Okay, so. Was gonna buy Dragonflight:

God has abandoned us…


He’s watching, with a bag of popcorn. Gotta strong feeling with all the war, and plagues, which are causing famine (climate change too), Which all are incurring a lot of death that he already sent the four horsemen too.


I’m angry because they’re making tokens instead of characters.

Blade wasn’t made to be a blacksploitation character, for instance. One of the most awesome black characters in pop culture.

You make a character before anything else. Who are they? Why are they? What led them to they?

Not just: “They’re black because black.” Or “gay because gay.”

Batwoman was one of the first lesbian heroes - even way back when it was dangerous for that kind of idea. It wasn’t all she was.

Look what was done to her on the CW show. All it was was about her sexuality.

There are more components to a character than that. When you reduce them to checkboxes, it falls apart.

If they’re black? They’re black. This interview below is basically my view on it as well.


Member the days when a creative writer would just write a character from scratch and not paint by numbers, I member. Died in MOP now we see the same type of characters over and over.

Character A: I WANT PEACE!!


Character C: Idk who I am anymore WHAT AM I WHO AM I? Lemme go on 3 book length journeys of soul searching.

The writers are lazy and the story is a giant joke as it has been for over a decade. I stick to FF14 for consistent good story, and I stick to wow for classic.


It actually is popular, which is why it’s happening.

People are free to stay in denial that straight white men aren’t the majority/center of the universe/rulers of everything anymore, and keep playing the victim card.

But the world has moved on, just like Roland says in Stephen King’s Dark Tower series.

They can accept reality and move on with it, or be left behind to rot in their own misery.

Bottom line: Throwing a tantrum like a stubborn toddler is never a good look.


Dragonflight is going to be a litty kitty game if they are any smart and it wont matter if any of you buy it.


Of course it will if it’s popular.

Well you gotta get rid of the sterotype that anyone that isn’t white is a different person. From personality, to culture, to things they do. We are all fellow humans. So lets use as military for example. If you got a white and black gay couple who fight on the frontlines. They are cool dudes who are chill and they are just your ordinary guys. They talk normally, they drink beer together, eat the same food. They live in the same bunker and they watch out for each other out in the field. Instead we got companies having them in their pants and acting totally different from everyone around them because “this is what gay people do” if anything its more of an attack saying their different and not normal than anything else but a lot of people either dont care CAUSE MAH REPRESENTATION or they don’t know any better to see why its wrong.


Daredevil is blind. Yet he’s a complete beast. Dude is strong, agile and smart as hell. No one really noticed he was blind because it wasn’t his defining quality.

I doubt blizz can say the same as stan the man Lee with thier new characters…


Exactly this issue.

I mean, Demon Hunters are blind, that’s why they keep thinking Illidan knows the way - because they can’t see it. :sunglasses:


Is it cowardly because of the Russian connection? Because making the “strong and athletic woman into a lesbian” seems the most stereotypical route they could have chosen, and would ironically look like the biggest “diversity checklist” choice they could have made.

games and tv shows are pushing for a more diverse cast nowadays. it can feel shoehorned in at time, like when they add 1 female, black or/and gay person. sure its nice to see them there but sometimes it feels like there only there to be a token person.

as op said it just turns into tokenism (didnt know that was the word for it, you learn something new everyday) if done badly, and alot of games/shows do it badly, mostly caz its a new thing, so they donno how to properly do it yet.

just make a character and leave out all that “other stuff” that we dont need to know about or only hint it it over a very long time. for me i dont give a toss if X is gay or straight.

if its done correctly it can be really good. to bad 9 times out of 10 the higher ups dont know how to do it. in time they will get better at how they add minority’s in, but atm it dosnt work

Twitter is not real life. Based on how much money big companies are losing who push this mentality the most, it’s definitely not popular.

This is inappropriate af. Nobody was drawing this conclusion. You’re living in a bubble if you think that real life thinks like this and eventually it’s going to pop.


they just want aduin and khadgar to kiss… perverts!

Indeed, but that would be common sense…which is in very short supply as of late.


So…more or less effective than the community council?

“Community Council” i still question that.

A Community Council would actually involve the entire community, not a small select few.

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Community council is weak and ineffective.

Divisive, identarian politics and turning characters into tokens based off a checklist of traits causes customers to not like you and causes you to lose customers.

So, net negatives, really.