Ok to play Horde war within?

You can have a faction war and still allow players to do cross faction raiding.


You can play in warmode without the game having to bend over for the “wur in wurcruft” crowd

Yeah but you made a false implication: that you can’t have cross faction raiding if the war is happening in the story.

You were wrong and I corrected it.

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Cross faction questing, dungeons, queuing and so on and so forth. I do not merely want raiding. I’m exclusively a pve player except the rare times where the pvp is free for all because I find the factions to be a worthless storytelling vehicle that should have died at Hyjal.

Legion was alliance content. TWW so far is only alliance content. Dragonflight last 3rd was night elf content.

Surely you couldn’t get more alliance involvement than the former king, current council member, and future king of ironforge having the most involvement with what’s supposed to be a neutral allied race? Solving their problems? Helping call them to action and to war?


Both Alleria and Anduin have effectively wallked away from their Alliance roles, they are about as much Alliance as Thrall is Horde right now.

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Thrall is still pretty Horde. He counts as involvement of a Horde character, so I wouldn’t call him neutral. And I wouldn’t call Anduin and Alleria neutral either, even if they are on speaking terms with me.


Alleria leads the void elves. Unless you have a real sourve where she stepped down.

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And the void elves are at best only technically Alliance. Alleria pretty much does her own thing and her elves follow her on that.

Alleria is the original elf alliance fangirl and Umbric supports her.

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Having only Alliance characters matter? Developing only Alliance lore? Having only Alliance players have a connection to the leaders?

Can we switch to a Horde version of “defactionalized”?


It is WILD to me that there are alliance commenters on this thread (and a couple others) seriously stating that Anduin and Alleria are neutral. Probably envision next expansion Quel Thalas having void problems and Alleria and the void elves coming in and saving the day and being the main characters… maybe Velen too then complaining that Horde still arent happy. Void elves are Alliance and fought on the alliance and helped invade Undercity and kill horde right after joining the Alliance but no no… they are Neutral. They should be welcomed into Quel Thalas as the saviors and we need no actual horde characters.

We get a full lvling campaign and 4 zones of pure Alliance content with horde not even on the island. Horde “shows up” alongside snarky turalyon and give us like two quests of Thrall just standing there and the Alliance commenters are like see? horde still arent happy jeeze. Keep moving the goal post. aaaaand then we get a couple more Alleria and Anduin cinematics. Alliance commenters: I see nothing wrong here. Didnt you see thrall earlier? he was standing behind Jaina as she gave you a quest. Equal content.

Or how about the commenters talking about no faction content and true neutral whats the problem… while this “no faction / neutral content” would only make sense if we just disbanded the horde and absorbed them into the Alliance as vassals to SW. I guess we all bow to Anduin now as our boy savior with PTSD. Alliance commenters: its so weird the horde comments arent happy with that. bleh. Not saying all alliance commenters… but some of you just REALLY dont get why this thread(and others) is a thing and it blows my mind.

to OP: yes its ok to play horde. If you want to feel represented and have it make sense to root for the heroes you might want to roll alliance.


alongside snarky turalyon

You know who else was making Snarky comments? Geya’rah. The quest Turalyon makes a snary comment, so does she against the alliance. You know what this implies via context clues? Cheeky ribbing between warriors.

I play as an undead warlock and I also laughed when he called me a savage. Like…yeah…we were savage when we attacked the alliance and the alliance are milk drinkers with all deep in their feelings. That is part of the warrior mentality of ripping into each other in jest.


tbf it doesn’t take long to realize a good chunk of them never argue in good faith


Don’t really have a problem with Turalyon being snarky. Him crackin jokes kinda falls under being snarky. I do also realize Geya’rah snarks. Of my entire post its weird that is what you focus on?

Horde: we have an entire leveling experience of alliance, all the main story characters are alliance. Horde would like more representation and development. Turalyon is snarky.

Alliance: Well actually I also play a horde character so im totally not biased. Geya’rah is snarky too. See. Horde representation. Stop complaining silly horde and enjoy another Anduin cinematic.


Turalyon being an idiot is far less annoying than Genn’s smugging in BFA or Tyrande/Jaina going full karen on you when you’re helping their sisters/friend respectively.


tbf Gazlowe is positioned in a way that at least hints at him getting a bigger role in patches, assuming this doesn’t become an abandoned thread (The Goblin Way being part of the pre-expansion promo stories, however, feels like it should calm the people who want more horde presence imo)


Shockingly Anduin actually admits his role in BFA kicking off. That’s neat.

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well, thats a first