Ok we tried it. AoE cap feels horrible

While I don’t understand why they did it. I really don’t have a problem with it.


I can go to any tracking site and look at the guilds in the top 100 of mythic raiding and see all kinds of ranged on their raid teams…

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Remember their Mythic Dungeon run tournaments where you brought a Warrior Tank, who excelled in AoE damage, Outlaw Rogues, who excelled in AoE damage, Havoc DHs who excelled in everything, and a Resto Druid that could weave in some pretty AoE damage as well?

So that’s all that anybody played. And they were pulling half the dungeon at a time and just ignoring mechanics and AoE’ing everything down and clearing dungeons in a third of the time.

This way you’re forced to take longer to kill things and therefore their time played metric goes up, and the more /time played you have, the more fun you’re clearly having, and that looks good on paper to your investors.

Yay everyone!!

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Nah, tanks are infallible. It’s always the healers fault.

/vote kick healer #20 from group :sunglasses: :ok_hand:


well there’s the fact that BfA dungeon design just didn’t favor casters over melees for starters. when letting casts go off means one of you get one / two tapped you tend to wanna run classes with short CD kicks and plenty of stuns instead of casters with very high CD kick or none at all.

then there’s just damage profiles like shadow priests requiring huge ramp up to do damage, which again rarely fits the mythic+ meta outside the very highest keys where trash doesnt die within 20-30 seconds.

there’s definitely other factors too, but at the very least these coupled with the fact that some casters were simply undertuned as a whole means that unless you brought some serious utility to the group, there’s not much reason to bring you over a good melee dps that brings consistent damage on both short and long fights, brings utility or team defensives like DH darkness / cage that doesnt pull combat or rogues being near mandatory for shroud skips + unrivaled mob control.

put short, casters just don’t have much that makes them appealing in melee designed dungeons, especially when some of the casters are just undertuned damage wise.

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Okay. You do that.

That’s kinda what makes guilds superior to pugging. You’re stating the obvious.

  1. Shroud of Concealment. I could write an essay on why this ability is busted, and this ability alone would be enough to solidify a Rogue in your roster of three DPS even if the class did literally zero damage because of how much this ability remedies the colossal design problems of BFA’s dungeons.

  2. Demon Hunters and Rogues having overwhelmingly good survivability to the point where they could reasonably survive mechanics that off-meta specs (melee AND ranged) couldn’t possibly hope to survive.

  3. A lot of dungeon abilities, be they from trash or from bosses, actively didn’t target melee but did actively target ranged.

  4. Fire Mages and BM Hunters didn’t get extremely good until 8.3 and then scaled wildly out of control with the Corruption Vendor. Most Ranged specs didn’t do enough damage to warrant bringing along, period, and that wasn’t because of any AoE cap.

  5. Demon Hunters and Outlaw Rogues just offer way, way too much utility. Outlaw’s damage isn’t all that insane, but it does just enough damage to justify bringing it for its ability to keep an entire five-pack locked down for 30+ seconds. Demon Hunters do great DPS and have a lot of utility as well as being nigh-unkillable.

  6. Most ranged specs just aren’t good, period. Fire Mage and BM Hunter were leagues ahead of Shadow Priest, which was the only ranged DPS spec that could compete at the most bleeding edge key pushing levels.

  7. Unholy DK is literally only good in the MDI and is actually just straight-up worse than Frost in most situations in the 8.3 meta because it needs to be pulled around super hard and requires a ton of setup. It’s strictly worse than Fire Mage in every possible way once you start pushing past a +23 level.


this doesn’t make any sense.

if you just do higher keys you won’t be able to pull “that much.”

part of the reason m+ has any longevity is because there are ways to learn how to pull bigger and do the dungeon better. the aoe cap hard prevents that, so at some point you’re only going to be able to do pulls specific ways and then there’s nothing left to learn.

pulling 4 mobs at a time is not nor has it ever been challenging.


Ah it’s not so much that. That’s always been in place. Granted how fast your group kills things plays a part in how much you can pull and stay alive.

But as a tank, I know I can pull 50 mobs so long as my group can kill them in 30 seconds. Okay, AoE cap, gonna take them 90 seconds. I can handle 30 mobs for 90 seconds and not stress me healer out. I’m going to pull 30 and just let the DPS whittle them down. :wink:

I know you weren’t the person I asked for a list from but this is nicely set out.

I agree with it.

Thank you.

no one likes playing a turret in m+ is the real reason u didnt see warlocks in m+. warlocks are fine otherwise. just not fun in m+

Fire mage was literally bis in m+ for 2 seasons.

Frost mage before that.

This just in, uninformed bad players think melee dps was op cuz of dps.

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I ran some Islands yesterday on a couple of alts, one decently geared and another freshly geared. Out of eight runs, in six of them, all three of us stayed together, pulled one small group at a time, and it seemed like it was taking forever to get that island done. But we eventually succeeded.

In the other two runs, one or both of the other folks ran off on their own, and repeatedly died. I pointed out the AOE cap (plus the fact that it seems like we are just significantly weaker after the squish than before), but only a couple of them listened. Those two runs took significantly longer than the ones where all three of us stayed together.

In one Island, we even lost the battle against the AI team on heroic. I’d never had that happen before.

A couple people commented on how bad it was and how unfun of an experience, noting that they were going to be done with islands after trying it out and finding it was way worse than expected. Can’t say that I blame them.

If Blizz was intending to kill off Islands as a feature people actually ran, they’ve taken a huge step in that direction.

Guess I’m going to have to look long and hard into my bovine soul to decide whether it’s worth farming up some more doubloons to try to finish collecting all the mounts. Very, very disappointing.

/moo :cow:


Imagine if WoW played like an MMO instead of an ARPG. Imagine if pulling 20 mobs all at once wasn’t normal. The butchered group play of retail needs the cap so that some bit of 5 man content can not be a zerg fest.


I believe this was done for “balance” reasons in M+ content. I get why but yeah it kind of sucks.

Honestly if they wanted to slow down M+ and give the opportunity for more specs to succeed they could have done this other ways. But I guess this was easiest.

It makes islands take a lot longer. rip

Bring back the need to hard CC. Sheep moon, trap star, make sure we interrupt and focus skull, then move to X and watch out for their execute/enrage phase

Yeah? :slight_smile:


Is it horrible because you can’t brush through content like you normally do?

I like the AOE cap. Challenge accepted.


you know need for hard cc / intrupts / prior kill targets exists in high keys already right?

The time it took to kill X amount of mobs never bothered me. It was always the time rounding them up. No cap on how many mobs you can hold threat against :wink:

Therefore I don’t mind the cap either


content will be brushed thru no matter what. its just how we feel while doing the content.

AOEing = fun

Not AOEing =/= fun

People who were doing bleeding edge keys will still be doing bleeding edge keys.

u ppl are so clueless.