Ok, we tried it for a tier, no Master Loot sucks

ML is dead.

It is thankfully gone. Hopefully forever.


ML is gone.

Sorry that this mild inconvenience is tripping you up…

…and don’t try to use that “Mythic raider .001% matters” nonsense.

Method just kill G’huun with this guy Retolies doing 2/3s the heals of the other healers as a ret main.


It’s not an issue.

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Literally using the top 1% as an example for everyone else.

Removal of ML is a problem, it was only removed to slow progress down, not solve ninja looting issues. There was no reason to remove ML from the system.


It was 100% their fault. Upon joining the guild you are adhering to whatever loot options they had. And if you didn’t like it, pugs were the alternative.

ML was for teams that acted like adults and distributed loot properly to each team member. Because I can guarantee you that distributing loot only to people that you deem worthy and excluding others will only create an anchor and cause your progression to come to a screeching halt. Especially in Mythic where you need the ilvl to do good dps and hps as well as survive health nuking mechanics like the MC orbs in Mythrax.

Guilds that actually acted like guilds benefited from the ML system.

This system has caused frustration because the Forced PL and forging work against each other rather than help. Our warrior went 9-10 weeks without getting his weapon even though our HPal and our tank on an alt got one. And players that already had a weapon got theirs to forge. So both parties were unable to trade him the weapon.

This is loot system does not encourage or support teamwork whatsoever. They either need to bring back ML or remove the trading restrictions.


Answer is simple to fix looting

  1. Bring back ML for Guild runs (got a corrupt guild than leave it) and keep PL for pugs
  2. Remove loot restrictions cause thats just a stupid idea to begin with.

Also to the people saying that it was unfair to trials who raided and didn’t have a chance for loot. In my experience this is not an issue at all unless you are a top 250 guild.

Guilds are struggling, they are dying left and right. We’ve had 15 raiders quit the game since our first day in Uldir. I’d gladly give any trial loot if it meant they would show up next week. The days are gone where guilds could say trials don’t get loot for a month, there are just too many guilds struggling to fill 20 every week for that to happen.


I do not like Master Looter. My old guild split and left the GM because they refused to take it off Master Looter. I am a huge proponent of Personal Loot, and PL also gave an extra loot drop to boot.

All of that said, I have to agree with you. Just because I do not like it does not mean that others should not have the option to use it. The reason given, to disrupt split runs, was not very good. A decision that possibly affects the minority of world first should not factor into the how the majority of the playerbase plays.

Further, i agree with you that loot confines should be taken off even if the piece is an ilevel upgrade. As we have seen, including the 385 shoulders that sat in my bags, ilevel is not the only metric of upgrade in this game. Garbage stats vs ideal stats, players will take t he 15 point hit. Every single time. In a game where people sim out their gear, this has to be understood.

Due to that, I support your idea to remove the trade restriction. Put a short timer on it. I don’t care. Give them a 10 minute window to trade it. Not that big of a deal. But give US the choice. If I don’t want this gear, let me give it to somebody that will use it, to help my raid progress. Or to help my friends I ran that plus with. Or whatever the case may be.

Limiting choices can have a bad side affect to those that remember the choice int he first place. This, I feel, is one of those circumstances.


Ill just say that if you are posting on a shadow alt then your opinion is basically worthless to me and most everyone else.


That’s your take on it but it’s just an opinion.

The general populous has greatly benefited from the removal of master loot as now ninja looting is no longer a possibility.

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Well your opinion really matters to me so that hurt.


I agree with this to be honest.

It really has not, as mentioned here, people are seeing raiding teams dropping left and right.

Again, if you really think ninja looting is why ML was removed then i can tell you must have started the game in cata because its always been in the game, and blizzard did not suddenly get a change of heart 14 years later.

At least my opinion is intelligent.

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Agree fully.

It’s simple really.

More Options = Good.
Less Options = Bad.


I want to like this so much but ran out of likes…really not liking this system.


This makes sense to me. If you want to trade something you should be able to trade it. Unless you’re in some group that’s going to harass you into giving up your gear. Perhaps that’s the reason it’s in place.


this is here b/c I have to type stuff

Oh my goodness will you stop with this nonsense.

Master loot hasn’t killed anything other than ninjas.

If I were in charge of Blizzard, I would immediately offer all loot options once again. At the same time, I would announce that neither customer service nor GMs or anyone else in the company will become involved in resolving player v. player loot disputes.

Players who are unhappy with the established loot rules of a given group are free to go elsewhere. When enough players don’t like the way you do things, guilds and groups fold very quickly and word gets around.

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Therric, please go troll another topic. We are trying to have an intelligent discussion on the loot restrictions forced on us in BFA. You’ve added nothing to the discussion and continue to troll and make up stories of ninja looting guilds that never existed. Please leave, thank you.