No u
If you can’t glean even the smallest amount of input from what I’ve typed then your reading comprehension is lacking.
No u
If you can’t glean even the smallest amount of input from what I’ve typed then your reading comprehension is lacking.
Method and all the other Mythic guilds seemed to do just fine clearing tiers? So whats the issue?
Is there a way to ignore shadow posters?
You havent even acknowledged that ninjaing was not possible in Pugs in Legion. Ninjaing was solved by stopping non guild groups from using PL.
I again direct you to an earlier comment. Using the top 1% is not a valid argument. Thats like me saying, Well bill gates can afford an Super yacht why cant you?
There’s no issue.
That’s what I’m trying to get across in here. Doesn’t seem to be working.
Something about chickens being little or some such.
I don’t know.
Woah woah woah hold on, no poking holes in logic here.
That loot is being wasted and vendored
OK but if you’re going to say his argument is baseless then he, rightly so, gets to say yours is as well.
So ninja’ing wasn’t solved within guilds then?
Fact is the average player progressing mythic is in the 375-385 range and that is higher than what the world first guilds has to kill ghuun
I’m pretty sure that ML got taken away due to the standard “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” clause. There was a period of time when you couldn’t hardly find a PUG or a group in Premade Group Finder that wasn’t going to use (and abuse) Master Loot, Blizzard spent countless hours fielding complaints in-game and on the forums where the only recourse that people had was to be told that in a ML situation, the group leader gets to dictate what happens to the loot, period, and so even if they were specifically promised an equitable distribution there’s no remedy if they took everything and left.
ML was never intended for anything but tight-knit guild and friend groups, but because there was no way to restrict its use to these groups and there was so much time, expense and aggravation caused by all the people who were abusing it, everyone lost it.
Ninjaing was not possible in a guild group using ML because the loot doesnt belong to anyone until its distributed.
So it was still possible.
How can something be taken from you if you do not own it? With ML none of the gear belongs to you until you are given it by a LM
Even that restriction was ridiculous. Don’t like the loot rules? Don’t join.
That argument falls apart when its been happening for 14 years, and blizzard just NOW decided to do something. Cross relm raiding started in MoP, so your telling me, when Ninja looting was at it potentially highest, blizzard decided to wait through MoP, WoD, and Legion, to then all of a sudden remove it?
Nope. Not in Legion
Most people didn’t have a choice as the group finder was filled with people that wanted to get carried to gear.
Nothing was lost with the loss of master loot.
Literally have the choice to not click accept.