Okay, hear me out

Bring back garrisons, but not like they used to be.

No mission table. No mandatory participation in the main game as a system that needs to be maintained. No gold making opportunities. Nothing that NEEDS to be done. Two words.

Player housing.

Make them 10x bigger than the tier 3 ones we used to have. Almost like an entire district in Stormwind. Customizable in the same way garrisons used to be, but better.

“Oh, you want this spot to have a bar? Fine!” Click this spot, put in this amount of ore or bars, cloth, leather, a small 50-100 gold building fee, and little builders get to work, creating your bar. Maybe it takes 5 minutes? 10 minutes? I dunno. Whatever feels comfy. Maybe there’s no wait time, but instead just a quick 10 second animation of it being constructed.

You can bring in followers from your old garrisons and Legion order halls and etc. etc. (obviously not anyone from Shadowlands for reasons) and they can hang out in your various buildings and shops.

I love the idea people have had, where follower dungeons could be populated by your own alts, that accompany your main to go places. What if you could have your alts walking around your player housing area? Like one big shared hub?

It doesn’t need to be 100% customizable like the housing in say, Path of Exile. I can see where Blizz would get hung up on adding that much freedom. But what about just having plots, like garrisons? 5-10? 10-15? Little plots where you can choose a building that would go there, with pre-customized interiors. Maybe they could add more later and have them be unlocked with various in-game activities. I dunno.

I don’t think this desire for player housing will ever truly die. I know Blizzard is trying to give us what we want, or at least what they want us to have, but I think garrisons failed because of how mandatory they felt, and most people thought of them like a hindrance.

But what if we made them just…




So essentially, a WoD 2.0?

I wonder where Tovi is at.

Well… what exactly would the point in having this be?

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Keep garrisons as they are. Add new recruitable followers every new expansion. I feel sorry for our Dracthyr players who can’t have a Garrison full of dragons.

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No gold gained, no mandatory participation.

Yes, WoD 2.0. /s


No customizations OR gold gained? Wow. That sounds like super exciting stuff.


It doesn’t look like you do exciting stuff to me so… /shrug.

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My exciting activity is not playing an Elf :slight_smile:

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So it’s exciting being a diaper gnome?

I think content is exciting but whatevs.

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It actually is. You should try it.

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The customization of garrisons, done better, without the additions that made major areas ghost towns. No profession hubs, no herbs, no mine, no auction house. Like you said in your thread, for RP purposes or just for general customization. The customization doesn’t have to be horrible, but it doesn’t have to be immaculate.

There can be fun and cool things you can add to be seen, to show off, to express yourself, etc. Just for funsies. It doesn’t need to let me place a specific potted plant in a specific angle on this one table on a rug on a certain tile square or something, but it can still be more in depth than garrison buildings were.

“I want to put this room with these decorations in this spot and have it have this one NPC inside of it.” Bam. There it is.

From your thread…

I guess this is a valid argument, despite how tired it is. I feel like a lot of people always call for cut raid tiers, every time someone asks for something, that most other modern games have had since their inception.

The thing is, there’s multiple teams that work on different things for WoW, in the expansions that get released for it. A raid designer doesn’t need to take a break from raid design to work on player housing. I can see resources going towards developing this kind of idea, but I don’t see it majorly detracting from how things operate normally.

I dunno. Just my two cents. I know player housing isn’t everyones cup of tea, but I always hate to see good ideas with poor execution be completely abandoned, instead of corrected.

It’s just a thread he posts in any housing thread with no context without ever reading the OP he’s posting it in.

I’d like to be clear, I’m not in support or against WoW housing or Garrison ideas.


and I’m done hearing you out. :no_good_man:t6:

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I was definitely against garrisons, with how mandatory they felt. They were too important. Too valuable.

This was why garrisons ultimately failed and why some people hated them so much, because of how important they were to some others. It’s this kind of logic as to why we have only ever gotten things that were important, not things that were good or fun. Why does every new idea need to be something that impacts gameplay?

When they introduced toys, did you get all bent out of shape because they didn’t actually DO anything?

You didn’t even give me a chance. :frowning_face:

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I don’t care what they do with them as long as it’s not forced. I pretty much have my MMO housing fill.

I still like seeing ideas, though.

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Gee, someone has been spying. I’m detecting an alt in shambles. Big shame you can’t flag it, huh? :slight_smile:

In recent events, you have to take note how many layoffs have been executed because of good ol’ Microsoft. Really, OP, I make it clear in my thread that I don’t mind Player Housing… but the execution was done poorly by the devs, the devs themselves stated they don’t want ordinary Player Housing, and I don’t want any type of influence in an empty city. It sucks.

What’re you talking about? I post on 2 toons and publicly acknowledge it, the characters on my account are completely public, and I’ve never flagged your post.

You want to be taken seriously but this is why you’re not.

I didn’t say you flagged my post. :thinking:

So they’re looking for new hires soon? Perhaps now is the perfect time to hire an entire team to put on player housing. :wink:

That was my point in this thread. They keep repeating the same bad ideas over and over, with these mandatory involvements in the story and systems of each expansion, instead of making them completely optional. Not everything that gets added needs to be something that everyone participates in. Not every idea needs to be a major feature.

And yet, if they actually did player housing right, it would be one of the most loved features they’ve added. The problem is that they keep messing it up, with, like I keep saying, too much mandatory involvement.


Games with fully customizable player houses still have people populating the cities. If you build it, they will come. :man_shrugging:

Homie, you made a very clear implication that I did. Especially considering our conversation when it actually was flagged.

It saddens me to see my friend’s guild represented by you here.

What did I stumble into here. :dracthyr_crylaugh: