Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

I am a DPS. No tank spec or heal spec… so no azurite is better than some for me! Plus heroic dungeons sound painful.

people can initiate a kick for whatever reason they want.

the random queue system doesn’t mean other people in the party are forced to play with you.


No, your right. But people shouldn’t have to be kicked for playing a spec they like to play and be forced to play another spec they don’t want to play either.

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The solution is in your own hands: preform your own groups. Forcing 2 people to conform to 1 person’s preference is never going to happen.

Feel free to hit me up @ Ragnoiros or Ruddypiper both on Sargeras. I like pulling big and mass cleaving in IE so tossing me some heals in between mining and opening chests is perfectly okay with me.

Now just hoping lots of pet battle players come back in 8.2 for the new dungeon so I can offload all these pets I keep getting while looking for Dragon and Parrot mounts!


But people are pricks.

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I like that you use the word “suffer”, because in that case kicking someone is legit, since penalties based on bad behavior are a good policy. But, kick someone because he is not the class or spec you want, in a game where the rules are that any class and spec is accepted by the queue mechanichs of the game, is not legit. Any spec and class in that case have the right to play the islands, because the game was designed to allow it. Ask to a blue guy or a Blizzard GM what he thinks about.

Not to mention, as the OP said before, that have one healer is also a really good strategy: pull a lot of mobs while the healer keep the dps a live. Those poeple who kick healers in the island they are not only jerks, but bad players also.


Kicking function is working fine.

Non issue, moving on.

I always vote to kick people who show up to island in healing spec. Healing specs aren’t needed in islands and I wanna get that crap done asap so anyone who comes as a healer is just slowing it down or actually making it more difficult to win.

Tank in IE’s is valuable. Healer, not so much.

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No role is particularly needed. You can run around mining and opening chests, particularly when the Race invaders show up and freeze a bunch or if you have some form of stealth.

You can run around mass pulling with run of the mill DPS with healer support while the healer mines, picks up the orb spawns, and opens the chests.

If you can solo obliterate IE’s and want speed runs, get 2 friends to queue and either help or log out alts AFK on the boat. You don’t need to punish other players because you are in too big of a hurry.

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You don’t get to decide what is legit for other people. To those other people, they’re looking at the possibility of carrying dead weight. Any spec and class doesn’t have a ‘right’ to play IEs. They have the ability to, but not the right. You don’t need healers on IEs. Good players throw off heals, use damage mitigation skills/spells, CC if needs be, utilize the buff items you can buy with dubloons, and collect healing orbs. Healers aren’t necessary for IEs at all.

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I guess when it comes to IE i’ve been pretty lucky not getting kicked. Even when I split off to do my own thing healer or not. I will say I do get a good laugh when they struggle to kill the rare/ mobs and continue to run away from me :rofl:

What they need to do is change the log to show how much azerite each player is collecting

Sure? Ask to any Blizzard dev, a blue guy, an in game GM. I’m pretty sure that they are on my side in this one.

You’re misusing the term. What rights we have are outlined in the TOS. Nowhere does it say that people are obligated to play with all specs/classes. Otherwise, Blizzard wouldn’t have spent time balancing classes, adding and taking away skills and abilities to entice the playerbase to ‘bring the player, not the class’. If your logic stands, they could’ve simply said, ‘kicking someone due to their class/spec combo is against TOS, and is punishable.’ But they haven’t, and it’s not. The OP can play IEs, and maybe they’ll find a group, or form their own, that wants or tolerates a healer, or they can go DPS. Those are their choices.

Now you are talking about something diferent. What you said was:

Try to explain me how is that first, and then i will answer you.

A right implies something something that’s a legal entitlement, in this case, something outlined in the TOS. It’s not. The OP has the ability and opportunity to play IEs, they just don’t want to play the way that will offer them the greatest chance for opportunity and success. That’s their choice.

If for some reason Assassination, the spec I play, was decidedly subpar for a particular aspect of gameplay, I can do as the OP has, and take my chances that random people will not care and play with me anyways, or I will pick a more desirable spec. But nowhere in any rules set aside by Blizzard, am I entitled to basically force other people to carry me if I am playing a spec that isn’t optimal for the gameplay I’m choosing to partake in.

What if that 3rd player in the IE follows you around and doesn’t do anything? Maybe hits an azerite once in awhile or opens a chest? Wouldn’t it feel like a carry? Essentially, that’s what a healer feels like for some groups. I do a LOT of islands every week. I group up with another player that pulls large mobs on whatever toons he plays. We then AOE them down and gather up the remaining azerite. The IEs in which we have 3 players with a similar mindset are my favorite since they go so fast and are efficient. Is that the norm? Nope. Tons of times we have under-geared “heroes” as the 3rd that get queued in with us that love to go around by themselves and spend the majority of the time dying. As long as they don’t stand around afk on the boat or hiding somewhere else on the island I don’t care. But if the 3rd person simply followed us around and hit a healing spell once in a while I admit I would be annoyed. I wouldn’t kick from the outset, but I would sigh heavily if I got them in the next island that we queued for.

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Oh, this is fun now. So, the OP was a low level character? a fresh 120 with low ilevel? a noob maybe? And then he needed tobe carried. That’s good, you don’t even know his ilevel, or if he/she is good or bad playing, but you already has sentenced that he was going tobe carried.

I only kick people AFKing. Other than that, I don’t really care. But the OPs sense of entitlement, that they have rights to a stranger’s time and effort, is kind of ridiculous.