Okay doing this fixing the dream quest but it keeps

Logging me off when I use the teleport thing cuz it makes me fall off the map.

it happened twice already first i used the unstuck service. now it wont let me use it and Im literally cant log in to my toon

like how do i get back to my toon now?

Statements like this don’t help. It could be caused by a number of reasons.

Have you looked at the very bottom of the page, you should be able to submit a ticket if the self-help system isn’t helping.


Stuck tickets are triaged, answered a lot quicker.

People need to get over this bot thing. Tickets are looked at by humans. This has been posted and confirmed over and over again.

It could be caused by an issue after a bug is fixed. Hence, bugs, they pop up and will pop up. This is an extremely complex game run by millions of lines of code on top of a complex hardware infrastructure.

We’ve seen bug issues many times on the forums, a common bug re-appearing down tie track after that particular issue was fixed - so that it may appear like nothing was done.

Often, finding a bug or cause of an issue can be tricky - as it may be not one thing, but a few things that happen in a rare sequence or whatnot, that causing the end result (endless falling) for example.


Well then. Since you can’t help but resort to rudeness, I’ll leave you to it. Good luck!


So using this ticket link is not working for you?

ticket link: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/contact/1369/ticket


TIckets are answered 24/7 will likely be sooner. I would take the down time and cool down continuing posting like u are could get u into more hot water.


Being snotty to others isn’t gonna get you any help aside from the thread being locked or deleted. Maybe dial it back a bit, and try using the big blue button at the end of the article.


In your case, yes, there is no need for it.


Look were just trying to look out for u best interests Coming right outa the box bashing and screaming how broken things are and being rude to the GM/dev are the wrong way to do it it then attacking other players isnt helping things either believe it or not honey not vinegar gets more help around here.

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As do I - as technically I was off 3 hours ago.

This is primarily a player to player help forum. It is NOT staffed 24/7 - although Vrak and I both occasionally swing by before bed. It is also not a means to circumvent our ticketing system.

You’ve been given accurate and useful advice by your peers. That is what this forum is designed to do. I’d suggest you park the unkind remarks and actually absorb what they are trying to tell you. They are here to help their fellow players - on their own time, of their own volition. I believe the proper response in civilized circles is, what is it - oh yeah, Thank you.

Now, as to your issue.

Could this be a bug - possibly, but I myself have not seen a post on it, and we quite often do if something is widespread.

What I’d recommend is first - submitting that ticket to have a GM move your character.

Next, I’d do a full and proper reset UI. Will it help, not sure - but I’ve seen a corrupted UI have issues like this in the past. Whether it helps or not, it will go a long way towards helping trouble shoot this. If it works, there is your answer.

Blizzard Support - Resetting the WoW User Interface (battle.net)

If it does NOT work -posting in our Bug Forum so QA can have a look is recommended. I’d also mention in your bug post that you have indeed done a full and proper reset UI because that is usually the first step.

I’m going to lock this up as I believe the answers you’ve received have covered all the relevant portions of this.