Like I realize I might as well be an alliance poster for some of the more obsessive horde fans in here given how little I care for the factions as blocs plus I used to post on an ally toon most of the time. That said, if anything I think that some faction stories touching the various races on both sides could have worked really well as stories everyone could play through, which is why I’m somewhat interested to see where they go with the Gazlowe story.
Nah, being called a lackey isn’t anywhere near turalyon’s insult and people intentionally play dumb on this for football team bs between factions.
Edit: I mentioned this before, but geya’rah’s even pulling punches with her comment. The one that’s not had any lore moments to change from how she viewed most of the horde and the lightforged in bfa.
I realize i come off as kinda aggressive in some of my posts but I am not Anti alliance. I’m just bitter at the lack of more Horde attention after being left in what I think is a bad spot. Your Gazlowe point is a good one. I’m just pessimistic of future potential after the past couple of expansions. I am excited for Gazlowe and where it might lead. I just doubt blizz will write anything substantial for a horde character that isnt in full support mode for the Alliance heros stories. Couple of side quests does little to ease my current frustrations.
I will say that I am happy Alliance are getting a great story for their characters. The storytelling has been top notch this expansion. I just wish maybe one of the zones had some Horde development as the focus instead of just some side quests. I’m also dreading the potential time for Horde attention is going to come with some Alliance character still hogging the spotlight.
This is also where I’ve been. The writing is good where it needs to hit, but it’s baffling we have little to no horde interaction with the earthen outside of the horde player. The neutral allied race? I’m not sure that team decision helped the earthen look less like a cheap copout on giving a horde counterpart, and that’s coming from someone that genuinely enjoys the earthen as they’re developed in the expansion.
This also marks the second time the horde are there for a big battle but seemingly only exist as npc fill-ins and cameos during those parts with little to no speaking lines and bungling highmountain tauren models labeled as tauren warbraves. There is something to be said about this inattentiveness to detail for the horde, and it extends into lack of consistency and forced spotlights of certain alliance characters over other alliance that could have shined.
Anyway bookmark this post for the potential “where’s the alliance” if blizzard does this exact same format at any point going forward for horde I guess. I’m curious what they’ll do with supposed goblin raid.
honestly thats where i think most people who care about the horde are, blizzard left the horde mutilated and instead of doing anything about it, they just want to cover it up, and just ignore them in favour of an increasing cast of alliance turned “neutral” characters with a token horde character who has no arc
Literally the only thing that was alliance was the dwarf with the dwarves and Anduin with the Arathi, which we literally had almost zero human expansions outside of the 7 kingdoms.
Lacky and savages are equal in my books and I’ve been called both in real life.
Lacky = B!itch
Savage = animal.
Both is meant to tell you are lesser. I’ve been called both in real life. I also do not care in real life because that is life.
You mean the entirely of BFA? I honestly don’t care. Same with WoD. That was a huge Horde expansion.
We follow around the original dwarf racial leader for the alliance, his daughter the new dwarf racial leader, and her son as she helps out a new race of dwarves with dwarf problems for two zones. - not alliance content
We follow around Anduin with a new faction of Humans doing human paladin things as the High King of the alliance goes on vacation of self discovery - barely alliance content
Over arching Alleria, the leader of the Alliance allied race, story of her being the new dark warrior OP tyrande but this time she’s a high elf married to Turaylon a Human Paladin. Alleria a super strong and cool and edgy and hunting the big bad and constantly saving us throughout the story. - meh barely Alliance.
Gazlowe pretends to be dead, couple of horde side characters were prisoners and sneak away, setup tiny gobliny area but mostly focus on spiders again after the escape. More Anduin and Alleria. - Was excited to see horde but was pitiful representation.
Confirmed more than once throughout the campaign that alliance leaders can not die. That is a horde thing.
And then along comes Jordlen not seeing a problem. “literally the only thing that was alliance” he says.
Lmao, except one is intended as a jab at military rank and the other is a jab at race. There’s no similarity in those being “lesser” and this story is not written in a vacuum, by one person or for one set of players.
BfA and WoD had faction separate stories, so you can toss that braincell away and rummage for another one. You weren’t spending the leveling campaign of either of those expansions with the opposite faction’s leaders and you’re point blank lying if you say otherwise.
