It doesn’t.
I’ve tried.
I mean it does let you stop channels from popping up - there’s a thing where it says “don’t show this channel” or something.
I watch a lot of Warcraft related videos, and his face would pop up as suggested. Then I found out I could stop that, and I haven’t seen that face since.
Imagine the Horde gaining something great without losing something else first. Would be a dream.
On PC or phone?
On my iPhone. I don’t really use the Forums or You tube on my PC very much, usually have it going on my phone while I play.
It says “do not suggest content from this channel” and I clicked that when his content was suggested - and he has never popped up again.
Yep, His WOW main is a Human Warrior. I’ve watched a few vids of him playing other games and he’s stated several times he plays as a self-insert if there’s a character creator, so he always chooses Humans.
I do, for entertainment purposes.
It’s funny in a very sad way. Like you imagine this guy has a poster-board with Alliance characters’ faces on it with angry red Xs drawn across them, with a big heart around an old, mysteriously stained picture of Sylvanas.
Personally, I loved the faction conflict in BFA. It was handled TERRIBLY because there was zero player agency - I switched all my Horde characters (from Vanilla) to Alliance because I didn’t have a choice. But it made me hate the Horde. It made me feel something.
I do hope they address what happened rather than continue with this instant best friend retcon. I think I read that the Night Elves are going to leave the Alliance. I really hope they do. It is time for actions to have consequences in this story.
We’re restoring the elven empire in midnight baby! (Joke aside, they absolutely are not changing a race’s faction unless they break the players away from the factions for good, it’s literally not doable; they already teased blood elves leaving the horde in Mists and it was equally unfeasible from a technical standpoint, so a completely hollow thing to dangle in story)
Oh, there’s no question they can’t make a third faction (just yet). I should clarify - what if the leaders of the Night Elves left the Alliance? Or, to throw some dirt on the Alliance, what some leaders of the Night Elves went nuts and genocided a Horde race?
They said the faction war is returning. For the sake of balance, I hope Alliance instigate this time AND they give players agency.
Yeah, that was kind of the problem with BfA. It energized half the playerbase (and only one half) against the other half of the playerbase.
I can imagine it being framed as something like,
Nelves: “We’re moving back into Ashenvale. All Horde, leave. This is not a request.”
Random Horde civvies: “But we live here now, the council said it was okay. We’re staying”
Nelves: “Told you it wasn’t a request” Arrow volley
Half of the Horde-base want to be the good guys, which was the problem. The faction war was and is still dead for obvious reasons and thankfully it will not come back anytime soon.
Losing the faction barriers (not the identity) will give the game a needed boost.
59% of all players that did the war campaign sided with Sylvanas.
No faction war. No talking down to you. The plot characters treat you as if you were Alliance.
The Horde is basically invisible. Might as well not exist.
If? I mean they have already wiped out the Stoneware Tauren. And the have a list of attempted genocides.
What you mean is what if the Blizzard had the Alliance have consequences for a genocide?
True… but the VAST majority of players were Horde. Most people are here for the gameplay.
There’s no Alliance involvement either. This expansion has pretty much been de factionalised. There are the obligatory PVP battlegrounds but they are completely decoupled from the storyline so far.
I can totally sympathise and understand the frustration Horde players may feel having to do quests for the Arathi, but they are NOT Alliance. And the other power players are not part of the faction picture.
Even if that’s true, it doesn’t make it better.
I believe Erevien meant “No Horde character involvement [to speak of].” And there definitely is Alliance character involvement.
They say a lot of things, unless players are detached from the factions, bringing back the war is going to screw over a lot of guilds for a storyline that has not, will not and cannot be handled properly by Bliz.
Also I doubt a new faction war would be started by night elves if the intent was for night elves to bail on the alliance.