The AoE cap sucks

I am a fan and that is why I am still subbed and playing WoW. Not sure why you are around with the edgy emo mode.

So no matter what players think, it’s okay because it’s easier to balance…?


Dungeons have been drastically scaled back and nerfed to account for the loss of the seasonal affix and corruptions. This is not going to last.

Bare minimum eompletion isn’t everyone’s win condition. The reason people continue to do M+ and chase io score (which is arguably the most replayed content WoW has to offer since its introduction) is to improve their times, get better, and master dungeons. When you are stuck pulling 5 mobs at a time, there isn’t much to improve at all.

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Do you honestly believe you represent all players? xD

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Do you believe you represent all players? You’re arguing that it’s good.

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The feedback for the AoE cap is overwhelmingly negative.

to start

his/her opinion represents FAR more than yours


SL is going to be another awful experience just like bfa… wait and see.

Haven’t noticed. Always had the cap as fury, essentially.

The only change I’ve noticed is I can’t pull a whole dungeon at once while farming on my druid, and frankly, that was stupid and we shouldn’t have been able to solo anything to that level in the first place.

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Mastering a dungeon means employing speed, strategy and skill to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. There is nothing strategic or skillful in pulling multiple packs and AoEing them down in a big group, and speed is even debatable as AoE spells generally do less damage than single target, the only benefit they have is that they hit more monsters.

Also, I doubt you even fully grasp the AoE cap if you think that it’s a 5 target maximum per pull. Almost all tank abilities are soft capped at 20 targets. There are a few exceptions, but the vast majority of tanks are able to pull as much as they like.

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I was playing mant of characters and i rrally barely notice it.

This is spoken like somebody who has never pulled multiple packs and AoE’d them down in a big group in any relevant key level.

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Here are the abilities/talents that are hard capped for each tanking spec:

Blood DK
Heart Strike (hard cap of 5 while in Death and Decay, unchanged from BFA)

Vengeance DH
Soul Cleave (hard cap of 5)
Burning Alive (talent, hard capped at 5 targets)

Guardian Druid
Swipe (hard cap of 5)
Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc (hard cap of 3)

Brewmaster Monk
Keg Smash (soft cap of 5)
Rushing Jade Wind (hard cap of 6)

Protection Paladin
Avengers Shield (hard cap of 3 to 5 (5 if using First Avenger talent))

Protection Warrior
Revenge (soft cap of 5)
Thunder Clap (soft cap of 5)
Ravager (hard cap of 8)

If an ability isn’t listed there, it’s either uncapped, or it has a soft cap of 20.

Now if you want to expand to DPS specs, then yes, there are more AoE capped abilities there, but even in those cases the vast majority are soft-capped at 20.

Here’s the full list:

A fan boy/girl is an irrational fan, not just a fan. The fact that you conflate the two speaks volumes.

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I noticed how awful you are at typing and spelling.

How am I supposed to make the dungeon go by faster if I have to pull groups of 5 instead of the whole area? It takes longer. That is literally the strategy. Pull more for quicker dungeons. TD I cant pull the whole beach anymore I gotta pull small groups that takes longer… It sounds like you dont do any relevant content

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Read my next post where I dispel the BS that you can only pull in groups of 5.

Yeah, that’s because i have big fingers and my phone is smom af. I review the forums at 2-3 in the moring from my bed.

I am to lazy to review everyting i type. But you understand it, so thats enough.

bro the tank being able to hold aggro on groups bigger than 5 doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to if the DPS can’t hit more than 5. it’s just creating inconvenience for no reason to do so. that’s the point. pulling more mobs should reward you if you can pull it off, not just inconvenience you with no workaround.

also, you have no idea if you’ll actually be able to hold aggro or not. there is a HUGE threat modifier added when all your essence slots are unlocked in your neck. that goes away when the neck goes away.

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Maybe look at the link, and you’ll see a lot of DPS abilities also don’t have caps of 5.

Here is a full list of the 5 cap abilities:

Frostscythe (Frost DK talent)
Clawing Shadows (Unholy DK)
Blade Dance (Havoc DH)
Swipe (Feral Druid)
Beast Cleave (BM Hunter)
Multishot (BM/MM Hunter)
Carve (Survival Hunter)
Arcane Barrage (Arcane Mage)
Divine Storm (Ret Paladin)
Blade Flurry (Outlaw Rogue)
Chain Lightning (Elemental/Enhancement Shaman (Enhancement is 3 cap)
Lava Beam (Elemental Shaman Talent)
Whirlwind (Fury/Arms Warrior)
Cleave (Arms Warrior Talent)

That’s it.

If your class ability isn’t listed there, it either has a cap higher than 5, or is uncapped.

which completely reinforces the point that the MDI players will just stack whatever the best uncapped AoE ability is, defeating the purpose of Blizzard’s intention of “getting rid of degenerate gameplay” and only hurts the players who want to keep up in M+ but don’t play a class with a good uncapped ability.

I don’t know if you know this, but that’s a huge list of core AoE abilities for classes. that’s not just something to go like “SEE THAT’S IT” over.

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