I can’t wrap my head around arguments that Anduin isn’t Alliance anymore, that he’s now neutral. It feels a lot like arguing Thrall isn’t Horde anymore. Sure, he’s been involved with questing for Alliance players, but who can seriously look at him and not immediately be reminded of the Horde?
Playing through Hallowfall was especially awkward. I don’t have a problem with the overarching story of these people, their devotion to the light, struggling with their faith. But the quests where we sit down, buy a round of drinks for Faerin and Anduin, play a board game to relax a bit, it feels a lot to me like what I imagine Alliance players felt like when they attended Thrall’s wedding, but now there’s an extra layer of cognitive dissonance. We had our time to get familiar with Anduin all the way back in MoP, had another war with him in charge on the opposing side, and now we’re running around together pretending to be best buddies. It legitimately feels like a questline developed for Alliance players that just got copy pasted over for Horde.
See, the difference is with BfA you had the entirey of Kul’tiras for for you as an Alliance players, and in WoD you had everything you’re doing with the Draenei and Yrel. Even if you really believe they were heavily Horde favored, you had huge parts of your leveling campaign dedicated to Alliance story and characters.
For the Horde in TWW it’s the questline where Gazlowe just is suddenly there and you work with him to free some prisoners, one where you go with him and Faerin to sabotage a Nerubian offensive, and then trying to learn why some Venture Co Goblins are in the Niffen settlement. In the same zone mind you that Anduin is still central, and Flynn Fairwind was involved for one questline. I was legitimately in disbelief when Flynn of all people showed up.
Never got the anger people felt over Thralls wedding. It was touching, I enjoyed it. But than again, I’m a sentimental sap so, I guess there’s that
I mean I can kind of get why it’s weird. It’s in the middle of Cataclysm when the Alliance and Horde are at war, and while Thrall is keeping out of the whole faction war, he’s still the guy who was leading the Horde up until very recently. At least then he had left the Warchief title behind, Anduin is still calling himself King of Stormwind.
I suppose that’s true. Guess it’s just my soft spot for Thrall. He’s genuinely a good dude who just wanted what’s best for his people.
But that’s me
It’s even weirder in this regard when you get the option to respond to Anduin during that round of drinks. He’s like " I tried to kill you! (in Sepulcher)" and even as horde, all you get is “That wasn’t you it’s not your fault”. No anger allowed from anyone, no calling anduin out on his mistakes, whether deserved or not. I remember criticism of dragonflight stories being too “we’re all family”, and this hits that worse imo.
I also agree, despite my former distaste for thrall and his waste of a narrative spot, he is part of the horde council and obviously a longstanding horde figure. The criticism on his character is more often, and recently, that he provides little to nothing uniquely horde, and is more about himself disconnected from those experiences. As far as The War Within’s current content, that rings the loudest in almost everything he’s a part of. Even Voss’s writing readily relates more to the forsaken and dearly departed Undercity in her beats, and she’s not the literal poster child.
Thrall seems to be one of those characters that blizz genuinely doesn’t know what to do with him. They seem want to make Thrall a semi-neutral hero character that everyone quests along with while also having him be loyal to the horde at the same time.
And you end up with this weird disconnect where those two different personalities blizz keeps writing for him end up clashing and it becomes jarring to deal with
Yeah i think there’s nothing more telling on that front than the fact that him gaining some of his shamanism back was retconned for this expansion. I don’t understand why that’s the case, it wouldn’t have made his mentor position any less important. He could have been the one stopping the sea construct and had us on a timer for it because he’s not full power anymore. Or both of them working together, given the lack of anything Jaina gets besides that.
Ill put it this way, Horde get to finally experience what it was like playing the back half of MoP as an alliance player, or dealing with the saurfang BS as an alliance player for the first time in a long time.
Yes its safe to play it so you can finally understand why all the alliance players were fed up with the horde focused stories for so long.
To be fair, if you want the full Horde experience. Alleria would have to go crazy… kill Turaylon and then we would have to siege Stormwind and kill her. I’m not sure if you realize what it is your asking for here…
Oh you mean like how they caracter assassinated Tyrande from being a you know, 10,000 year old warrior priestess who has fought more battles and wars then Varian has ever even read about, so that she could be a set piece to prop up varian?
Yeah we got our cool characters turned into losers as well.