Don’t care about faction conflict or who is more moral etc… I just want to know if Alliance leaders will talk down to you or you will lose any story content playing as Horde? Or if it just treats the player as a generic hero of all?
Don’t care about faction conflict or who is more moral etc… I just want to know if Alliance leaders will talk down to you or you will lose any story content playing as Horde? Or if it just treats the player as a generic hero of all?
The Night Elves have been absent in this expansion’s campaign, so you’re good to go.
For the most part, everyone is best friends, past transgressions are being put aside, and Alliance leaders can’t WAIT to tell you and any character that will listen about the trauma they’ve experienced.
Generic hero from what i’ve seen so far. You should be safe to play your horde character as long as you don’t mind Alliance race scenery / leaders. Mostly dwarf and Human buildings etc but they are more than happy to put you to work. I get the feeling blizzard is trying to move us towards no faction divide for players so the player characters are treated pretty neutral.
Apparently there’s one bit where an opposing-faction character makes a jab at you but from what I understand, it’s equal in that regard.
Its all alliance characters but you don’t get crap like Jaina/Tyrande/Genn screeching at you while you’re doing their job for them like in WoD->BFA, Anduin/Magni were always going to be chill towards the Champion, Alleria is too focused on Xal to care about you,and Moira is just kinda there
Spotted this on the other thread:
Oh cool, was missing Alliance characters spitting on my character, DF somehow missed having one despite half the major content updates being about the Alliance and how bad the Horde was.
There’s been a character like that every expansion since MoP. Some nerd in the writing room needs to get over being ganked by UD rogues in 2006 or whenever they were in highschool.
The alliance npcs next to him also laugh when he says this line btw.
I still think it’s weirdly left in compared to how he addresses the horde player the rest of the time before and after this specific part.
Haven’t really felt like being a part of either the Horde or the Alliance for a while now. Which does sort of beg the question why we even bother having factions at all anymore.
Because the games engine was designed with it as an assumption. Take it out and the whole thing comes apart.
To fully pull away from the factions, they would need to create a new engine. A WoW 2.0, if you will.
Ehh, I was wearing the biggest toothy grin my dislocated jaw could manage, fully outfitted in my new Forsaken regalia, wearing the Queen’s Loyalist tabard while running around the Emerald Dream alongside Tyrande.
And I say this as someone who literally quit the game as soon as I saw the tree burn in the animated warbringer’s short, and didn’t return until halfway through Dragonflight. At this point, I expect the taunts from Alliance Characters, and chuckle for the nonsense they are.
If Blizzard wants to have it’s cake and eat it too…
Then meet the inconsistency with a laugh.
I cut down Moria’s Husband, and I laugh about it every time she greets me like an old friend.
I stood on the banks of the swamp when Theramore was blown to smithereens, I helped steal the Bell, and I tried my best to carve her in two on her iceberg off the coast of Zandalar. Now Jaina and I are back to laughing together like it’s Vanilla again.
I hacked apart a ghostly representation of my anger in the form of Varian in front of Anduin, causing him to recoil, before I just stood there and watched him get flattened by a giant metal bell while Garrosh dropped the mic and flew off. I protected Zul as he set Anduin’s city on fire. I put a lot of those bodies on those boats that Anduin had a good cry over. He gets to walk in the shoes of a member of the Scourge for a couple months, and at the end I tried my best to put him out of his misery, but ended up getting to witness Arthas getting obliterated as a consolation prize. Now Anduin leans on me telling me how hard it all was, while I, a Forsaken Warrior pat him on the back and tell him he’ll be okay.
Embrace the absurdity of it all.
It don’t matter. None o’ this matters.
It feels weirdly out of pocket coming from Turyalon, especially when Trollbane is also there and would have been a better match for Geya’rah.
there are alot of issues with horde presentation in the past few expansion. not only is there lack of development for the factions, no horde npc quest giver or main horde characters. they also seem to go out of their way to make horde look well mehhhh. take the ships that land for example, the horde ships now do not have canons. when since wc1 horde ships used them and same in cata mist etc…
I too get flashes of all those times i killed and ate alliance soldiers whenever they call me friend
They don’t except for Turalyon. Which is SUPER weird because aside from Anduin and Velen he’s the only Alliance leader I’d actually expect to be diplomatic with the Horde.
It’s like Alleria and Turalyon swapped personalities offscreen.
I mean, you are what you eat…
I personally broke his multi-millennial old stalemate with the Legion and he does me like this.
Next time he needs help I’m taking the Vindicaar with me.
So far the story is HEAVILY skewed to Alliance character focus but the Champion (ie: You) is addressed the same regardless of faction with some VERY minor differences for factional flavour. (ie: Which character you’ll speak to, who gives you a quest in the campaign etc.)
This is the most noticeable I’ve encountered so far.
It’s part of the max-level campaign but it’s the same for either faction. The opposing faction’s representative (Turalyon for Horde, Geya’rah for Alliance) will make a quip about you and the grunts of either side will laugh, but that’s the only thing I noticed so far.
Holy S*** I’ve literally had this living rent free in my head since I did that quest in Hallowfall. It dawned on me after that tavern dialogue that, my Horde as is surrounded by SO many people I f***d over.
Like, Dagran literally knows I butchered his Dad, right?
The puzzle box of yogg-saron called it out years ago:
“Your crimes are numberless.”
And it has loved rent free in my head every time I step a single foot near these other characters.
Playing a DK makes this easy.
If Dagran has a problem and decides to fight, I’ll reunite him with his pops.
Yeah it’s kinda odd they went with that old ship model, especially when the Alliance got the Kul Tiran ones. You’d figure the Horde would roll in with the fresher Forsaken or Zandalari boats.