Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

If this is what stops you from buying Dragonflight, it says more about you as a person than Blizzard as a company trying to market to as many different people as possible.

Marketing always uses data tho.

Just seems like a nothing burger to me.

The 1980’s was about not labeling anyone to be as you are and want to be and here today we are labeling everything.

Let the triggering begin…:joy::+1:

No worries still will be buying Dragonflight, pre-ordering it as a matter of fact, playing the expansion and enjoying every minute of it just like I have been since I started in TBC.

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Sounds like have a unjust hateful grudge against white people, perhaps you should consider talking with someone about that unhealthy hateful negativity that’s impacting your judgement


They just have a marxist Noel Ignatiev mindset which is very racist indeed.

The fact I don’t like dehumanizing people into labels, colors, and sexuality - and prefer judging people on an individual basis based off the content of their character probably does say a lot about me, yes.

So you are saying all white people are a bunch of Marxist or have a Marxist mindset? Could you be any more of a racist bigot than this?

You clearly show you hate an entire race of people solely because of the color of their skin not the contents of their character, you should truly consider therapy, perhaps a grief
counselor, you have to come to terms with your irrational hatred. No one asked to be born the color they was given, you should be ashamed of yourself but I have a feeling you have no shame.

Mentioning anything of white people or of any race makes a person appear racist on any messageboard yes even if you mention race in a negative light to yet again virtue signal (HEY YALLL!!) If you could not understand that then you need some caffine in the morning

“The tool isn’t meant to be used in isolation; teams would sit down with company DE&I staff to identify existing norms and then discuss, educate, consult, and collaborate on how a character’s representation is expressed beyond those norms. This process is intended to create a conversation where our developers, assisted by the tool, challenge assumptions, assess choices, and find opportunities for authentic representation to be fostered in our games…”

It’s an unconscious bias tool that offers *** a *** datapoint and allows developers to work toward developing characters that players can more closely relate to and see themselves represented.

Doesn’t seem like something to be upset about.

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In the board room at blizzard in their yearly meeting on building a new realm full of dragons.

Old way… We need magic and very large leathery floppy wings with large fangs and hooks at the end of the wings. Entire board room cheers! CEO - Great let’s get to it!

New way…
We need magic and very large leathery floppy wings with large fangs and hooks at the end of the wings. Entire room looks at Dilbert and he mentions that the dragon should walk in a certain way so as to infer his sexuality and that the dragons need to be made more random distinction to slightly hint at having many sexes…

If the new way is to happen then this not only will destroy WARCRAFT but it also destroys the entire LORE history of dragons we ever had on this planet earth.

I think it’s more of the fact the tool exists in the first place is the issue.

I just play the game to escape reality. :woman_shrugging:


Except when the tool might destroy the entire Dragon lore humans ever had in history.

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Unconscious bias is a pretty powerful thing. Unconscious bias exists in every human demographic, even the underrepresented ones.

Using real data to bring awareness as a first measure and cross reference that with field experts is a step in the right direction.

Unconscious bias will always exist. It is human nature. That doesn’t infer nefarious intentions, it just is the reality of humans.

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So true! But someone wants to be political about your fantasy.

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Then all of human fantasy should be in WOW.
I want my warrior to be able to smoke a cigar when in real life I hate cigars.

That’s why I have chat hidden or just ignored when in major cities.

Chat in ZM has been more fun then any major city can be.

I play to escape the stresses of life as well.

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I agree with this. And it also has the ability to retcon characters that are already established. So not only are they more concerned with checkboxes and scores over storylines, this has the potential to rewrite all of our characters, instead of just creating new ones.