Okay, hear me out

Maybe. There is no telling.

So I have this copy pasta’d in my notepad in situations like this. Another unnamed forum user decided to spill the beans from when the devs were in an interview for Player Housing. The quote goes like this:

We never wanted just basic housing where you could just pick up a color or have certain NPCs be around. We wanted something that change the gameplay. And this expansion kind of offers that perfect time to do that. Come through the portal, can’t get back. We have to establish a base on Draenor.

I’ll see if I can fish up the video, but I’m kinda tired right now. My local time is 9:28 pm CST.

EDIT: Yeah… I try to search it up, but all I’m getting is content creators such as Bellular and Taliesan. Ugh.

Okay, so no where then.

I mean, even if that is a direct quote from a dev from back in WoD, things have definitely changed since then. They really dug in their heels about not adding a WoW Classic, and look how that turned out.

So nothing like garrisons at all?

I mean, you can treat me like chopped liver all you want. And now you’re comparing the demand of Player Housing to WoW Classic.

I think I’m done here.


No I’m not. I’m comparing the philosophies that a game dev would have had back in WoD, compared to now, in conjunction with the same philosophies devs had about Classic, years ago, compared to now. They ended up changing their minds completely and devoting whole servers to just WoW Classic. Not only has it been successful, but it’s been expanded upon in several different ways, with several different expansions.

I don’t think some unverified quote from several years ago is a nail in the coffin.

Have a nice night!

They never left.

I would rather have actual housing. Garrisons are a military outpost. Not a house. They were designed as a questing hub.


Okay you get an old WoW dev to hand deliver a petition with 200k signatures and then Blizzard might have the same level of interest in player housing as they did Classic.

No, but they were never good either. Or, I guess technically, they were so good that they were bad? I dunno.

Hey, me too, that’s what this thread is about.

Garrisons 2.0, but not an ironic meme. The same idea that was already thought up, but far improved upon thematically, systematically, to the point where it isn’t a major, game-changing and important functional feature.

Basically, at its purest and most distilled form, this is just a thread asking for player housing, but the framework of it, is using the skeleton of a previous system and giving it way better organs and fleshy parts.

I mean, I don’t know if I’m that invested in this idea, but this probably wouldn’t even be a hard thing to accomplish, though I am not sure this is exactly how WoW Classic came to be added. :man_shrugging:

Most of this will be or has been declined by Blizzard and will most likely continue.For the most part outside of Building a Garrison or Player/Guild Base with minimal restrictions on where we can place it as in if we as a player or guild choose to build one in Nagrand and it only appears to those players or is in its own phase that should be possible. As for what type of building I would bring back what the Garrison had just modernized for the current game additionally I would 1 million % have the Item Scrapper from BFA but this would not be a base only option but a game wide option so you can scrap almost everything except Artifact quality items and non crafted legendaries everything else goes and gives you reagents appropriate for that expansion.

But seeing as blizzard has fun cutting everything good and actually fun things from the game Lke the Scrapper ( as in not making it game wide and leaving it to ROT in a dead expansion) I don’t forsee anything we as a community want added back or added in general coming into the game. We will just get crappy systems etc every expansion until the People who are making these garbage deciisions. Until these are gone then the game will still be stuck in the Childish level state it has been in for a long long time. WoW needs to get back to atleast PG or M rated with the combat the story etc.

One thing I want to see with this new Follower dungeon system is to incoorporate it from Level 10>80 next expansion so people can level solo without putting up with people rushing or being toxic etc and is a good way for new players to experience the game and expansions with little to no problem. And along with this they need to give a bit more loot incentive with this not like Boss drop gear and upgrades but what trash would normally drop as in Blues epics greens recipes etc. Keep chests in for classic and the legion dungeons do it that way you will have a winner on your hands blizzard and actually gather more subscribers over constantly bleeding them which has been a unending trend for nearly a Decade or more. Go back look at how the game was and feltleading up to Wrath and do what you can to bring WoW back to that status. But in saying that Chris Metzen Alone cannot do this he also can’t work well with the well person I dispise so they and those attached have to go bring in better minds not blinded by profit but passion for the industry such as Metzen Do this and you again rise up and take back the Crown which you deserve. Failure to do so well then you had a good run.

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Yeah but Garrisons were very limited in their iteration. I don’t think using it as a Skeleton would go very well. They’d run into a choke point of what the system was capable of customization wise. I get what you’re saying. But Garrisons aren’t the framework a housing system needs.

