more fleshed out. The current Legion timewalking, being for 2 weeks, with the M+, mage tower is an incredible overhaul that I don’t think Blizz even expected, but is actually incredibly fun. I forgot I was even playing Shadowlands because I’m focusing on legion stuff only.

I support this. I wish legion’s M+ would be a seasonal event.

Keep it in GD.

Nobody reads the other forums.