Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

Yeah personally did you guys like the ardean weald models who did those serve

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Sadly because that is the nature of modern “diversity”.
People are asking for more representation of X or Y so it turns into a check sheet of diversity identification.

It really is.


I read their explanation and stuff about it, and for some reason it just feels kinda gross

Not even sure what specifically makes it feel that way, it just does :face_with_monocle:

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So youre guna use like a name tag with your race or sexuality? im chosing dr for sure. DR JC SAVAGE THE HORDE SLAYER BABY

I admit, that reading that article is what made me notice that Anduin was a white male.

So players are asking for characters from different cultures, body types, etc, and it’s a problem they deliver?

You guys are making this seem terrible, but it isn’t and you just want to be contrarian.

I’m happy there are guidelines in place so that not every character looks like Widowmaker.

As history has shown, people made a fuzz about seeing a black person on TV(some still do), but it really doesn’t matter and nobody died.

Keep my wife’s nameeee out ya mouth

Not sure what you mean, all I did was respond to a question. I have no skin in the game, I’ve never had an issue with fantasy games and representation because as far as I’m concerned they are fantasy.

The problem with this is they are essentially just doing quota’s which is where it’s not right. Representation and diversity should be organic, not “well we’ve added 3 Hispanic derived characters now we need to add 3 more African derived characters” and rinse and repeat for ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, etc, etc.

Turning these things into a metric is what is kinda messed up with it all.

Yeah, but it doesn’t sound like they’re doing that at all.

“During this process, the tool can also uncover unconscious bias, such as why certain traits are seen as “male” vs. “female,” or why characters from certain ethnic backgrounds are given similar personalities or behaviors.”

“It helps identify those stereotypes, while also helping creatives look closer at their designs, so they can dissect their own assumptions and presets. It also helps identify opportunities for more diverse character narratives, to ensure that we are not only creating diverse characters in appearance alone.”

None of this is bad, nor is it about meeting quotas.


I was reading through it and honestly… I don’t care, I don’t care about inclusion, representation or any of the non-sense dribble they talked about. I do not care if a character is black, white, man, woman, trans, gay, straight, bi, crippled or mentally handicapped.

All I care about is this… “Is this a good and interesting character? Can you build a story upon this character? Will there be good character development?” None of the rest is that important… make him whatever, but you can’t forget the basics of creating a character.

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Are you arguing realism in a game with talking trees, magic, and a plethora of other things? Dragons aren’t real, guess we should also remove them along with the buff bodies and boobies. lol

Talking cannon lore and content lore that does not change just because current events change and the lore and story changes to try and pander to the vocal 1% that causes everyone else to unsub.

Reminded terribly of a line from “The Queen” a movie about the England Royals…

Press Secretary: “Lord, someone save these people from themselves.”

Could of told them that this was a bad idea years ago. Also Dragon Warrior did this thing in the 1990s already with Dragon Warrior III. Welcome to the game of designing original characters belatedly Blizzard. Your 30 years too late and using the wrong metrics, but welcome anyways. Just need someone to rewrite everything because in the words of Weird Al, “everything you know is wrong”.

Zarya is literally shown to be cisgender and heterosexual according to the chart they showed.

It’s kind of weird. I guess since it isn’t absolutely confirmed if she’s an LGBTQ+ character, the people with the chart tool decided to just assume she’s cisgender and heterosexual, but why didn’t they just show results for characters where orientation and gender are actually known such as Soldier 76, Tracer, and Reaper?

Trying to take characters that have been popularly speculated as LGBTQ+ and then outright implying that they aren’t LGBTQ+ with a “diversity tool” is kind of a bad idea IMO. It’s especially a bad idea if King didn’t even get permission from the Overwatch team to use a “diversity tool” on characters like Zarya.

Some forms of the chart including fields for “Race” and “Facial Features/Beauty” like they showed for Ana seem rather problematic as well.

Looking at the ethnicity, nationality, and skin color of a character makes sense, but what defines a “race” tends to be a matter of opinion and is a very divisive topic prone to explosive arguments.

Also, the “Race” section’s “10” is very likely just “African/Black” or something because Ana’s literally ranked at 7 due to her “race” being listed as “Arab” (which is an iffy thing to say since the character is Egyptian) according to what they’ve shown with the tool. Maybe there’s supposed to be some context behind “7” for “Race” for Ana, but even then, “7” still seems a bit low considering that she’s supposed to be Egyptian. If Egyptian isn’t in the 8-10 range, then what is?

There’s a very real concern that this could lead to continued absence of Asian characters and other underrepresented groups as well as the potential to offend some groups of people by improperly bundling them together (like if they decided to bundle East Asians and Southeast Asians together as simply the “Asian Race”) instead of acknowledging them by ethnicities and nationalities and such.

Then there’s the “Facial Features/Beauty” category. This one literally seems to enforce the idea of “Beauty Standards” or something, because ultimately, beauty is kind of subjective.

“Facial Features” is something that makes sense to focus on for diversity, but IMO the “Beauty” part is completely unnecessary and it’s simply problematic to be like “Okay, we got some attractive women and some handsome guys. Now how about we put in some ugly men and hideous women?”

Just ask Netflix on how its going.


Am I the only one that thinks defining us as LGBT ot straight or even colors is divisive instead of anything else?

I do want that anything looks normal, any gender, I have friends from almost all sexualities, but part of me is starting to feel we are getting more divided instead. Maybe I’m wrong, is a Saturday morning after a crazy friday night.

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I posted a link to that above with Morgan Freeman.

That’s partly why I hate it so much. Turning people or characters into checklists is dehumanizing.


Just to note. This King’s Diversity chart, reads the metric scoring with Zarya, Lucio and Torb as well as the one with Ana; has a very old school Eugenics feel about it - and doesn’t really bode well when it is , paraphrasing here “it is all for the greater good.”

Which, never ended well for a many cultures, races and lifestyles.


Yep. This is messed up on many levels.

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How marxist of you!

Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed. ~~~ Noel Ignatiev

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