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This. You are overthinking the issue. I dunno, maybe you think Blizzard would be more interested in doing it. There are excellent examples out there of how ph can work. Maybe just move past the whole garrison issue (which was largely a failure) and accept that what proponents of ph want is very different.

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This is the only argument I’ve seen so far that I consider an actual valid point. Maybe garrisons aren’t the right framework for a player housing system. I could be entirely wrong about this idea, but it was just one that popped in my head for 2 seconds and I made a thread about it. I’m not in charge. It was just an idea, after all. Sometimes they’re bad. :crazy_face:

Btw though, just to make sure everyone understands what I mean by, making garrisons, but better.

It wouldn’t be an outpost. It wouldn’t be a questing hub. It wouldn’t be on another planet or even in a questing zone. It would make more sense to make it an instanced area in a main city, like Org or SW and it would mechanically work like a garrison, to where you can set and build shops and houses and things.

I just figured, they’ve already made that system work, so it wouldn’t be hard to use it again, but do it differently.

I’m not saying, “Hey, let’s go to another planet and have a house.”

Just to be clear. :man_shrugging:

Hey, we all have bad ideas. Like my idea of dipping Tortilla chips in peanut butter. Didn’t turn out great. But I appreciate you putting forth a valid attempt at an idea and an honest good faith argument. I would like to thank you for that.

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People have suggested this, more or less, a fair few times. I think Blizzard initially believed it would be their version of ph; after all, they created the Sunsong Ranch in MOP which was basically a very simple early version of the garrison. It was instanced, went well, was expanded to include quests and they probably thought, right, lets just make it bigger. Problem was, they made all the wrong things bigger and completely ignored the creative potential that ph offers.

Until they can get that through their heads, ph won’t happen in WoW. And if it was another disaster, I’d rather it not happen at all. Can’t take much more disappointment.

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Might be a good opportunity to add a new way for players to earn trader tender though, if these new garrisons could do so in a passive manner. Depends on how deeply Blizzard would want to invest in them.

For example, let’s say you add a Tavern to your Garrison. Maybe you could host events there. Snail races, maybe a singer, host a band, etc… and part of that includes providing food and drink that matches the form of entertainment as a special offer. The better the food matches, the more tender you could earn.

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I mean, I’m not directly saying that I think this idea is bad, but I don’t always have amazing ideas. That’s why I’m not on payroll. I’m just saying, I’m not in charge of ideas for Blizz. I just like the concept of player housing and I do think there is a way to make it work, even if it’s not my way.

Exactly. I agree. That was my main point. And good on you for mentioning farms in MoP. I forgot all about that and that was a really well-executed idea.

You miss 100% of the shots you never take. :man_shrugging:

I love the idea of that, but I don’t think tying tendies to it is the best choice. It will feel mandatory for anyone who wants trading post items. There should never be any sort of mandatory feeling, involving player housing. That entire idea can exist, but maybe you unlock a new building for your housing area? Maybe a new cosmetic item to be placed in it? Something like that.

To be fair, it’s just an alternative method of earning trader’s tender, and it need not be all that complex to begin with.

Let’s say every week your garrison offers you a way to earn tender depending on the buildings you have. You select how you want to go about it. For a tavern, that means entertainment and food. If you have a farm, you decide which crops to grow and sell. If you opened a mine, you generate tender passively.

Basically, the player’s involvement in these sorts of things need not be drastic or time consuming. Mind you, I’m not talking about flooding the player with tender either, for that matter. By the end of a month a player should be able to earn roughly an extra 500 or so tender. That’d be enough to pad their wallet for the next month’s trading post, but not make completing trading post activities obsolete.

Mind you the entire premise behind using this as a means to earn more trader’s tender, is that players want to earn more tender than is currently on offer. They can still earn tender without doing anything with a new garrison, just by doing the usual activities.

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If that were the case, that would be kinda nifty then. If you’re capped on 1500 tender for the month, regardless and can earn those through trading post objectives in one day, or passively, over the entire month, from things in your player house, I see less issue with that. Just as long as there’s no extra advantage. I don’t think it should be EXTRA tender but an OPTIONAL way to get tender.

Perhaps a porque no los dos situation? Where there are trading post objectives involving the player house.

50 tender for building a new building, 20 tender for populating your player housing area with 5 NPCs. Etc. etc.

Whatever helps add more tenders, and like I said, if a new Garrison activity is what does it, then I don’t see how that is a problem.

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