Ok we tried it. AoE cap feels horrible

Holy shmo, you nailed it with that comment. This is basically the Dev team summed up in one paragraph.


The problem with mass pulling being viable, is it forces them to design the dungeons around that. When mass pulling isn’t possible, the dungeon’s level design can be made much more satisfying while still being balanced difficulty-wise.

It’s also just not that fun to have so much on screen at once. It forces them to make the trash encounters relatively simple mechanically. When we’re limited to 5 mobs at a time, there is much less happening on screen at once, so they are able to be way more creative with the mechanics and threats of the trash mobs.

More challenging mechanics that are easier to distinguish on your screen just seems to me like a more engaging dungeon experience.


It’s not that viable when the content is relevant and players are progressing through it. It may become viable later, when the content is old, players are over-geared, or maybe a little earlier for very top tier groups who have practiced to find the exact line. Re: that last group, there is no reason to limit the 99%. Let the 1% enjoy their rewards, they earned it.

From the horses mouth :slight_smile:

That’s the thing though, they don’t balance content around not being geared. It’s balanced around how it feels when you’re fully progressed. You shouldn’t be stomping it ezmode just because you’re fully progressed. It should be a satisfying level of difficulty.

I would imagine every time a player said “something something I hate GOGOGO something something make CC important again” that Blizz heard “they hate AoE” :slight_smile:

5 to 8 mobs at a time. Cackles wildly.

I would love to hear what the actual reason for the change was…please expound.


Why not? the game is literally built and intended to be a zergfest. Why else create features such as Islands where the literal point is it kill everything as fast as possible? That is literally the design intent. The same applies to mythic +

Why create a game to work one way then rebel against your own design and force people to play another way which makes no logical sense, is completely uncomfortable and feels really really bad.

If my gameplay feels crap, why am I even playing this game?


They don’t play their own game which is why the sudden contradiction in design.

Makes sense to me!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


One of the highest key pushers;

so basically, once you learn a pull of 6 mobs (which is a totally normal pull size), there’s nothing else to get better at.



Was that supposed to make sense?

Oh yeah, great argument. Let the game cater to the lowest common denominator. The kind of people who don’t have their interrupt key bound.

Yeah, very healthy for the game genre. Let bads be bads because they can’t handle improving their gameplay.

The dev philosophy is simple. They aren’t making a game for players to have fun in. They’re making a zoo to control players. You have to play the game THEIR way. You don’t play your way. Their way or else. They don’t like people pulling large groups of things and AoEing, so now instead of designing dungeons to have less trash in it they just nerf AoE damage forcing you to make small pulls.

That is clear intent that they want you do to small pulls in trash filled hallways. Otherwise they’d have just removed half the trash so big aoe pulls werent possible anymore and made the player experience smoother and more fun by getting us to the bosses faster.

Same thing with covenants. They talk about meaningful choices but we all know the players will just pick BiS for performance. They will waste time trying to turn it into a “meaningful choice” in an endless balance cycle that goes nowhere. Forcing you to play it their way. When we all know the smartest thing to do is just make the abilities free to pick regardless of covenant. Then let us make the choice for cosmetic reasons.

Their way or else.


Hard agree, if these smooth brains think that pulling less mobs is more difficult or challenging then pulling 10 or 20 mobs, then we should just increase the overall difficulty of the game so they have an actual taste of difficult content.


LMAO. New to this train wreck. How do they constantly make a game that is fine, worse.

Feels bad man.


I mean, it’s been the same yahoos in charge for a couple expansions now. Anyone who is surprised by this may wanna see a shrink.


I don’t mind the aoe cap but wish it wasn’t in effect during old raids and dungeons. Heroic ICC took forever last night XD

Yeah agreed. Seems like they designed Shadowlands content with the cap in mind. So why not only make it effect that content.