Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

Just keep this energy for every game and company, as well as ALL forms of media, and entertainment because while they may not foolishly and openly admit to having AI and algorithms, they absolutely 100% do. Nothing anyone does that involves inclusivity is actually genuine and you only lie to yourself if you believe it is.


Funny. Jim Carrey looks like a video game character in that clip. Characters in video games rarely have a whole lot of depth to them. Many of the wow icons aren’t that original you know, they take a lot from traditional European medieval fantasy. And nothing says that they won’t give these new characters stories and backgrounds like before. Except that now it wont be a white king in a white castle with white damsel mage and a white commander. That’s part of the point behind this tool.

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How about teaching people in schools that people look different because planet and environment makes them look different depending where they live? Races also mix when they collide its just chemistry and attraction then between the individuals.

99% of humanity is just simply stupid or ignorant to understand and accept anything.


thats pretty jokes brotha

Yes. Even when Blizzard originally went with the “safe” choice of Tracer, they made sure to do it in a way that is easily edited so it wouldn’t disrupt any markets they had that weren’t LGBTQ friendly, like Russia or China.

Kudos to doing S76 a bit later though they still made sure to do that in a way that’s super easy to edit.

Yeah this has been hot topic for a while now…

One of the thoughts I found among those talks and chats that I had with my personal friends (some are LGBT) of this sum up to this:

“Diversity is a human and Cultural suggestive that no program can get it right! If they need thousands of dollars to create a program for the Leadership or Corporates heads to understand it and make game decision base on it… they should get another job and clean house on that Company.”
“Diversity is not for marketing its for the betterment of sociality, by 20XX we be filling out forms with a long list of checkmarks just to play with our phones or have Skynet with Terminators Nuke us if this madness keeps up uncheck!”

(The last sentence was kind of funny, we started joking after that :rofl:)

This is very amusing to me

Rust in game chat

oh god ow… the devs really did a number to it when they started doing the oprah “you get a car” meme, but its “you get the gay card”, lol

i can still remember when they pulled the “tracer is gay” card. before that people just thought she was a tomboy with massive sass. it was a big reason i liked her. after the gay card hit her i was like “ok, so what. shes still cool”. it made no difference and i think was only done to be a news headline to get more people to play the game. didnt it also take them a few years to actually show tracer was gay and it was in a comic? think it was a xmas one

i missed it when they hit solly (heard about) and zarya (didnt know till today) with it as aswell. did they do it to anyone elce? i stopped playing around doomfists release due to how toxic the community was gettin

Another one of these type of post!

Do you guys just scroll the internets looking for something to be offended about?

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They made a literal AI for it.

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Doesn’t matter how gay they make tracer, it won’t stop the rule 34 crowd lol


Pretty sure she’s still gay in most of it. Just… not in a way Blizzard intended.



Oh you’d be surprised at some of the straight scenarios people put her in lol


I mean, in these cases… it’s… half straight?



*insert giggity

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That entire thing sounds like a meme someone on 4chan created lol.

Lol what is this nonsense?

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I’m just gonna come out and say it.

A certain hub is the only thing keeping Overwatch alive, tbh.

And the people who extracted the models with Blender are having a great time.


:rofl: :shushing_face: :sweat_smile:

There have been a few forum post lately talking about what Blizz is doing with its all the money I guess slowly they are letting us know where all the development $$$ is being spent!

Someone has to create a meme out of this I’m just waiting to laugh with my friends at this point… when we start seeing the youtubes about it. :man_shrugging: :laughing:

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I mean, creating a Diversity AI for the sole purpose of making token characters for check-boxes is a pretty nonsense thing to do, yes.