If you’re not going to read this thread then please don’t post.
You’re an obvious troll we’re trying to have an intelligent conversation here.
Goodbye to you
if you wanted an “intelligent conversation” your opening argument wouldn’t have been to nerf everyone down to warriors level.
you sir are the troll!
post on your main or link your logs or remain a troll forever
It’s called sarcasm… sorry it went over your head.
False. With Banner of Victory and the addition of epic ARP gems and gear with substantially more armor pen, its quite easy to hit the armor pen hard cap in ToC without even getting the 25 man Heroic gear.
Prove it…
Charts indicate that retail has better class balance when it comes to raid damage.
They can’t. Dreamsphere tried arguing that gold per hour should always be divided by 24 because there are 24 hours in a day.
They can’t. Dreamsphere tried arguing that gildnper hour should always be divided by 24 because there are 24 hours in a day.
My man still hurt that he can’t understand simple concepts.
Tell us you’re unemployed without telling us you’re unemployed.
My alt is a warrior and I don’t think it needs buffs, if it continues scaling at the rate it is, it’ll be pretty strong, in 10 mans because of the reduced pack size being so ideal for warrior, i’ve already been near the top of damage overall and 1000+ dps ahead on trash only. 25 man I think i’ve been midpack at best but I think that’s fine. I have really really good gear though, I think around 5100 gs
This meme literally captures the essence of Blizzard, lmao.
Not gonna complain here, if I had better weapons and enchants I’d be doing alright damage. But a “buff” could be something as simple as reducing rage cost on WW and Thirst by 5, bam, huge buff.
Mainly posting to /lol at the meme, haha
this would end up being a lot smaller buff at the top end than you think, like a 240 ilevel warrior doesn’t really have rage problems, 1 crit from either of your weapons is a full rage bar
|00:07.786|Peepohey Melee Algalon the Observer 7285
|00:08.477|Peepohey Melee Algalon the Observer 4282
|00:09.455|Peepohey Melee Algalon the Observer 6768
|00:10.173|Peepohey Melee Algalon the Observer 4469
my offhand is getting 4.5k crits with all my buffs up
Took me 30 seconds to do an auto-fill on eighty upgrades for armor pen items, not even using two handers too which is even more armor pen.
Not the BiS setup but there’s enough Armor Pen in ToC to reach hard cap if that’s what you want.
P.S. I’m not a forum moderator and I’m under the same rules as you on these forums, which means I don’t have to use kid gloves with you.
Ahh, yeah, my gear isn’t optimized fully so I’m lacking generation. That’s where I feel I’m weakest; at my gear level is lacking rage to keep gcd locked.
Then just removing the dmg nerf on titans grip wouldn’t be overkill, maybe? Hehe
Took me 30 seconds to do an auto-fill on eighty upgrades for armor pen items,
Nice slimy attempt to pop up your strawman argument.
You literally mix-matched the best bis mail gear to make this happen, no raid in the world is going to give you another class’s best mail armor just so you can have the armor pen…
You would have to run a GDKP and buy the other classes armor to get this armor pen
To add to that you’re giving up strength on every one of those pieces gimping the warrior even more.
You should try not lying it will improve your life as a human being and cleanse your soul
P.S. I’m not a forum moderator and I’m under the same rules as you on these forums, which means I don’t have to use kid gloves with you.
ya you are, kids gloves were on the whole time dont get tough, just be professional.
Filtered for plate armor only, but that’s not enough for you is it? You just gotta find excuses and move the goal post when you’re proven to be wrong.
Doesn’t matter what proof you post, they either don’t know enough about the game or are just here to troll. I’d go with both.
Your alt is higher than my main mage lmfao
ofc they would give you bis mail items, right now the bis for warrior is leather legs, leather wrists and leather belt and warriors have the same prio on them as anyone else, the leather legs are actually better on a warrior than anyone else in terms of raid dps upgrades
most of its from 10 man and reasonably uncontested, casters just have so much competition on their loot its insane, i got voldrethar the first time it dropped because i’m the only one who uses 2h in the raid, meanwhile starshard edge is used by like 15 people