Okay Blizz how about this

Since you refuse to buff warriors then Nerf everyone else down to our level…

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I like where warriors are at. They shined in classic let another class shine in wrath. My dad always told me it was hard to shine brown.

our warrior is doing much better now that he has a bunch of armor pen.

All classes should be competitive with their peers.
Not some classes being discriminated against while others shown favoritism.

As we’ve all expected to happen.

Gonna use this a lot today it seems.


Rets really needed it.
I think ferals need some love before furies (and arms too, if we’re going to buff warriors at all).

Why, Prot is fine fury is on the rise and arms is for pvp.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid…

We are playing in 3.5 patch that is the last patch of wrath, including in that patch is the armor pen Nerf…

That armor pen Nerf bat beat warriors back down to the bottom of the heap at the end of the expac…

Wake up put the Kool-Aid down

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Start learning to play your class.
Furies are just fine.

“Really Bro?”

Why? This is a remake if a 16 year old game. This didn’t exist back then. Who says they all have to be equally competitive?

Everything is wrath is viable, people get hardstuck in meta brain too easily.

Well apparently every warrior needs to learn to play his class because wowhead has the Warcraft logs with warriors dead last which is about a third of the DPS of the top three.

So your opinion is invalid and ridiculous

You overestimate how much of a “nerf” it was, especially considering the iLvL increase on Ulduar gear effectively negating the 12% nerf. You can still reduce boss armor to near 0 with sunder and faerie fire on boss once you can get hard cap in bis ToC gear, and even if it’s not 0 armor, the damage increase difference is barely 1% difference.

Anyone can go check to see you’re spewing non sense.
A third of the DPS? Are you talking about Gladiator? A tank spec that shouldn’t even be in that graph to begin with?

Feral and marksman aren’t complaining despite being below Fury. Fury still has higher end then Ret too.
Warrior is doing better than the previous tier and it’s only going to go up.

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oh ohdin , the stirrer of the forums :sweat_smile:

LOL yeah, this happened :roll_eyes:

Remember the not so distant past where your 40man raid could have 10 fury warriors in it and it was perfectly fine for two years?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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That’s a horrible comparison seeing how paladins have s plus tier tank and s plus tier healing spec…

Warriors have d tiet everything.

This is an untrue statement You need 1400 armor pen to hardcap… that is not going to happen until ICC. Yet you keep forgetting we’re playing the nerfed version of armor pen.

You are a forums moderator You should not be rude, degrading and belittling people.

Read the forums feral druids are complaining as a matter of fact you don’t even see feral druids in the game hardly they’re like an endangered species.
All the hunters I know don’t play Marksman.

Ulduar gear was not buffed 12%, so no it does not negate it.

You need to stop lying
You need to stop trolling people
You need to stop belittling and talking down to people.
You do not deserve to be a forums moderator You do not conduct yourself professionally

And yes I believe all specs should be on par together of every class.
People should be able to play what they enjoy and be competitive with their peers.
We are here to have fun and enjoy ourselves it’s not enjoyable when people cannot play the class that they enjoy because they are so far under any other class nobody wants to bring them to a raid.

It’s simply not fair and all I’m asking for is equality for everyone

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could you please post on your main? maybe some people can look at your logs and can help you elevate your game to where you feel better about your dps