Ok we tried it. AoE cap feels horrible

People will literally quit wow over this. its just not fun to hit only 5 things when theres 20 mobs in front of you.

Weekly reminder that AOE cap is NOT FUN


I don’t really understand the developer philosophy behind the AOE cap.

…AND why there is variance between how many mobs each class can hit.

…AND the dev’s laziness for not fixing old abilities that were tuned around having no cap. (for example, Fists of Fury is now hard capped AND soft capped. Why??)

I have no faith in their direction anymore. It’s like a rudderless ship driven by ego rather than logic.


I don’t get it either. No one asked for a AoE cap and it will certainly make you feel gimped when you’re in a M+15 or higher trying to pull 10+ mobs (like in TD before the Sand Queen) and AoE them down ASAP and move onto the Sand Queen. Well, it won’t be like that so much anymore. Instead we have this 5 mob AoE cap that hurts a group trying to save time in a M+. So, what’s the deal, we can still pull 10 mobs but only two of us DPS can AoE only 5 enemies each? I guess the last DPS is the clean up crew since they will be able to obliterate the mobs faster due to DoT ect and contribute to 5 man AoE. But, at the same time, each player has a AoE cap of 5, so, three DPS can pull a 15 mob AoE at once hitting all 15 enemies but are unable to AoE again for a duration of time? Not sure how that works. So, if I AoE the first 5 mobs, how much longer do I need to wait until I can AoE 5 more? Until the first 5 are dead or one is dead, then AoE the remaining 4 plus 1 if it comes in LoS? :thinking: Ehh, whatever, I’ll just keep spamming Multi-Shot :man_shrugging:


dont forget those pulls on bolstering weeks LUL


I think fun is a greater aim than whatever the developers’ had in mind while making this change. Of course, I don’t completely understand what they were going for. I just have a feeling that not having an AOE cap just makes the game better for more people.


Because we’d rather you not play Demonology, remember?

EDIT: I remember those EXACT words.


I think the explanation was they don’t want you pulling 10+ groups hence the caps.


I think they’re betting on the premise that pulling more than 5 npcs in SL will get the tank wiped, but idk it’s kind of odd. That’s almost true at the current moment with the leveling experience I’ve seen so far.

50 tank pulled all the npcs from the start of stockade to the boss and was already dead after the 2nd pack, his corpse just managed to aggro the 3rd set.

It may seem wonky right now in BFA. But in Shadowlands the cap feels fine.


im sure when i make this thread in 2 months you’ll tell me it may seem wonky now cuz its only 9.0 but in 9.1 the cap will feel fine


This just in - melee dps players do not like AoE cap because they now have to compete with casters for mythic + spots.

We’ll update as more information comes in.


I’m in the Beta. I’ve actually played it. It feels fine for the most part.


I gotta say, I don’t understand the purpose of the AoE cap either.

Was it intended to even the playing field for classes with crummy AoE? Why not just buff those classes?

Seems like a sledgehammer response to a ball peen hammer problem.




Feels real bad when mobs take more time to kill than bosses.
Like Christ, I actually zoned out at one point on mobs lmao.


Slow down life is meant to be savored . :rofl: :rofl:


They fail to realize this will cause what they said they are trying to avoid.

LFM Plaguefall, or whatever dungeon -Insert non-AoE Capped class here- Only.


I like it. It’s way past time we go back to the “oh crap, I shouldn’t have pulled that much” play style.


I hope you know the AoE cap is not at all what made melees favored over casters in bfa


and if the tank does this more than once and doesn’t learn they need to stop tanking.

By all means - make me a list.

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